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Remember back when we played the Broncos in week 12 and we all shit our pants because that dooshnozzle Chris Harris Jr. went for Gronk’s knees? Well he basically said he’s gonna do the same thing again this weekend:
Broncos cornerback Chris Harris Jr. was asked this week during an appearance on ESPN’s “SportsCenter” how to tackle Gronk, and his answer centered around one glaring weak spot for the tight end. “You gotta hit him low, man — hit him in his knees,” Harris told ESPN, via Business Insider. “That’s the best chance you have of hitting him.” He added: “You gotta take his legs out or hold on and wait for everybody, wait for the gang to come on and gang tackle him.”
Translation – I’m too much of a coward to try to tackle him by the chest or waist, so I’m gonna try to end his career instead. That’s what he’s saying. And yes, I know it’s perfectly legal to do so, but you just look like such a naniburger by admitting it. I mean, you’re an NFL defensive back. Tackling is what you do. And you’re basically admitting that Gronk is your Daddy. The mere fact that he exists is unfair. So to level the playing field you’re gonna play dirty.
Luckily Gronk doesn’t seem to give a shit and emasculated him on the Twitter machine:
I love this man. We will never, ever see anything like him ever again. Not only is he a monster on the field, but he’s the most entertaining person off the field too. The thing with most of these “entertainment” guys is that they’re usually gigantic assholes who let their private lives interfere with their work. Not Gronk though. He gets wasted, hooks up with porn stars, makes blowjob jokes on Twitter, and he’s still the first one in the weight room on Monday. He is the perfect man and the perfect Patriot. The fact that God allowed him to slip to us in the second round of the draft is yet another example of how God loves us more.
I can’t wait for this game on Saturday. All this Broncos team is doing this week is talking shit. One of their idiot linebackers is claiming that Gronk is only good because he pushes off, and blah, blah, blah. Because it’s always a good idea to give the Patriots extra bulletin board material. That always works out well. I cannot fathom a way in which we don’t go in there and emasculate them.
The two weeks that lead up to the Super Bowl are always infinitely better when the Patriots are playing. I’m getting moist just sitting here thinking about it.
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2 Comment(s)
I don’t know man. Chris Harris Jr. has just poked the bear. As if the Patriots were not already getting set to up there in Denver and hand them all new asses. But now the bear got poked and on top of it all now we have anger. And plenty of it.
If Harris tries any of this bush league bullshit then I hope Gronk and the O line pick Harris up, crunch him up like a little piece of paper and toss him in the nearest trash bin then close the lid. Closing the lid on the 2016 Bronco’s season will follow. GO PATS!
The game is actually Sunday 305 start…… just sayin’