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A few days back we wrote about some nudnik from Braintree named “Baby Gangsta” who stabbed some guy up in the nose bleed seats at the Celtics-Grizzlies game last week. We’ve written about plenty of local boobs like this before, but this one almost broke the Internet. I gotta give it to Baby Gangsta – he knows how to market himself. People see a name like that and a face like his and then just have to read more about it. I mean, it’s just so magnificently idiotic that you can’t help but want to indulge yourself in the debauchery.
Well I never actually saw the video from his day in court until a Turtle rider sent it to me yesterday. And the only thing funnier than Baby Gangsta are the magnificent creatures he calls friends who are going to court to support this cold-faced Braintree killa:
His face when his friends entered the room was priceless:
Like a puppy dog excited to see his owner after a long day of work.
I gotta be honest though. Baby Gangsta might seem like a naniburger white boy from the burbs, but he MAY actually be legit. I mean, he was arrested on his first assault charge when he was 8. Freaking 8!!! Al Capone can’t even say that. Who gets arrested for assault when they’re 8? I didn’t even know that was possible. Yea, sometimes 8 year olds get in fights on the playground, but they don’t get arrested. Did he hit someone with a lead pipe, and now he’s graduated onto boxcutters? And who brings a boxcutter to a game in the first place? Was he planning on opening up a box for his new bookshelf so he could put all his books in one place? I hate to admit it, but Baby Gangsta just MIGHT be legit. Probably not though.
Anyway his friends were everything I thought they’d be an more. Check out this pair:
That girl looks like every person who’s ever been on Teen Mom ever. And the guy? He’s just a work of art. You couldn’t design a more magnificent wigger if you tried. He’s even got the sticker on his hat still so you know he’s legit. My favorite line from him was this one:
“They ain’t gonna find him guilty, and if they do it’s corruption of justice 100%.”
LOL. The things that dumb people say are just the tops!! Their friend is accused of stabbing another person at a game. He’s been ID’d be half the South Shore. So if he didn’t do it, and you KNEW he didn’t do it, then you’d probably offer up some sort of explanation right? Maybe provide an alibi, or say that you knew who did do it? Or you can just say it’s “corruption of justice” because you think it makes you sound like you graduated from high school in less than five years.
Then I realized that I recognized Baby Gangsta’s boy there. We get a lot of hilarious emails every day telling us how terrible Turtleboy Sports is. But the one we got a few days back after the Baby Gangsta article might be one of the greatest I’ve ever seen:
First off you dont know brandon and we gave him the name of baby gangsta as child hood friends as a joke and it stuck second of all you say hes the biggest asshole why cuz you personally probably think he did it when theres no evidence he did and in my opinion ur the biggest pussy bitch in the world and an ignoar piece of shit for talkin outta place about something u have no idea about and if you or anyone else wanna keep talkin about brandon im right in braintree mass so if u want it you can come and get it you punk bitch sayin hes gunna be someones bitch when hes locked up shit uv probly never been to jail cuz it really dont work like that not sayin it dosnt happen but like i said anyone who got somethin to say can come say it to me and the whole team cuz we ridin till the wheels fall off get off your computer and be a fuckin man an keep your fuckin mouths shut i hope u guys realize that your all a bunch of pussys and im down for whatever so let me know if u tryna get it
Sincerely the kid who will ruin your fuckin day
I said it before and I’ll say it again. You wanna fight one of the Turtleboy Sports writers? Take a number and meet us at Whitco just like everyone else. No way I’m going to Braintree unless you’re filling up my Prius with gas first. I wouldn’t recommend coming out here though. It’s pretty dangerous. This might be the last face you’ll ever see if you do:
But seriously, is that the most glorious run-on sentence in the history of mankind or what? When I see stuff like this I used to think that these people were just in a rush or something like that. But at this point I’m convinced that this is legitimately the best writing sample he could possibly come up with.
Anyway, one of my favorite parts is when he said that he gave him the name “Baby Gangsta” as childhood friends. What five year old wants to be called “Baby Gangsta?” Most kids wanna play on the jungle gym and tell girls they have koodies. Not Baby G though. He was busy getting arrested for assault and battery and aspiring to be the biggest badass from Braintree EVER. Also I loved this line:
“shit uv probly never been to jail cuz it really dont work like that.”
Newsflash Deputy Baby Gangsta protege – you’re not SUPPOSED to go to jail. That’s the expectation genius.
