“We’re partnering up with of course the law department in terms of requests for body-cam footage … and I know she was slated to be one of the attorneys helping with that. If that’s how she feels about me and this department we need to look at that. … We need to get to the truth of this matter.”

An hour after publishing a blog and video exposing Springfield City Clerk Taneesha Davis saying “Wow, bitch, shut the fuck up,” to Police Chief Cheryl Claprood during a City Council meeting about defunding the police, Masslive conveniently published a story about it.
‘Aw, bitch, shut the f— up’: The Zoom gaffe that shook up an otherwise dry Springfield City Hall budget meeting https://t.co/V84OsYlREm
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) July 1, 2020
“Reporter” Stephanie Barry of course said that she had been working on this rather simple story for 24 hours. “It’s called reporting.”
If I wasn’t doing my own reporting for the last 24 hours I would have. It’s called reporting. Just because you got it up first doesn’t mean it’s yours. I was body doing interviews. No one can say I’m a rip off artist. I do my own work.
— stephbarry1287 (@stephbarry1287) July 1, 2020
What a coincidence that the video was out there for two days and the newspaper that’s in Springfield itself magically did a story on it an after we did a story criticizing them for not writing a story on it.
It’s OK though because she likes our stories and she called me uncle.
I like some of your stories. They make me laugh. But tamp down your turtle ego
— stephbarry1287 (@stephbarry1287) July 1, 2020
Bull shit I’ve been working on this since yesterday.
— stephbarry1287 (@stephbarry1287) July 1, 2020
Whatever, uncle. I was making calls on it since yesterday afternoon. Quit your martyrdom boo hoo
— stephbarry1287 (@stephbarry1287) July 1, 2020
Very serious reporter.
Oh, and her blue checkmark friends with 765 followers seemed to agree that she was right.
Blue checkmark hack @raykelly413 from Masslive with 765 followers agrees that his fellow MSM hack coincidentally reported on the same thing we did an hour after we did. The media LOVES to lick each other's balls pic.twitter.com/zV6XjBWGw6
— Aidan Kearney AKA Uncle Turtleboy (@RealUncleTB) July 1, 2020
Since they like stealing stories I won’t link them this time like I usually do, and instead I’ll report directly on the quote that I got from City Council President Justin Hurst, who also hates the cops.
“I stand behind Attorney Davis 100%. She made a mistake that could have happened to any of us considering these unusual times and remote technology. If she says she wasn’t speaking to the Commissioner, then I believe her until proven otherwise. She has done an unbelievable job as our clerk and we all make mistakes that we have to learn from. This situation is no different.”
I told you mother fuckers!!! Never doubt me. I knew they’d fall for her bullshit, just like they fell for Joe Petty’s bullshit 3 years ago. Of course they don’t believe her either. They know she’s lying. She’s just on their team so they’re going to protect her at all costs. Imagine if republicans actually fought like this instead of electing people like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Marco Rubio, and other losers whose life goal is to get the invite onto the Bill Maher show?
This same guy also said six months ago that he didn’t trust police.
“The idea that I’m going to trust Commissioner Clapprood and the Springfield Police Department, it’s just not going to happen.”
Luckily the police chief isn’t buying it.
“I do not believe she was talking to a family member. I listened to the clip over and over and I didn’t hear anyone in the background. I do not accept her apology and if that’s the way she feels about me personally and this department, that is a big problem. I’d like to get to the truth.”
Yes chief, that is how she feels about you. Good for you for not going along with it like a lot of police chiefs would. Good for you for standing up for your officers. Clearly this woman is a lying ratchet asshole who hates the cops. She should not be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power, and the cops should never, ever negotiate with a person like this. If I were the chief I’d refuse to work with this woman, and I’d consider resigning until she resigns. At the very least they can conduct a forensics investigation from an unbiased third party who can tell us if there was anyone else in that room. What the name of the cousin who was there? What’s the name of her boyfriend? Can they confirm they were both there at that time? What were they fighting over? There’s a million and one ways you could catch this chick in a lie, and she won’t be prepared to answer for it because she’s counting on people like Justin Hurst to bail her ass out.
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39 Comment(s)
She should be fired
Has anyone else pointed out that the slow, drawling way in which she said “B*tch, shut the f*ck uuuup” pretty much guarantees it was directed at the police chief and not her cousin? (Although I don’t doubt her cousin and her BF fight, all the time.) It wasn’t a fast, anxious, “B*tch, shut the f*ck up! I’m on a Zoom call!” You don’t have to be Columbo to solve this mystery.
But let’s say it was directed at her cousin: You call your cousin a b*tch? Classy.
Sometimes I get a strong feeling you may not know how the news works.
He doesn’t
F*ck TrashLies and T-gazette. I can’t even remember the last time I went to either of their egregious websites.
Does anyone else skip right the fuck over every story on TB that involves Colored Folk, and straight to the comments? It’’s cuz I already know how the story starts and ends. With a dunk, a dance, a TD, a fight, rape, robbery or murder.
