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If you’re having a bad day just watch this video and you’ll realize that it could be worse – you could be caught watching hardcore pornography in a crowded lecture hall because you forgot to plug in your ear phones into your laptop (warning NFSW):
Fantastic. I’m assuming that this was a prank, because why else would someone be taping it and putting it on this kid’s Youtube channel? There’s also the fact that when you Google Jamie Zhu, you get a plethora of sexual prank videos. But I dream. And it’s way funnier if this was all an accident. Especially since he ran out of the lecture hall embarrassed and essentially got a standing ovation.
I will say this though – it’s almost unfair these days how easy kids can access pornography. Back in my day the kid who brought the Penthouse to school was a modern day celebrity. This usually lasted about three or four hours tops, before too many people got wise to it and the next thing you know Mrs. Ciccone was searching the hero’s locker. Now days kids are probably sitting in fourth period chemistry class and watching Redtube until the cows come home. Meanwhile we had to pay $7 on the black market for the Jenny McCarthy Playboy. This is why Turtleboy Jr. isn’t allowed anywhere near the iPad unless we’re in the room.
P.S. I think they guy who should be most embarrassed with this video is the white kid next to him who seems to be the only one not laughing because he can’t take his eyes off of the hardcore pornography:
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7 Comment(s)
Could have been a sex ed class on steriods…
Better him
Wabbitt, if it was s liberal arts school it would have to something starring Belle Knox, the feminist porn star from Duke. It’s a real thing, look it up.
You say that like I’ve never heard of Belle Knox. Not really a fan.
For purely scientific purposes… what video was he watching?
Unemployable Millennials With Degrees: Volume 6
Damn. That series really jumped the shark after volume 4.