Anyway the kid’s name on the email was Chris Mazenkas, so of course I looked him on Facebook, and what did I find?
Oh snap!! Baby G is from the streets of Braintree yo!! There’s bad parts there. One kid there never even returned a library book one time. Shit was serious!!
And I’m 99% certain the girl from the video also posted a million times on the blog using the name, “Alexa.” There were too many of her comments to post here, but here are a couple of my favorites:
“Whoever wrote this article is fucking violating the shit out of my friend this kid is a good dude and he does keep it real this is a pathetic article as someone else stated u don’t whip open a box cutter so when my dude takes it to trial youre article is gunna make you look like an even bigger idiot. And by the way Braintree may be a good town you don’t know what the fuck we go through as young adults in these small towns. 4 dead last month and half our friends are doing hard time. #FREEBABYG”
Half your friends are doing hard time? Well if that doesn’t prove Baby G’s innocence then nothing will.
“Lmao idk who u ppl are but u know where to find me I’ll fuck you all up and no ones ever impregnated me this is a news website u cunts are sad talk about deformed child I know a bitch carrying one right now deuces to everyone’s comments on this article never once did i act like a wanna be thug.”
No one’s ever impregnated you? That’s quite the accomplishment right there. Well done.
“Motherfuckers are retarded I’m pretty sure if anything he would be your baby daddy bitch I know who this is and I don’t need to slam you off a car again bitch wannabe thug at least I had my fuckin knife open when I ran up on ya bitch ass and you couldn’t even square up. We ain’t social media. Baby g is my fucking dude he ain’t my man you bitches are fucked in the head take this shit somewhere else u know where to find ” me and my bitch”
I have no idea what any of this means, but I never want it to end. Seriously Alexa, if you’re reading this I want you to do a guest blog for us about your side of the story. Please just write me an email with whatever is going on in your brain right now, and send it to turtelboysports@gmail.com. I’ll publish it immediately.
Anyway, I think it’s safe to say that Baby Gangsta is pretty much fucked at this point. I’m not sure what approach his lawyer is gonna take, but hopefully he doesn’t go with the “corruption of justice” or “Baby G is a good dude” defense. My biggest beef with the kid is now I’m not gonna be able to sneak booze into the TD Garden anymore because everyone’s getting the full body cavity search from now on. Thanks Baby Gangsta!!
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135 Comment(s)
Listen to a story bout a man named Jed . . .
They call me baby G herez mah rap I’ma fizzle up in a funky-ass blaze of suburban glory. Dometree highlandz representing. I be a wannabe. We own Dometree from Washington Street ta Liberty.
I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch. I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch. I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch. I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch. I aint talkin’ bout chicken n’ gravy biatch.
I peep uo on mah street I be bout ta hurt you, biatch. Don’t step up in our hood or five pops n’ six drop. Don’t blame me Moms was there but not pops. Never mind da thug was just hustlin down at IBM makin millions so I could be a lil biiiatch. Jus one tin fore uh go, stay outta mu hood yo mofo. whoop dewhoop. gotta be ta school early. Time ta put on mah pullups n’ git all up in bed early. Y’all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Y’all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! time ta bounce tha fuck out. Baby G smooth criminal – riches to rags – anti genius.
Hey all- I just want to yo let you all know, that I know Mr. Christopher Mazenkas. I know his life, his story, his hardships. He was so very young, too young to deal with the hardest thing any child especially a boy a young boy should have to deal with. He lost his dad and his mom married a younger man and moved to South Carolina. Now keep a mind a young boy mourning the loss of his dad, and having to leave his 2 siblings and all his friends and start all over again. Having to accept this new man has his step dad that is old enough to be his older brother…step sisters in South Carolina, everyone taking all his social security $ from his dads death and using it for their mess up and their struggles and in the end causing him so much betrayal. His goal was to save for college and a car. He actually contacted his real sister back here in Mass, and asked can I please live with you, I want to me with my family…his mom without a blink of an eye allowed her “baby boy” to go. His sister with 2 kids of her own took him, and learned the anger that was inside this young man…he participated in “paying rent” he became a loyal sibling and essentially paid to stay with loyal family. Of course he faced troubled times and confusing roads….punkish troubles, but under all the criticism about him ” finding himself” he is an uncle that is adored and trusted to be alone with those two precious babies, he does his own laundry, he knows how to clean, he understand the concept of money and how much it cost to live. This young man, as many have referred to “white trash, wanna be, and a loser” is probably more mature and big hearted than most of the young people on this page. To the adults, you dont know where or how your children will turn into…but im also sure you could never imagine allowing your son to move to a different state, and allow relatives to just take your sons money essentially for his future. With all that done- look at him now, yes he received his GED, because he worked to provide for his now family, his sister and her two babies. He was mentally and physically there for his sister when she lost her fiance suddenly.
