Social Justice Warriors

BU Professor Saida Grundy Encourages Rioting, Openly Hates White College Males And BU Is Cool With It

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A bunch of people have sent us this link from a website called It’s a hot take expose, written by a UMass junior (who we need to reach out to and collaborate with because he is really good at his craft), about a newly hired Boston University professor of, you guessed it – Sociology and African-American studies. And she’s tweeted some pretty racist things that basically shows that she has every intention of teaching her students to be the next generation of racists. As you know by now, Turtleboy Sports is well-known for identifying who the REAL racists are in our society. And one of these people is Saida Grundy. Here’s what she’s had to say on the Twitter machine:

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She tweeted this in March too: “White masculinity isn’t a problem for America’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.

So let me get this straight. Saida Grundy is going to be teaching a whole bunch of white boys at BU in the near future. And she’s going into her job while publicly stating that “white college males” are a “problem population.” Not just SOME white college males, like the Oklahoma frat boys from the racist video. ALL white college males. They are all a “problem population.” I’m sure white dudes will definitely get a fair shake in her class next year. Definitely.

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Yea, what better way to honor a man who “had a dream” and said that one day he hoped that “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers,” than by boycott small businesses because the owners of the store happen to be white. Sure, if she’s boycotting a pizza shop or a restaurant, it’s almost guaranteed that the owner’s ancestors lived in Europe when MLK made this speech, and thus had ZERO to do with oppression. But you should never let the truth get in the way of some good ol’ fashioned race-baiting.

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Yea NPR, how dare you interview black neighborhood residents who don’t like their neighborhoods being burned to the ground by rioters. You should be ENCOURAGING the Baltimore rioters like Saida Grundy is. LOL. We said it before and we’ll say it again. Anyone who DOES NOT have to live in that neighborhood in Baltimore and is encouraging rioting and looting on social media, hates black people. It’s the only explanation for this racist behavior. You’re sitting there in a perfectly safe enviornment, far-removed from the madness, and you’re encouraging rioters to destroy the only store that black people have to buy groceries and medicine. Only a racist would do somethingl ike that. Saida Grundy is a certifiable racist.

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LOL. This is a new one. Rioting is OK because everyone who works in financing is a criminal. Gotcha. Burning down a CVS, destroying public and private property, and attacking police officers is now the same thing as trading mutual funds with another guy in a suit. This seems like a perfectly SANE individual who DEFINITELY is qualified to teach.

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She’s referring to the African-American mother who become a national hero when she dragged her idiot son out of the Baltimore riots and smacked some sense into him (literally) in front of rolling cameras. Everyone agrees that this mother did the right thing by getting him out of there, because rioting is a bad thing.

That is, everyone except for my girl Saida. If she was his mother she’d encourage him to keep rioting. Which seems like a really, really safe thing to do. This tells us one of two things. Either Saida doesn’t have kids (because no parent would ever LET their kids join the Baltimore riots), or she’s a really, really shitty parent.

Then came the Bruce Jenner tweets:

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Ya see that right there? That’s why politics sucks. Because the people that run political parties make you go along with EVERYTHING they believe in. Bruce Jenner is probably pretty liberal when it comes to social issues like transgender equality. So that means he’s not allowed to be conservative on other stuff? Yea, there’s nothing blatantly fascist about that. Saida Grundy has your back Bruce, so long as you blindly follow every other opinion outlined in the democratic platform. She’ll support your transitioning, so long as you never wanna buy a gun or have a problem with the government taking all your money and giving it to deadbeats. Then you can take your transgendered ass and go fuck yourself.

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Right. Because every single white person in this country has an ancestor who owned slaves and opposed abolitionism. The only reason slavery was ended was because Abraham Lincoln, America’s first black president, finally put an end to that. Ya know what? If people could stop blaming honkies like me for an injustice neither I nor my ancestors had anything to do with 200 years ago, that would be great.

The bottom line is that this woman is a danger to society. It’s one thing if she was some nobody ranting and raving on the Twitter machine with her racist rants. But she’s teaching the next generation that they should be encouraged to riot, boycott white businesses, and stay away from white college boys, because they’re so problematic. All of them.


