Social Justice Warriors
Hippies At Pomona College Protesting American Hockey Party Because It’s Racist To Celebrate America
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Social Justice Warriors
Did Minnesota Vikings Fire Chris Kluwe Because He Supported Gay Marriage, or Because He Was a Liquored Up Idiot Punter?
Uncle Turtleboy
/ January 2, 2014
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Social Justice Warriors
Jesse Jackson: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Is Worse Than Rosa Parks Bus Driver
Uncle Turtleboy
/ December 26, 2013
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Social Justice Warriors
Angry White Folk Are Calling This UMass Basketball “White Water” Video Reverse Racism
Uncle Turtleboy
/ December 18, 2013
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Suey Park Might’ve Just Passed Gish Jen For Worst Radical Asian Feminist After Getting Annihilated For Trying To Take Down Stephen Colbert
Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook I was under the impression that Gish Jen was the most moronic Asian-American…
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