Some young men, have unanswered questions and not the right people at the right time in their life to give them a hug and tell them its going to be ok, he perhaps, wanted his mom, but accepted his sister.
He will find his way, one day he will admit and come out..I’m sad….I want my dad, I miss my mom…..I am a good kid…I will give you anything you need as I will go with out if you just love me.
I guarentee this young man will make a great man, a wonderful provider one day and an amazing worker. He values what he has and is given because its not as much as others get on a daily basis. Dont judge, you never know the story behind the person.
Insult my grammar, call me crazy, I could careless. I have spoken to this Christopher Mazenkas, and I know he means well, and would do anything for his family and himself to get by another day…with SUCCESS. There are lessons Chris will learn from his friend as we all have lost friends, watched friends choose different paths, and make bad decisions..give this young man advice as opposed to negative judgment and filling him with more anger and causing him more doubt in life. -
Hey all- I just want to you let you all know, that I know Mr. Christopher Mazenkas. I know his life, his story, his hardships. He was so very young, too young to deal with the hardest thing any child especially a boy a young should have to deal with, he lost his died. His mom married a younger man and moved to South Carolina- now keep a mind a young boy mourning the loss of his dad, and having to leave his 2 siblings and all his friends and start all over again. Having to accept this new man has his step dad that is old enough to be his older brother…step sisters in south carolina, everything taking all his social security $ from his dads death and taking it all from him, while his goal was to save all for college and a car. He actually contacted his real sister back here in Mass, and asked can I please live with you, I want to me with my family…his mom without a blink of an eye allowed her “baby boy” to go. His sister with 2 kids of her own took him, and learned the anger that was inside this young man…he participated in “paying rent” he became a loyal sibling and in a sense paid to stay with loyal family. Of course he faced troubled times and confusing roads….punkish troubles, but under all the criticism about him ” finding himself” he is an uncle that is adored and trusted to be alone with those two precious babies, he does his own laundry, he knows how to clean, he understand the concept of money and how much it cost to live. This young man, as many have referred to “white trash, wanna be, and a loser” is probably more mature and big hearted than most of the young people on this page. To the adults, you dont know where or how your children will turn into…but im also sure you could never imagine allowing your son to move to a different state, and allow relatives to just take your sons money essentially for his future. With all that done- look at him now, yes he received his GED, becasue he worked to provide for his now family, his sister and her two babies. He was mentally and physically there for his sister when she lost her fiance suddenly.
Some young men, have unanswered questions and not the right people at the right time in their life to give them a hug and tell them its going to be ok, he perhaps, wanted his mom, but accepted his sister.
He will find his way, one day he will admit and come out..I’m sad….I want my dad, I miss my mom…..I am a good kid…I will give you anything you need as I will go with out if you just love me.
I guarentee this young man will make a great man, a wonderful provider one day and an amazing worker. He values what he has and is given because its not as much as others get on a daily basis. Dont judge, you never know the story behind the person.
Insult my grammar, call me crazy, I could careless. I have spoken to this Christopher Mazenkas, and I know he means well, and would do anything for his family and himself to get by another day…with SUCCESS. There are lessons Chris will learn from his friend as we all have lost friends, watched friends choose different paths, and make bad decisions..give this young man advice as opposed to negative judgment and filling him with more anger and causing him more doubt in life. -
I used to live in braintree and these faggots make me almost pee myself laghfing. Come to brockton where i live now .you boys would not last a day. Pussy ass make believe gangsters. Wait till you go to prision which you will. Your asses will be so wide. Gonna happen no way out of it. You will turn gay. But wait you are already . Loosers.
This is just really sad. I was born and raised in Southie (Lower End) and I grew up there at a time when things were REALLY bad. Way before it became yuppified. the guys I grew up with wouldn’t be on social media talking about how innocent their friend is because they didn’t want the attention it would bring THEM.