Our policy at Turtleboy Sports is to love everyone until they give us a reason not to love them. Saida Grundy has done that with her blatant racism. But what’s REALLY fucked up about this is that BU has her back:

Boston University spokesman Colin Riley told Fox that the school stands by it’s decision to hire Ms. Grundy and said she is “exercising her right to free speech.”

LOL. I love when people don’t understand the First Amendment. Especially when they’re the spokesperson for a major and respected university. Colin Riley is correct. Saida Grundy does have the right to exercise free speech. But she doesn’t have a right to be a professor at Boston University and force her racism upon students.

If Saida Grundy was a white dude who said these things about people of color, she’d have been fired a long time ago. But since she’s “diverse” she gets to keep her job and has the full support of the BU administration. But please, tell me more about this “white privilege” thing.


The hippies will tell you that there is no such thing as racism against white people. I’m not even kidding either. Even local hippies like Joyce McNickles, Old Balls, and Keesha LaTulippe are on record several times saying that.

But think for a minute if the roles were reversed in this situation. What would happen if a white professor at BU said that “black females are a problem population?” It would get 24/7 coverage. There would be boycotts, marches, and a Justice Department investigation.

But we’ve allowed insane radicals like the Coming Together Circlejerk to not only spew their hate, but infiltrate higher education. Their racism is contagious, and apparently CNN and all the other fraudulent news outlets that don’t have this story as their headliner, are just COOL with it.

What’s really fucked up about this for me is a story we wrote about BU in March of 2014. BU Women’s Basketball coach Kelly Greenberg was one of the most succesful coaches in the country. She’d been there since the beginning of time, and she got results because she was a hardass coach.


But the school had ZERO problem firing her because a bunch of loser nobodies who couldn’t get off the bench complained that she hurt their feelings by yelling at them in practice. The Boston Globe was all over the bullying story, and sided with the loser girls who couldn’t hit their free throws. But yet on this issue they have not even mentioned it, and I have to read about it on and Reddit.

Now this same school is standing by a professor who hasn’t even officially started working there yet. Boston University has more loyalty to a racist piece of human garbage who has contributed NOTHING to the University, than they do to a person who has changed the lives of countless young women by instilling discipline and guidance.

Anyone who continues to support this garbage by sending their kids to BU is part of the problem. But alumni shoud be up in arms over this too. It’s an embarrassment and makes your degree look like a joke. If the school is cool with uneducated morons like this teaching there, then I have to assume that she’s not the only one. And therefore your degree is pretty worthless because the people who taught your classes are morons.

The BU office of alumni relations phone number is 617-353-5261. The Director of the African-American Studies center is John Thornton, and his email is Feel free to shoot him an email and flood his inbox so that he knows the general public has a problem with the fact that one of his underlings is spreading racism and hate onto students.

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49 Comment(s)
  • reb
    May 14, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    Your writing and reasoning skills are terrible. You are, unfortunately, blind to your own racist perspective and framing of this article. Your distortion is the problem. You make terrible leaps of judgement and probably for sensationalist reasons. You insert meaning in her comments that is obviously your own take-away, and it’s showing your ass. You support your claims with zero evidence. You literally take a joyride on the possible meanings of her words for your own pleasure. You are what’s wrong with journalism these days. Please download grammarly. Its free. If you can’t even spell and proofread, why be a ‘writer’? This reeks. On so many levels. Enjoy your comfort zone. And if you think I’m dissing you personally, or your politics, you are missing the point. Do better.

  • John Farn
    May 13, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    Will white males be boycotting her classes or demanding her dismissal?
    She should take diversity training courses before she’s allowed to teach at BU.

  • Talk about irony
    May 12, 2015 at 6:02 am

    Did a white person make her hair straightener?

  • Bill
    May 11, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    For every white slave owner their were 5 whites fighting for their freedom. The first slave owner in America was a ack man named Anthony Johnson

  • jeff
    May 11, 2015 at 3:50 pm

    I would say that the cause for urban violence is black masculinity; or the lack thereof. Thanks to the likes of prof Saida it seems feminity shares in the problem population.

