City Of Worcester Paid Mosaic $39,378 To Hold A “People Of Color Only” Rummage Sale To Support Cop Killers

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Breaking News: The City of Worcester just cut ANOTHER check today to Mosaic for $39,378.72:

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Because, why wouldn’t they? The audit of Mosaic began in mid July. When the results were revealed in October it revealed that they were out of compliance with the requirements for a non-profit receiving city grant money. Turns out they never paid any of their workers, and they cannot document a single person who had their blood pressure tested at 41 Piedmont Street. Of course we know they don’t really test blood pressure there. The “health” thing is just a front so they can keep collecting checks and spending it on each other because none of them wanna get real jobs.

Before the audit the last check they received was in November of 2014. But since the audit they’ve actually been cranking it up!!! They have collected 6 checks now, totally over $165,000!!! In just SIX FREAKING MONTHS!!!!!

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That’s a lot of imaginary blood pressure to test!!! We only filed a Freedom of Information Act request on the check from November 20, 2014, but you bet your bottom dollar we will be down at City Hall tomorrow requesting a FOIA on this most recent check. You have to admit, these people have HUGE BALLS to keep applying for checks despite the fact that they just got AUDITED and the audit came back DIRTY!!!

Oh yea, and by the way, starting in November of 2015, Mosaic’s offices at 41 Piedmont Street were the center of a fundraiser in support of the “Justice or Else Movement.” This movement was started by Old Balls’ hero, Louis Farakkhan, at the Million Man March 20 years ago. You may recall that part of the “Justice or Else Movement” was to kill police officers:

“rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”

And Mosaic has since taken this down, but we screenshotted it first:



It’s clear as day – Mosaic, a government funded “non-profit” is using a city owned building at 41 Piedmont Street which they pay ZERO RENT for, is holding some sort of rummage sale in support of a man who promoted the murder of police officers.

This is my favorite part though:

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So the only people allowed at this public event, held in a city owned building, and paid for by your tax dollars, are “people of color and known allies.” If you are merely an ally, but they don’t know who you are, you are not welcome. If you are of the belief that it is not OK to murder police officers in cold blood as the good Minister suggests you should, then you are not an ally, and thus you are not welcomed on city owned property.

It continued though:


A group that is referring to the police as the “Blue Klux Klan,” is being funded by the taxpayers. Awesome. Of course the usuals were there – Parlee Jones, Cara Berg Powers, Hate Pickens, and of course our girl WANDA!!!

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Those guys must be known allies.

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There it is folks. A non-profit which receives money for one thing and one thing alone – hypertension screening for African-American men – held a bunch of rummage sales in support of a man who advocates cop killing, and you all paid for it!!! How does that make you feel? Good?

LOL. Obviously Joe Petty isn’t gonna do shit because he’s useless. And Ed Augustus has their back 110% because he can’t even get the Goddamn roads plowed. So it’s time to go above them. Here is Lt. Governor Karen Polito’s phone number: 617.725.4005. Here is her Twitter. Karen is from Shrewsbury, so this SHOULD be a story that interests her. All I heard when her and Tim Murray got elected to state office was that they were gonna make Central Massachusetts relevant again. Since then all I’ve seen is Charlie Baker try to close down the Brookfield State Police barracks. Let her know that this shit is UNACCEPTABLE. I swear to God, if she doesn’t do something about this, I will vote for Martha Coakley. Say I won’t!!

I fully expected the likes of Deval Patrick to rubber stamp this garbage, so what’s the point of changing administrations if it’s just more of the same bullshit for us?

Seriously, call them up tomorrow. Let them know that it’s not OK that a political organization is receiving city funding to organize radical, anti-police activity. This is where the Kelley Square blockade began. This is where your tax dollars are going. Let your voice be heard and take your city back from CRIMINALS like Ed Augustus, Joe Petty, Brenda Jenkins, and the rest of the prize patrol.




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17 Comment(s)
  • Sweet Justice
    January 6, 2016 at 8:29 am

    I agree. I think it is ridiculous that the city is funding this sham of an organization whose only goal is to create and hold onto racism. I’d get my blood pressure checked too……IF I were black….IF I were male….IF Mosaic actually checked blood pressures. Guess I will have to have my DOCTOR check it and have it paid for by my INSURANCE which I have through my JOB!

    • Wabbitt
      January 6, 2016 at 7:15 pm

      Or go to CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreens, or any other pharmacy and get it checked for free.

  • Thought
    January 5, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    i thought “colored people” was a racist term

    • Denischa
      January 5, 2016 at 5:43 pm

      It os not sure why a multi cultural group would use the word. Oh by the way I am bi racial and wonder what’s going on on piedmont street.

  • Woo Town
    January 5, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    “Known allies” must mean, “You have $20 to give me.”

    • The Philistine
      January 6, 2016 at 6:20 am

      Tree fitty

  • Woo Town
    January 5, 2016 at 1:06 pm

    Karyn Polito holds a state office. This funding is allowed by the city (albeit through state grants, but the city decides how to spend the money).

    All Polito could do would be to stop sending money to Worcester County, which she won’t and shouldn’t do. It is a local, city government problem. Not the Lt. Gov’s issues.

    • Glexo
      January 5, 2016 at 11:01 pm

      Come on. She CAN make some phone calls. She CAN ask for some kind of accountability. She CAN take a position on the issue. And if the CAN’T or WON’T then why the hell did we elect her.

  • Purple Passion
    January 5, 2016 at 11:10 am

    Paul Moosey should volunteer his time to Mosaic and take the blood pressure of the 54-year-old cyclist who sampled Moosey’s recent snow-plowing extravaganza.

  • Young Townie
    January 5, 2016 at 10:59 am

    Kwanzaa. What a beautiful holiday. If only everyone celebrated a holiday that was invented in the 1960s based upon classical Marxism, violence and anti-white racism this world would be a much better place. Also, how come it seems that the only people who take Kwanzaa seriously are white liberal hippies? All the black people I know celebrate Christmas.

  • WormtownorBust
    January 5, 2016 at 8:51 am

    The majority of the ‘vendors’ look awfully White.

  • Rational person
    January 5, 2016 at 8:17 am

    I would have loved to see what kind of “stuff” Wanda had to offer.

    • BnanHam
      January 6, 2016 at 12:33 am

      Asian chicks in the basement….

  • President Matt
    President Matt
    January 5, 2016 at 7:57 am

    I want to state for the record that the Worcester Tea Party has not received and subsidies or support from the city of Worcester.
    All of our funds come from our members.

    As an group that works for limited government it is disturbing to us that the city of Worcester spends the hard earned tax dollars this carelessly.
    As a principled non-profit civic educational organization we are aghast that any community group would conduct itself in such a way.

    • Diamond Merchant
      January 5, 2016 at 8:03 am

      Why don’t you propose a protest outside their place, with your members and just blast these State records on your signs?

      You could at least see if the city would deny you.

  • Clive's not a racist, just ask him
    January 5, 2016 at 7:37 am

    It’s fuckin disgusting that this shit is still going on, makes my blood boil (and since I’m white I can’t even get my blood pressure checked).

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