Kids, seriously…you want to help your friend? Don’t go on social media rants with bad grammar and idiotic postings. Chances are if this kid has the background he has, and the record he has, he probably did it. That’s just my opinion. And if it’s proven that he did it, you are going to look like assholes. Picking fights on here makes YOU look stupid and it brings the spotlight on YOU. Now, if you want to have cops watching you and stopping you for every little thing because you’re now “famous”, and defending an alleged murderer, and trying to establish street cred, be my guest. BUT if you want to do this the right way…if you want to back him up, show up at his court hearings and show support QUIETLY -
This article truly made my day. These kids are exactly the type of kids my mother warned me about, but of course I did not listen. I am a 17 year old girl from Braintree. I know all these kids, some better than others. Most of these kids have been in my house. I wanted to be friends with these kids a few years back, thankfully I have matured since then. Some of them might not have had the best upbringing but that’s no excuse. They are bullies, druggies, thieves, and pretty much not going anywhere in life. But when people say or they say they have had rough upbringings it’s just an excuse. When adults say that the kids hear it and use it to their advantage. I didn’t have the best childhood but I want better for myself. This Mazenkas kid is a joke. My mother was right he is a pill smoking loser who is going nowhere in life fast!!!! This article is sweet justice for all the kids who wanted to be part of this group at one time but was rejected by them and bullied. Who felt like they didn’t belong because they were mean assholes. I am so happy my mom taught me right and wrong and to take responsibility for myself and to make good choices for myself and not hang around with the losers. Thank you so much turtle boy for writing an amazing article.
These articles are crackin me the fuck up!! I really want to take Baby Girl.. I mean Baby Gangsta and all his thugged out gangsta buddies from “The Tree”(hahahaha) for a nice field trip to my neighborhood on the SouthSide of Brockton!! They’ll all go there wearing fitteds and hoodies(urban shit) and get back home wearing Abercrombie and Fitch(Preppy shit)!! Hahaha!! Fuckin wanksta ass bitches!! It must be really hard protecting your table at the Braintree Mall’s food court from another gang of bad ass thugs from Braintree trying to take it over!!
I live in Braintree. It’s not as nice as you’d think. The town is not well taken care of and there is not much to do here besides go to the mall. I bet these kids are bored as fuck and turn to drugs and shenanigans. It seems like 50% Of people I encounter here in braintree are strung out on something.
I lived in Roxbury before Braintree and I honestly feel like (the better parts of) Roxbury would be a better place to raise children. In Braintree I get inappropriate comments yelled at me on the daily in the warmer months. Many of the adults and kids that live here are very disrespectful and sexist — which I did not experience while in Roxbury.Ugh I hate this place but the housing in Braintree is such a good value. it is way less expensive to live here than anywhere near Boston. I try to look past its faults for the financial benefits but it’s getting harder and harder to do so.
Braintree blows end of story and that little kid will pay the price what pussy carries a box cutter anyways, and nevermind carrying it but pulls it out in a fight. Enough with weapons use your hands like the real “gangsta” and man that you claim him to be. End of the day you’re all faggots and your dumbass thoughts on some wigga punk don’t matter to me or anyone else for that matter he’ll be in jail just like the pussy he is and it’ll be a never ending cycle. He got caught on tape so that’s how much street smarts he has to do it in a public vicinity and Boston courts won’t tolerate this shit unlike quincy court. Go sniff some more perks from the money your parents gave you losers.
You’re “from” southie but you’re a braintree kid. Nah dude you were born in southie and you’re family is from southie you are from braintree and you can stay there, don’t affliate with southie cause you’re an embarrassment! Livin the dream baby by lookin out of the dedham house of corrections windows
Just want to comment and say these two children depict the idea of braintree trash. It also makes me laugh so hard how these kids who think they are “gangsta” when they don’t know anything about the streets because they grew up in a nice suburban neighborhood. It also makes me laugh cause they act like they’re from the heart of roxbury and act like they know or have any street smarts and they have absolutely none whatsoever. They don’t know shit! Nevermind the fact they’re defending their delinquent friend who gets criminally charged every month with his track record. Kid hasn’t learned from the past lessons and he’ll really know Whatsup when a brother from roxbury really teaches him what the streets are all about and makes him his little bitch!!!! And that’s exactly what he deserves for how he acts! Talk about trash from braintree. A lot of kids from there are “gangstas” lmao you have rich parents and end up selling drugs to look cool not cause you need to hustle you aren’t fooling me or anyone else baby gangstas get a clue
Wow, everyone please stop! Anthony Callery the Southie born Braintree ex-con boxer is going to kick our asses for expressing our opinions. Shut up you complete loser and go back to jail. You are exactly what we’re talking about. I am sure you’re a hero to these guys though. Fucking loser!