  • confused
    May 11, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    and if anyone tries to speak against this person, they’re racist. 4th generation Italian Immigrants who escaped Fascism, RACIST WHITEY

  • MarineVet
    May 11, 2015 at 10:29 am

    I hope that all of her children bring home white spouses and all of her grandchildren are of mixed race…

    Bet her head would explode LOL
    Racist POS

  • The.Kurgen
    May 11, 2015 at 9:32 am

    this woman is by definition a racist piece of trash, she should be strung up and used as a pinata. I’m personally offended by her tweets and can’t believe that Boston University would allow such a bigotted person to teach anything to anyone.

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    May 10, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    I would love to craft some lengthy rant against this racist, but it’s just not worth it. The fact she can make these statements and garner support by BU speaks volumes to improved “race relations” encouraged by our commander and chief.

    • Steve Gambone
      May 10, 2015 at 8:17 pm

      DM there are lots of reasons ranting against this Nazi queen is worth the effort. She rose to power because people didn’t take a stand against her. Many out of fear but also those who thought she wasn’t worth the effort. She’s never really had to battle. She’s just a spoiled brat princess all grown up dimwitted and nasty.

      A better reason to rant against her is the sheer fun of it. The Turtles can go at her and cost BU millions of Alumni and tuition dollars. Even the President would have to distance himself from her Nazi beliefs. The anti-Turtle press wouldn’t know what to do next.

      Grundy is a serious threat but knocking this racist Queen her off her high horse in a fun yet serious way is worth the effort.

      • Carlo's Daddy
        May 10, 2015 at 10:34 pm

        What a complete asshole that bitch is……she’s preaching racial harmony??

        Fucking asshole…

        • Steve Gambone
          May 11, 2015 at 6:55 am

          Carlo’s Daddy she’s preaching black supremacy.

          The Nazi Queen Grundy is on an anti-Jew hunt. Her final solution to the race problems in America is to wipe out all the non-blacks.

          A lot of Jewish folks fought in the battles for Civil Rights, some died. Grundy pays them no respect. The Nazi Queen fights to blackball all whites during MLK week so she can wipe out Jewish business folks.

          This Nazi racist Queen is the Hitler’s girlfriend of our time.

      • Devils Mouthpiece
        May 11, 2015 at 9:46 am

        You know, you are correct. I’m just so tired of these double standards where american-blacks can say pretty much whatever they want, While the remainder of us are racist no matter what. Just shows how totally ignorant and brainwashed the PC crowd is. Franky, it’s racist morons like Grundy and the terrorists in Baltimore and Ferguson that are making me completely unsympathetic to any of their issues. Particularly when there are hard working people of all walks of life willing to step up to the plate, make a difference and improve their quality of life. All the while a group of folks just want handouts and cant fit into society. And I’m referring to all races, not just american-blacks. Although, they do seem to have some outspoken folks with a huge chip on their shoulder and like in this case can get away with saying whatever they want.

        • Aramita Ross
          May 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm

          The entire institution of slavery is a blue eye to American History. That is why it is not taught. And, the more we pretend it did not happen and does not exist the more it will haunt us. Black rage and White privilege are real. Black racial distrust and White racism is real. Black anger and White anger is real. We should not negate them. Instead we need to discuss why they exist and how to move past. This country commends people to therapy on matters of family and social issues but will not take time to set up conversations like national debates to discuss matters of race in the country. It has only been 47 years since black Americans were given the RIGHT per the law to walk through the front door of an establishment. 47 measly years. The abolition of slavery did not change the situation for black people. It only shifted the laws and made The Jim Crow era supreme. Black people have a right to be angry. And, white people have the right to defend themselves against that angry. The problem is both are standing on different sides of the fence trying to scream their positions out and like silly kids of the school ground no one is being heard. I pray for this nation daily. She needs it. The blood of so many innocent lay on her hands and in the end she will give an account. I only hope God will show mercy. God bless.

          • Steve Gambone
            May 11, 2015 at 8:28 pm

            White Jewish folks and other whites who disagree with Hip-Nazi Grundy don’t have the “privilege” to be a part of the conversation.

            Grundy is a black racist. Don’t deny she exists.

