Career Criminal Who Led Springfield PD On High Speed Chase With Kidnapped Victim In Car Turns Out To Have Multiple Dead Bodies At House In Highly Trafficked Neighborhood

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This developing story out of Springfield is INSANE!!!

Stewart Weldon, a career criminal shitbag living in Springfield. On Sunday night he got into some shit with the SPD:

When Weldon was first pulled over for a broken tail light, he drove away as soon as two officers got out of their cruiser. The second stop came after Weldon raced through a half dozen streets and, after being boxed in, slammed into a cruiser while trying to escape, according to the arrest report. Pulled from his car at gunpoint, Weldon began to wrestle in the street with the officers while a female passenger remained in the vehicle, the report said.

Turns out the reason he didn’t stop was because his passenger was actually his enslaved victim…

Once Weldon was handcuffed and placed in a cruiser, the woman told police she had been held captive for a month at a home on Page Boulevard, where Weldon beat and sexually assaulted her and repeatedly threatened to kill her, the report said. The woman was “extremely distraught … and crying uncontrollably” and had bruises, scabbed-over wounds and other signs of prolonged physical abuse, the report said. At Baystate Medical Center, she was treated for a possible fractured jaw, stab wounds to her abdomen, marks from being hit with a blunt object, bruises, scrapes and a festering leg infection, officer Daniel Moynihan wrote in the report.

Luckily the judge had a set of balls and put a million dollars bail on this maggot so there’s no way he’s getting out. Judge Feeley probably would’ve released him on personal recognizance.

His previous crimes are all violent offenses that involve running from the police, and he has done short stints in prison:

He also asked Judge John Payne to revoke Weldon’s release in three open cases involving charges of speeding, failing to stop for police and multiple counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Weldon’s criminal history in Springfield includes a 2005 charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, for which he was incarcerated and then released in 2008. Then in 2010, Weldon was charged with Breaking and Entering at night with the intention to commit a felony and assault with a dangerous weapon. He served time in this case as well, and was released in Jan. 2012. 

But despite this lengthy record, and two previous incarcerations, he was allowed to stay out of jail after a serious offense just 7 months ago….

We don’t have the names of the judges who let him walk after such serious offenses, but they will be shamed when we do. In case you haven’t noticed, this is kind of a problem in this state – activist judges who think criminals will magically start obeying the law when judges give them multiple chances. Newsflash – they won’t.

But wait, it gets crazier…..

Springfield police are investigating suspicious deaths that are being treated as homicides at a Page Boulevard home, a source familiar with the investigation said Thursday morning. Throughout Wednesday night, multiple police cruisers and a forensic van lined the roadway outside 1333 Page Boulevard, a low-slung house now cordoned off with police tape. Police officers and crime scene technicians could be seen examining a garage set behind the house. Around 4:20 a.m., a subcontractor for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner arrived in a minivan. Flashes from the cameras of investigators lit the driveway as police helped moved a body bag out of the garage.

White pages list Stewart Weldon as living at that address. He obviously killed at least two people, and an excavator is coming in to look for more bodies.

Ho-Lee-Shit. A legit serial murdering rapist who tortures his victims in his basement. And he’s living in a crowded, highly trafficked neighborhood in Springfield. Our local version of Ariel Castro. Page Boulevard is Route 20, near the borders of Ludlow and Chicopee. It’s a stone’s throw from the Mass Pike and 291:

This is insane. You’d think that missing persons would’ve been reported by now, but I haven’t seen anything like that in the Springfield area. I’m sure a lot more is gonna come from this, but obviously the hot take of the day is that the world is a much safer place with this animal behind bars.

Thank God local cops don’t have follow the State Police’s “no pursuit” high speed chase protocol. The victim would probably be dead by now.

5 Comment(s)
  • British TG
    May 31, 2018 at 8:42 pm

    This is fucking horrific
    It’ll probably even make the news over here

  • Michael Hunt
    May 31, 2018 at 7:41 pm

    Judges need to be outed. Enough of these dangerous motherfuckers putting people in harms way. This fucking state is an obscenity

    • deflatteddoritodinks
      June 1, 2018 at 12:59 pm

      One sheriff said it was almost impossible to do something that would lead to incarceration in Mass.

  • Screw PC
    May 31, 2018 at 4:10 pm

    Death penalty. Not lethal injection. Burn that fucking subhuman at the stake and sue his parents for everything they own for creating it.

  • Hughbo Mont
    May 31, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    People like this need to be put out of our misery.

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