We can write anything we want and say whatever we want because real tough guys fought and died for us to be able to express ourselves freely.
Do us a favor and take your GED educated punk, tough guy, ex-con, wanna-be gangsta ass and go back to prison.
LTD Baby!!! Loser -
I gotta say whoever wrote this article is pretty ignorant. I mean regardless of the situation, a lot of his comments threw me off. Like calling one of them a wigger? Was I the only person who saw something wrong with that? I mean if this kid does pass as innocent or not. I’m seeing what we call a “bully” now a days. People who do live this lifestyle like myself could and most likely will take this very insulting. Idgaf what the kid did but to attack him on a personal level is jus uncalled for. Srry we wasn’t all born with a sliver spoon in our mouths. sincerely one pissed off reader
I’m sorry CAL! But you’re real as FUCK thank GOD you hopped on this article that is all I am tryna do is stick up for my friend fuckin sue me I’m glad someone finally mentioned that this bitch ass guy on this article would run for his life if half of us “Braintree Holbrook ” kids walked up to him with a problem. Again not saying we are tough, just meet us and we’ll see. I totally agree with CAL, I can’t even read his whole comment he made me fuzzy inside lol love it i can write essays too with head notes and shit but like u said Cal we don’t give a fuck. Thankyou for that
Ahahahahaha I’m dying someone said my dads on here lmfao i just have to say one thing someone please stop commenting on my punctuation and go comment on all the other stereotypes on here like fuckin ppl pretending to be guys in jail or COs or talking about race you people are disgusting like what in the world do ppl care so much about get a fucking job people and My grammar is perfect I just don’t put effort into you scum. Grow up. Get a life. Brandon will be fine. Seriously going to run out of laughs save me the story’s and opinions FUCKYOUROPINION u don’t know me or any of us stop hating and appreciating that instead of beating off to Internet porn this article popped up and gave u a chance to be a tuff guy under a fake name . Pathetic. Really. Someone delete this page lol smh
listen baby turtle these kids are sticking up for their best friend and how they may Do it is irrelevant . You on the other hand take what you think you may know about prison court systems and media bullshit and put it in an article like your fucking great. So let me tell you something yes braintree is a nice area but not all of us started here some of us have Boston roots moved out of the city to the burns for better schools but that does not change how certain people hold them selfs and what they been threw so I bet you really wouldn’t want them to come down to Ya lil office or me I’ve done a lot of time you can look me up bitch I got five years in the can and got a lot of respect from braintree to Weymouth to Quincy to southie idiot so stop trying to pick on these young kids over sticking up for their friend like you would if it was one of your friends. I’m originally from southie and live in braintree now and Ya your not surpossed to go to jail but some things do go how they r planned but Id love to come down there and have a one on one with you or even better meet me at a boxing gym somewhere tough guy and if you got Any thing smart to say to me ask around look me up do all you want and I’m a braintree kid I bet Id give you some humble pie bro even in prison I’ve sent real gangsters too the hospitial on the rush bc they were close to death so let me know if you got any more slick comments
Btw idc about run on sentences I have my ged and know how to write an essay and all that bullshit but we don’t use that shot when concerning lil bitch as journalists so look me up and then see if you still got shit to say bitch I’ll brake that ducking hand so you can’t write Ya lil articles you’ll be eating out a straw and using the new dragon software to write Ya stupid articles mr badass
Like I said look me up bc I got these kids back who are sticking up for their friend just like you would if it was one of your friends punk oh and btw hurry up bc I go back to Walpole state prison April 10th for another bid so I know the system and guilts and not guiltys and if the kid that got stabbed does not testify he will get off so who’s laughing now you idiot hit up a law library before you become a judge or lawyer moron ttys tough guy -
Wow, everyone please stop! Anthony Callery the Southie born Braintree ex-con boxer is going to kick our asses for expressing our opinions. Shut up you complete loser and go back to jail. You are exactly what we’re talking about. I am sure you’re a hero to these guys though. Fucking loser!