  • TaxesOnlyForKntervemtions
    May 10, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    Sorry; “lord commander” and I love that a non-skilled intellectually inferior millennial cupcake calls herself this.

    Too easy.

  • TaxesOnlyForKntervemtions
    May 10, 2015 at 5:15 pm

    Time for her to be ejected into the private sector. This is the place where real discrimination happens: this is where people with productive skills lord Colman over doofuses with nothing but strong opinions. This genius is clearly in the latter crowd.

  • May 10, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    The white slave owners bought the slaves from black Africans. Oddly, she doesn’t point out that slaves were sold by their own countrymen.

    • Wabbitt
      May 11, 2015 at 12:28 am

      She also doesn’t point out that every ethnic group had people who owned slaves. Nope, to her ilk slavery begins and ends with white American men.

    • Aramita Ross
      May 11, 2015 at 6:57 pm

      We cannot negate the purchase with the color of the seller. Both were wrong. The entire institution of slavery is a blue eye to American History. That is why it is not taught. And, the more we pretend it did not happen and does not exist the more it will haunt us. Black rage and White privilege are real. Black racial distrust and White racism is real. Black anger and White anger is real. We should not negate them. Instead we need to discuss why they exist and how to move past. This country commends people to therapy on matters of family and social issues but will not take time to set up conversations like national debates to discuss matters of race in the country. It has only been 47 years since black Americans were given the RIGHT per the law to walk through the front door of an establishment. 47 measly years. The abolition of slavery did not change the situation for black people. It only shifted the laws and made The Jim Crow era supreme. Black people have a right to be angry. And, white people have the right to defend themselves against that angry. The problem is both are standing on different sides of the fence trying to scream their positions out and like silly kids of the school ground no one is being heard. I pray for this nation daily. She needs it. The blood of so many innocent lay on her hands and in the end she will give an account. I only hope God will show mercy. God bless.

  • Steve H.
    May 10, 2015 at 11:28 am

    Steve Gambone- Interesting rebuttal, pard.

  • Jafreese
    May 10, 2015 at 8:45 am

    Another new trend is telling white people that they cannot comment on these situations because they are not black and do not understand how blacks feel. But that logic contradicts the statement itself. Blacks can’t comment on white feelings/actions because they’ve never been white. So either we should all be able to discuss the situation, or everyone should just shut the fuck up. I’m on the fence to which I would prefer

    • Steve Gambone
      May 10, 2015 at 9:07 am

      Well Jafreese modern science says we can all trace our ancestry back to Africa, the place where all humans began.

      So whenever someone accuses me of being racist against blacks I just play my itty, bitty race card.

      I’m just embracing my African ancestors, speaking in my black voice, while I gangsta rap in black-speak.

      Grundy is a teachy black ho. How much will she blow a young mind fo’?
      Ask her pimps, they’re at BU. How much for a Grundy mind screw?
      She won’t teach no white Jews during MLK week.
      Just tellin’ you da news in gangsta rap speak.

  • Steve Gambone
    May 10, 2015 at 7:52 am

    “Close Your Mind Blacken Your Heart” song lyrics
    Copyrightⓒ 2015 Stephen Gambone All Rights Reserved.
    written starting at 7:17 A.M. 5/10/15
    (Dedicated to the Turtles.)

    Close your mind… blacken your heart
    BU’s the place to get a great start.
    It cost so much money
    it’s not even funny.
    Pay BU their price and they’ll blacken your heart.

    Lo Ho! Listen to Grundy preach to her flock like a Nazi on Sund’y.
    Lo Ho! Her class is a beach. Normandy fought just so she can teach.

    She’ll hate speech you… if you’re a white Jew
    like any Nazi Queen would do.
    She’ll close your mind and blacken your heart.
    Grundy will feed you… a la hate carte.
    Like a French hooker this racist Queen booker
    does her Nazi licks with her turn your mind tricks.

    Lo Ho! Her class is a beach. BU says, “We love her free speech.”
    BU cost so much money it’s not even funny.
    Pay BU their price and she’ll blacken your heart.

