We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Michael Gaffney, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Pepe’s Restaurant, Firesafe Chimney Services, Attorney Anthony Salerno, North End Motor Sales, Mass Fury.
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On October, 16 2015 at approximately 1:00 AM Worcester police were called to the area of 646 Main Street for a report of a two car accidents that led a vehicle crashing into Kirsch Liquors. Upon arrival officer observed significant damage to the building.
The preliminary investigation reveals that a 2005 Toyota Avalon was turning from Madison Street onto Main Street when it collided with a 2003 Volkswagen GTI which was traveling North on Main Street. The collision caused the Toyota Avalon to crash into the liquor store located at 646 Main Street.
The operator of the Toyota Avalon was identified as a 21-year-old female from Brockton. The female had four other occupants in the vehicle at the time of the cash. One of the passengers was taken to the hospital to be treated for non-life threatening injuries. There were no other injuries reported.
The operator of the Volkswagen GTI was identified as a 21-year-old male from Putnam, Connecticut. There were no passengers in his vehicle.
Shortly after the crash occurred, it appears that several individuals entered the liquor store and stole items from the business.
Masslive has linked a video to their site of the accident. The police say that the guy was taking a left hand turn onto Main Street from Madison Street, which would be illegal. But after watching that video it’s clear that this was just two people going straight through lights:
One of them obviously had a green and one of them the must have had a red. Seems like a pretty open and shut case. If I had to guess whose fault the accident was I’d say the girl from Brockton, but I only say that with 55% confidence. First of all, she had a bunch of passengers. You throw that many sassy women in a Toyota on a Thursday night and there’s gonna be loud music, a lot of yelling, and no fucks given about the road that lays ahead of them. Plus, if you’re driving down Madison Street like they were, you can go kind of fast since it’s two lanes. And you never expect anyone would be coming from Main South. I mean, I just couldn’t imagine a situation where I would be coming from Main South and heading towards the vibrant metropolis that is downtown Worcester on a Thursday night.
Anyway, since no one died, I just wanna say how awesome that was. You couldn’t put a better car accident into Rush Hour 4 or Die Hard 12. I mean, it went directly into the store and just destroyed everything in it’s path. Booze everywhere.
This would be a national day of mourning if we lived in Ireland. The funniest part is that the locals just IMMEDIATELY started to loot the place. If you’re hanging out in Main South around 1:00 AM on a Thursday, it’s pretty much instinctive to loot as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I mean, this must’ve been like Christmas for some of Beacon Street’s wall of champions. They’ve dreamed about a car crashing into Kirsch liquors their entire lives, and finally just like that it happened. Quite frankly I feel bad for any bums that missed out on the fun. Because I’m sure their fantastic friends have already consumed all the booty.
The first thing I thought about when I saw this was, how have we not done a blog on the 10 ghettoest liquor stores in Worcester? Because this place would probably be in the Top 3. Every time you drive by there all you see is a collection of Tracy Novick’s proteges grabbing their liquid fuel for the day. You can get mad at drug dealers all you want, but the number one provider of a good time for the 1:00 PM Main South daily stumbling parade is Kirsch liquors.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible: Wormtown Brewery, Union Tavern, Scavone Plumbing, Michael Gaffney, Bennie’s Cafe, Craftech Restoration, JJM Insurance, Smokestack Urban Barbecue, Attorney Michael Erlich, H-S Trading Firearms, Smitty’s Tavern, Julio’s Liquors, HomeWarrantyReports.com, The Gun Parlor Range, 3B Auto, Pepe’s Restaurant, Firesafe Chimney Services, Attorney Anthony Salerno, North End Motor Sales, Mass Fury.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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7 Comment(s)
Good point Worcester has been an 18 hour City, problem is most of the hours filled with Novicks bums and ghetto gangs. Petty’s Worcester. Two more years!
Hey everyone’s knows that downtown is becoming an 18 hour a day jumping place. That’s the dream of his honor the mayor. How many police officers showed up to “protect” the inventory?
I’m willing to bet that the guy from Putnam is at fault. People from Connecticut cannot fucking drive for shit.
Its not odd at all that someone from Brockton and someone from Putnam are cruising Worcester at 1 am on a Thursday…Lots to do in Woo town…Like ummm..Hmmm ummm
thirsty thursday on water street
How come most of these accidents are people that are from out of town?? Idk just an observation. I had a recent accident w a guy from CT. Just weird.
Simple; they don’t know the roads.