We can write anything we want and say whatever we want because real tough guys fought and died for us to be able to express ourselves freely.
Do us a favor and take your GED educated punk, tough guy, ex-con, wanna-be gangsta ass and go back to prison.
LTD Baby!!! Loser -
Bahaha, “i have my ged i know how to write an essay”. But you can’t use a comma, or period. Just because you got your ged in jail doesnt mean youre hard, and definitely is not a badge of.honor, a high school diploma is a something to be proud of. Keep flaunting your ged though while everyone just stares at the im guessing mid 30 year-old whos reliving the “glory days” laughing their asses off that someone would be proud of being a convict.
This is why i do my own thing in life, chill with the wrong people andyou get fucked up with stupid shit like this. Braintree is like a town over from me idk whats so different or hard about it. I dont know why people cant just shut up and not be idiots. Just saying if he didnt hang with the wrong people or if he didnt commit the crime then he wouldnt be there in court. Could be wrong place wrong time. Or someone isnt telling the truth
I give baby gangsta 2hours, maybe 3 tops, before one of these inmates makes him drop the soap during shower time and becomes a baby bitch. I’ll put $20 on it. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong though, I mean since he did grow up 12 miles outside of Boston in the suburban town of Braintree.
Why is being a wigger still a thing? I’m a C. O. in a state correctional facility, and I see these South Shore wigger types coming through the doors on a regular basis, somehow they do something worthy enough of an indictment to a state prison sentence( which little Baby Gangster is on his way to getting). One of two things always happens: they smarten up, cower like school girls and act accordingly for the duration of their little stay; or they wind up in Protective Custody because they thought they could bring their little South Shore Gangster attitude into an environment that houses real killers, and real gangsters. Listen kiddo, the institutionalized guy standing behind you in the chow line who’s got 15+ years state time under his belt, doesnt want to hear how “hood” Braintree is. He also will have no problem strong-arming you for all of your canteen money that mommy just put in your account, or those nice shoes that you wore in. You’re a long way from the boys club at the county jail when you come up here. You can literally see the fear in these kids eyes when they get to population, a far cry from the tough guy he thought he was when he gives me his punk attitude at the door. Piece of advice to his friends: do yourselves a favor and don’t wind up like this boob, chances are he’s going to have a tough stay if he makes his way up here to the big leagues. They watch the news and read the paper too, you know. I know some 19 year old tough guy is probably going to come out the side of his neck with a response to this, but I’m just speaking the truth. See you when you get here 🙂
Looking at DELAGOYA’s comments are seriously making my day. How can one be so terrible at forming sentences.
1. I grew up in the area, and Braintree is not that hood – Maybe these kids should spend a couple weeks in Brockton.
2. Are people saying he really didn’t stab that guy? Last time I checked there was a video of it.
3. It’s sad to think that this “Baby G” will probably think it’s cool once he gets out of prison.
4. To all of those supporting “Baby G”, take it easy with the threats. I hope you realize how uneducated you sound. If you’re an adult, act like one.
5. I wouldn’t waste your poor typing skills on trying to insult me. I won’t fight you (most likely the fist fight will turn into a box cutter fight real fast) and I won’t come to where you live. Call me a pussy if you’d like. I’m actually 100% okay with that.
Remember, it’s not too late to turn your life around. Sacrifices will have to be made, but you’ll feel much better about yourself in the end. Cut drugs and alcohol out of your life. Make new friends. Get hobbies other than sitting in your parents basement smoking weed all day.