    Who will take a stand, who will fight for right… against her?
    Who shouts what BU planned, sites with Turtle might… against her?
    How can we be free… from sea to shining sea…
    when BU teaches youth that she is right?
    All day.. all night.. like at Normandy at night..
    shine the light.. with Turtle might.. ….
    We FIGHT!

    LO black Ho! BU is your beach. A dark Normandy fight within online reach.
    We can cost BU money… so much that it’s funny.
    Hear how it starts… BU pays the price…
    to let her blacken young hearts.

  • May 10, 2015 at 1:36 am

    They should string that NIGGER up in the middle of BU!!

    • Barak OTurtle
      May 10, 2015 at 4:50 am

      Ignorant. Comments like this validate the circle jerk.

      • RJ
        May 10, 2015 at 6:32 am

        Comments like that are probably made by them.

        • Beetle
          May 10, 2015 at 7:19 am

          Sad thing is, you’re probably right.

    • Lord Commader
      May 10, 2015 at 5:19 pm

      This IP address is from Stton. Joyce, please turn off your computer and change Carlo.

    • Joyciepoo
      May 10, 2015 at 5:23 pm

      Why does she straighten her hair? Seriously??.!!z,

    • Carlo's Daddy
      May 10, 2015 at 10:42 pm

      She’s an asshole for her thoughts, but you deserve to be stung up for that language.

      I love TBS, but fucking assholes like you give the blog a bad name……go kill yourself, asshle.

    • confused
      May 11, 2015 at 11:58 am

      You can deduce that this was certainly by the circle jerk. No one would make that comment and use the header “Whiteboy” its obvious an attempt to smear.

    • Aramita Ross
      May 11, 2015 at 6:50 pm

      The use of the word Ni**er on this post does not surprise me. It was only 47 years ago that black Americans had to walk through the back door of public establishments. There is so much hatred in this country towards people because of their color on both sides. But, until people began to be honest about it, things will never change. And, honesty is not spewing hateful words like “string that ni**ger up in the middle of bu.” Here is a little history lesson to help you understand where you go that mentality from Mr. White Boy. For 400 years Africans were brought to America and sold as free labor. Capitalism works best with free labor. A lot of white Americans got rich and many others created generational wealth off the labor of black bodies. Many of the schools that are predominately white were actually built by this slave labor. Meanwhile, those very slaves were not allowed to even attend these schools even after the establishment of slavery. Now, here is a fun fact: slavery was abolished in the United States via The Constitution in 1865. The years between 1930 and 1865 is a merely 65 years. Furthermore, The Jim Crow Laws ruled from 1865 to 1968. Meaning, black Americans were not created “equal” and did not have the same rights as white Americans. They did not have access to housing rights, ownership of business rights or loans to start businesses. These are the basic tenants of the middle class. Though black Americans were “freed” in 1865 they were not “equal” and were not allowed the same jobs, voting rights and privileges as their white counterparts. Moving forward, the time between 1968 (when the laws shifted to free AND equal under the Civil Rights Act) and 2015 has been a measly 47 years. The hardest part about doing this math is getting white Americans to see the timeline. Black Americans have attempted many times to get on the right track. Places like Black Wall Street in Tulsa and in North Carolina were attempts to create wealth and status using business and education. But, like many other attempts, these places were bombed and destroyed by white American rioters. I do not know what the answer to all the racism in this country will be. But, what I do know is this — white people pretending that white privilege does not exist or that the timeline to black American freedoms (freed bodies and rights) is a non-factor to many of the issues of education and poverty facing black people in this country will not move us forward as a nation. God bless.

  • IveHeardThisBefore
    May 10, 2015 at 12:41 am

    A certain German despot once identified a “problem population”. How’d that turn out again?

  • Wabbitt
    May 10, 2015 at 12:00 am

    As a third generation American whose great-grandparents came from England, France, and Canada around the turn of the twentieth century, I’m so glad to be reminded on a daily basis how slavery is all my fault.

    • JayC
      May 10, 2015 at 1:38 pm

      “Right. Because every single white person in this country has an ancestor who owned slaves and opposed abolitionism.”

