I’ve never been taken to task by angry turtle riders than I was after I published this blog because I didn’t salute a vigilante who forced an underage alleged bike thief to roll around in the mud and then assaulted him while he was driving away. I didn’t really hate Chris Martin nearly as much as I hated the fact that this guy was getting his balls licked by the Internet for allegedly teaching this kid a lesson. I feel for the Franklin Baxley hoax, and ever since then I vowed to never blindly believe a viral Internet video. So after getting a lot of shit for that blog I decided to do a thorough review of Chris Martin and his character. Turns out I was right. Read all about it on TBDailyNews by clicking here.
10 Comment(s)
why are all of your recent stories so boring? Why is no one covering juicy jaisel in vegas!?! i wanna know how many hookers he won in bakarat while doing lines of coke off of interns cocks and injecting all the dirty brown into his 2 inch pecker!!!! GOD DAMN IT TBS SHOW ME SOME PUSSY!!!
Chris Martin is an asshole. Period.
Even if this kid stole something from him, which is now a HUGE “If,” what Martin did to him in retaliation is NOT justice. It’s criminal.
Clear your head gear, folks. If he did this to one of your kids, what would your reaction be? Really think about that for a minute. If you say that you wouldn’t be pissed off at him, you’re a fucking liar, or an awful parent.
Look, I wish SSGT would wash me out as much as anymore, but in this case, I’m not causing any trouble. She is spot on with her take.
I never fell for Franklin, nor this loser. When TB shames people, the story is never about TB. Infant, the autonomy of the bloggers makes that near impossible.
People like Franklin and Chris are obviously desperate for attention. You can smell it from their commentary on their videos. If you’re really trying to shame someone, you only need to tape them, you don’t need to antagonize them. It exposes their motives.
Chris Martin is a HUGE fucking scumbag for what he did. People who are swinging on his balls over this are shitbags too. This is how shit is handled in lawless third world countries. In America – no matter how broken the system is- you never own the right to administer justice. Make an example out of Chris Martin, and give him the maximum sentence.
You fell for the Franklin Baxley hoax hook, line and sinker.
My heart goes out to the woman you disparaged and called a Becky and a racist.
Win some you lose some.
I still think thieves should get this treatment.
Oh yeah and please quit with the fucking ‘click bait and switch’. No wonder nobody comes to your sites anymore.
Um yeah, all of the coverage you guys have put into this story is exactly why the MSM is jealous of you.
The interview with the kid that nobody fucking listened to probably sucked, how does TB always get the best guests on his shows?
Move on please to something at least semi interesting.
The fuck is wrong with you “Fear the Turtle.” I would pop my bologna in your ass and pump till my manhood came shooting out your ears. I would also let SSTG sit on my face until she damn well pleased. So fuck you. She is one of the best investigative reporters in new England.
SSTG is the AOC of Turtleboy. Nauseating.