But hey, don’t worry. If you can’t do this, you’ll always be great entertainment
You want my side of the story? We are all young adults trying to get by in this world. No we aren’t the hood. No I’m not hood. Not claiming a damn thing. I have a day job I don’t have time for your bogus bullshit. You targeted my friend because you thought his nickname that was given to him by the way he introduces himself as Brandon , but you thought you were comical and in all reality we all love and are friends with this kid and know he is innocent. You see multiple kids jab at people and you see another kid in black run up the stairs twords the end and jab at someone standing up in the seats. Whether it’s Braintree Holbrook randolph Brockton I’ve been everywhere, there’s just bad things that happen and it shapes people’s personalities and lives. We’ve lost a lot to violence, suicide, murder, and overdoses.. We have been doing the best we can as kids in these shitty ass in between towns but that’s why we stick together. No that is not me at court that is his other friends my boyfriend isn’t 17 he’s 24 and I have long blonde hair but I’m happy u think ur 99% positive means anything lol I will not be attending any of this because I won’t watch the public bring a young kid down just because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I went off in the first article because people have a lot to say under names that aren’t theirs and I don’t give a fuck if people wanna hear my side I was not there but we are all looking at the same video here but I do know my friend and he’s a good kid. I won’t listen to any further comments or bullshit I have a life to attend to I just know what is right and wrong and you could have put some real good journalism into this but instead you bashed someone you knew nothing about. I apologize for any vulgarity on this article but too many people are not seeing the bigger picture here of what I was trying to say. Nice to hear all your comments I’m flattered by the hazing. Chris is a wigger? You’re racist beyond belief trying to talk about u know what hood is? What in the world. You contradict yourself so bad and Its hilarious how famous you’re making him over this. Anyway I wish Brandon the best on his journey and he will be safe and sound because he has the magnificent creatures he has called friends. Turtelboy you should stay in that shell of yours just saying. What a nickname lol goodbye morons
You started off well, using punctuation and all. But unfortunately, you let your emotions get in the way of your typing, it seems. “Baby Gangsta” deserves to spend some time in jail, he can think about changing his name when an actual ADULT gangsta is inserting his throbbing member, that hasn’t seen a female organ in 8 years, deep in his asshole.
“Whether it’s Braintree Holbrook randolph Brockton I’ve been everywhere”
Um, that’s far from everywhere. This sentence sums up all of these losers problems. They think the south shore is the entire universe. Would rather go to jail to get respect from other losers from Quincy than stay out of jail and try to see the rest of the world. Where you live sucks, don’t fight it, accept it and try to visit better places, you will be happier.
Alexa please. Just shut up. I can not believe you are still here. You’ve written more essays in comments then you have in your whole life at school. No one cares. Not about your life, your boyfriend, your deformed children, and especially not you. I know you think you’re brave or cool for typing and generally just trying to draw attention to yourself. I dare you to shut up. You are pathetic and so very irrelevant. Literally no one cares.
Honestly, Braintree is a great neighborhood with an even better academic system with staff that actually really care. It’s YOUR choice whether you want to do well in life or not. It’s evident that your peers influence you, and if you know that they don’t have good judgment why would you even stick around? Me, personally, I have been around bad influence like that and I took myself out real quick. Braintree is NOT bad. You CHOOSE who you are surrounded with and what YOU do.
Lmao, I was so bored at work, this article popped up on my news feed and I decided to it read it. This girl sounds so damn stupid lmao. I swear if I saw them trying to act tough towards me outside of a store they both could get it real quick lmao girl bye, go ask mommy and daddy to pay for your college tuition and do something with your life. Baby G?
braintree tough guys huh? lol your all little faggots with silver spoons in your mouths and black dicks in your asses. “baby gangsta” and all his wanna be thug friends will all get the piss beat out of them if they try to be tough anywhere but in braintree. southshore plaza thugs fo life yo!!!!! hahahahaha
Lmao YES!!! And not probably, she IS the trashiest. To everyone claiming she’s some teen mom type – she already got herself pregnant by my (ex)boyfriend while she was my best friend and she miscarried due to the fact that all they (her, him and her PARENTS) did was snort pills together. So I would say she’s not exactly the best judge of character and not the best person to defend someone saying that they’re a ‘good kid’.
First off. Can I ask when where you came from, made you who you are? Isn’t this the argument with nature vs. Nurture?!… I guess you guys are all smarter than science. As an outsider, taking neither side, most of you look like foolish sheep. More worried about judging somebody and humiliating people than actually being taken for an actual journalist. I’m sorry but turtle boy you shouldn’t be making fun of anybody’s name with one like that. You are going to just keep talking out your ass, bc that’s what you get payed for. Might be actually worth the read if you actually had material to write about. Because I’m 99% sure, your pieces of work make you look like a bigger asshole than your trying to portray These kids. If you have actually watched the video, you can see many people fighting but your all more worried about talking about these young kids grammar and punctuation.
Oh stop it. These kids act like thugs, whether these articles are written or not, it doesn’t take a scientist to see that. The kid was arrested for assault at 8 years old. I was building forts in the woods at 8..not going to jail. Its people like you that make kids think it’s ok to act like this..