      Seriously, prior to the early 1900’s – when slavery had long since been abolished in the USA – my great-grandparents that came to this country were in Italy or Canada. My spouses great-grandparents were in the U.K. and Eastern European counties (being descriminated and killed mind you). The story above is probably very similar for many third generation Americans having a absolutely ZERO connection to slavery.

      For this professor, to have such dangerous and racist views and still be allowed to influence our youth is disgusting. With those publically expressed views how can the school have any confidence that am she will be fair to white males in her class or on school grounds.

      • Aramita Ross
        May 11, 2015 at 6:44 pm

        “Seriously, prior to the early 1900’s – when slavery had long since been abolished in the USA” — this does not make sense. Slavery was abolished in the United States via The Constitution in 1865. The years between 1930 and 1865 is a merely 65 years. Furthermore, The Jim Crow Laws ruled from 1865 to 1968. Meaning, black Americans were not created “equal” and did not have the same rights as white Americans. They did not have access to housing rights, ownership of business rights or loans to start businesses. These are the basic tenants of the middle class. Though black Americans were “freed” in 1865 they were not “equal” and were not allowed the same jobs, voting rights and privileges as their white counterparts. Moving forward, the time between 1968 (when the laws shifted to free AND equal under the Civil Rights Act) and 2015 has been a measly 47 years. The hardest part about doing this math is getting white Americans to see the timeline. Black Americans have attempted many times to get on the right track. Places like Black Wall Street in Tulsa and in North Carolina were attempts to create wealth and status using business and education. But, like many other attempts, these places were bombed and destroyed by white American rioters. I do not know what the answer to all the racism in this country will be. But, what I do know is this — white people pretending that white privledge does not exist or that the timeline to black American freedoms (freed bodies and rights) is a non-factor to many of the issues of education and poverty facing black people in this country will not move us forward as a nation. God bless.

        • Woodiculous
          May 11, 2015 at 8:42 pm

          Amrita is making good sense, and thank you! Speaking honestly, without reactionary vitriol is what we need. Facts and more facts.

          This, of course, is NOT what the Justice Deaprtment wants to do.

          Let’s evict the Justice Dept . and ask Amarita to step in as a discussion moderator. She speaks facts, regardless of. Any predispositions that she may or may not have

  • mystery
    May 9, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    If anyone wants to contact her about her behavior: address: 100 cummington mall, suite 260, Boston Mass, 02215; phone: 404-664-5022;

  • oneopinion
    May 9, 2015 at 9:41 pm

    When I got into my schools I wanted to go to BU and told my mom I wanted to be a marine biologist (because I wanted to live in Boston) but she called bs. I went to Umass Amherst which I’m sure had to have been worse than BU but now that I read this I respect my mom more than ever. I remember when I got into BU all that I could think of was that if I moved out of state after graduation that people would confuse it with BC. There was no way on earth I ever would have been admitted to BC even if my mom was a scrillionaire. Now that I read this I’m so happy that I never paid the BU premium. The distinction between UMass and BU is much fainter now than it was just ten years ago.

  • Cismannopretty
    May 9, 2015 at 8:00 pm

    Hey, lord commander-too bad we own everything. But, hey, you can definitely have it, just make sure you get your ass up at 5 am every day and make sure your living wage snowflakes with paid no show leave do too.

    Otherwise, I’ll see you lose your earnings when….what?

    Also, imagine why life would be like if you weren’t prett.? A dis male who is ugly has a much LESS advantaged life than your privileged ass does, loser.

    • Art Iculate
      May 10, 2015 at 8:41 am

      Now rephrase that into something understandable

  • Small Town Internet Lawyer
    May 9, 2015 at 6:39 pm


  • Box Cutter Diaries
    May 9, 2015 at 4:44 pm

    I feel like my civil rights have been violated by this woman as a white Cis college age conservative male.

    • Linda
      May 12, 2015 at 11:00 pm

      I agree with you 100%. She has fomented a hostile educational enviroment. And she has now also put all of you in danger, by encouraging riots and violence. So yes, she has violated your civil rights. Someone should say this at a student council meeting or whatever it is you all call it now. She has a right to voice her opinion, but some of what she has said is tantamount to yelling fire in a theater. She has made false statements which makes me wonder if she really has a doctorate in anything other than hatred.

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