So sick of Masslive – first they censored commentary on their website and then spun the reasoning by marketing their Facebook page which I refuse to follow. Now that there’s been plenty of heat thrown toward SPD, they’ve finally decided to stop running useless re-writes about the washed up local mob scene. (also written by yours truly – Stephanie Barry). On the topic of the City Councillors – how are they still employed? Two which you see in partake in the Zoom video, decided to lead a protest through a well-loved neighborhood bar who then caught heat for boarding up their windows to protect property. Springfield is such a shit show lately and having worked in it for the past 16 years, I can unequivocally state that de-funding the police is NOT the solution.
She’s black which means:
She can not only tell the Chief to shut the fuck up, she can throw things like frozen water bottles and Master locks at her and not get in trouble.
Now, if the Chief said this to her, what would happen? Administrative leave at the least if not fired.
Why you ask? Because what Chief says matters, the black lady not so much.
If the chiefs words matter, then her life does. Black lady not so much.
See, Black Lives Do Not Matter.
On a side note…is Cheryl related to the old gas bag heard on wrko years ago, Margery Claprood? I mean, the name Claprood is quite unique
Seriously, for real? Is that the level of Emperor’s New Clothes this has come to? They’re actually closing ranks and claiming she never said it? She fucking admitted she said it, she just spun a web of total bullshit to try and explain it.
Nagger, please!
We should start a movement..
Black Lies Matter
When I get in trouble I want to be treated like an illegal alien or a Democrat.
MassLive throws articles up in their site with the least information possible and zero reporting (forget copy editing) all the time. They basically paste the police blotter. People used to call this out in the comments, which is probably one reason they stopped allowing free speech. Face it, Stephanie, you are a has been and MassLive is washed up. Turtleboy does the only real investigative reporting that’s happening in Massachusetts today.
The more time that goes by without consequences, the more time she’ll have to create a story about who was “in her house,” and get them to go along with it. Watch and see.
Planet of the apes is no movie.its for real dawg
Keep believing that African Americans are oppressed by law enforcement. Keep believing that African Americans need more governmental assistance. Keep playing on the educational system, the media, and the rich, elite liberals to playing into your sympathies. Keep buying into the political motives and subversive agenda of the BLM movement. Keep turning Anarchists into heroes.
It has worked well for the African American community for the past Century.
Dr. MLK where have you gone?
In the not so distant future, libs will be tearing down statues of MLK because he wasn’t vegan and owned pets.
Keep eating your pets and the Asians will be next
Who’s Asian? Not me. I’m just Sum Yung HOt, HOrny, HOusewife. So what you wearing? Be descriptive.
Ahhh… Khakis
Just kidding I’m wearing a Mecca Sweatshirt. And sweet low riding jeans i found at Macy’s
Why in the name of investigative legwork dow a reporter need to “work for two days” on a video clip based on five words?
What she meant is that she’d been sitting on it for two days, but then it leaked out. (And probably not the first time, if you know what I’m saying.)
It’s ok, because now she’s on the ratchet radar, everything that It’s out of her mouth from now on, will be subject to scrutiny. She’s going to have to think before she speaks from here on out. Sooner or later, it will happen again….
This basic Shaneequa did what basic Shaneequas do and chimped out. Impulse control is not her forte. All will be forgiven becauae yo know racisn.
Wow, that reporter looks like a real hag. She should think about putting down the bottle. Alcohol is not her friend.
My most irrational fear lately. Being heard ranting at my town manager boss in virtual meetings to stfu about how many cv cases today in our community. yet it slips out…
Anyone who believes this woman was talking to members of her own family is either (a) lying or (b) stupid.
It’s really that simple folks.
Most people in Massachusetts don’t consider Springfield part of the State. It’s a third world nation where most don’t speak english. EBT, section 8 and other free shit are why they went there. The Casino is a total dump and is losing money. Defund the Police in Springfield and its a remake of Escape from New York. Keep wishing for Defunding the Police, the grownups will never let it happen. They know how you behave even with Police. People in the Middle class hate funding the Militarization of your crime infested neighborhoods.
Chimpin’ chimps will cover the backsides of other chimps unless they can steal what they have or elbow them in line for the banana. These 2 chimps don’t deserve their jobs in the white mans world. I long for the days of the old Pullman cars with their well behaved porters. “Shine here boss” was all it took and “step ‘n fetch it” would bring them back gleaming!
Steph Barry is a lush and and a hack.
The only time she has something intelligent in her head is when she’s sucking a guys cock.
That mouth hasn’t gotten near a white dick since !Wham! was a group. Mine on the other hand……..
They used to call themselves “African Americans”.
Notice African comes before American, and that’s the way they think. Always has been, always will be.
I really wish when that lying sack of human refuse tried to deny responsibility, the police chief responded with “bitch shut the fuck up” if she had been white, she’d already be fired. Why the double standard? I mean, I know it’s Springfield, but come on!
The guilty whites are elevating this black privilege. When will someone call the blacks’ hypocritical bullshit?
She was on the phone with Corn Pop. He’s a bad dude.
“Reporter” Stephanie Barry. Hahaha. She sounds like that “reporter” from the Providence Pamphet (Providence Journal) Katherine Gregg, if I recall correctly, who some months ago told TB she didn’t have the time or interest to correct her previously-printed false stories. And Masslive wants donations? The real estate market in New Hampshire must be booming.
^ ignore this bean breathed impostor
Ant, Roach, Wasp and Politician.
Seize their retirement, which they never earned.
Augustan Proscriptions!