I know Baby g and the stupid shit he used to do in highschool. This isn’t suprising the square rats were always nothing but trouble I’m really surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. Their group used to see how fucked up they could get before the cops showed up usually lasted about an hour tops before a fight, robbery, drug deal gone south or vandalism happened. These kids are a cancer to Braintree and unfortunately they’ll never leave cause the have no motivation or dreams beyond the next bottle.
“He’s just a work of art. You couldn’t design a more magnificent wigger if you tried.” Best statement ever. I also did some research and found out this Chris Mazenkas kid is not ever from Braintree, he is from the Carolinas somewhere and lives in Rockland. He’s not even from Braintree and needs to stop depreciating my property with his uneducated, white trash talk. Hope he ends up bent over in a cell somewhere soon.
you really need to grow up a little. seriously Braintree is not a tough town. I work in Braintree and in the summer i ride my bike too and from work every night. The streets are literally dead by midnight. Secondly, you can really tell you dont have an argument against anyone on here, because you are resulting to child like insults. Serious grow up, your friend tried killing someone, and needs to pay the price.
Bahahahaa you’re a fucking clown bud. First of all telling people to kill themselves is like negative funny. Second of all do you have a citation on your “braintree is the worst place to raise a kid” stat? Cause it sounds like some dumb bullshit you just pulled out of your ass but I guess I could be wrong. Your friend is a punk, youre a punk and none of you are going anywhere in life because nobody in tge real woeld is gonna give some dumb fuck like you the time of day. Braintree is still full of undereducated bitch ass, clown shoe punks, some things never change.
96 replies to this article (as of this comment) and at least a third of them are this delagoya chump telling people who dare use words longer than four letters, use proper punctuation, and who state that Braintree is a decent town with a bunch of fucking wannabes in it, to kill themselves.
He’s like Yes after a series of massive crack strokes.
so, you’re entire repertoire of replays consists of “kill yourself”. personally, I don’t think we should kill nitwits like yourself. we should round you up, put you in a museum next to the neanderthal skeletons, after you’ve all been neutered of course. that way, we won’t have to contaminate the gene pool.
Please for the love of God, let me apologize for these scum and assure you they are a minority in the town of Braintree. Braintree is a great town to live in and raise kids, but I am so embarrassed that these losers keep trying to represent Braintree as some sort of “hood”. They are section 8 trash and slowly we will lock all of them up.
If you guys only knew the story behind Mr. Jones as a young lad. I worked with him when he was in teen detention and this moniker that was given to him by the” Braintreeites” was absolutely not used by anyone “locked up”. I have nothing bad to give you personally, but he does have a legitimate delinquent record. To my knowledge he did not hustle binkies or roll on motherfuckas in a big wheel however
Pretty sure this article just made my entire day. The parents of these kids should be super proud. I grew up in Dorchester and boy does this bring me home. Thank you white trash, ghetto wannabes. I got an incredible laugh out of your stupidity. Do yourself a favor, pull your pant up, put down the blunt, and go get your GED 🙂
This was my fav “Alexa” comment on that whole blog!!! As she goes on about the struggle the kids in btree face and proceeds to defend her friend “And didn’t even get near the kid who got stabbed. Get some higher resolution phones people.” LMFAO!!! Basically saying “We aren’t all rich kids, blah blah dayum get some not shitty Boost Mobile phones dude!!”
Sweet Jesus it’s him!!! I gotta say I’m disappointed that he sends me that long amazing email but the best he can do for the news is say it’s “corruption of justice” if his obviously guilty friend Baby Gangsta is found guilty. I’m sorry, but if you don’t go around stabbing people at Celtics games, how can you even legitimizea a nickname like Baby Gangsta? Shouldn’t he be saying, “fuck yea he did it, we’re crazy like that in the Tree!!”?
Anyway like I said, the comments section for that blog were off the charts. Take two hours of your life and read every single one of them. You’ll thank me later. It started off with this guy, who may or may not be Deputy Baby Gangsta protege:
“you’re fucking garbage you obviously don’t know a damn thing about Brandon or braintree kid had a rough life growing up there’s shitty parts and rough times in a lot of different towns so go fuck yourself you don’t even know correct facts about the situation whoever did the stabbing didn’t have a switchblade as you stated the injury was made with a box cutter fuckin nerd”