
Connecticut Gascan Goblin Scams Hundreds Of Elderly People With Fake Story About Car Running Out Of Gas

Connecticut Gascan Goblin Scams Hundreds Of Elderly People With Fake Story About Car Running Out Of Gas

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Here’s your Turtleboy scam artist of the day out of Connecticut:

Classic. I guess this guy is notorious in Connecticut because everyone on the post seemed to have seen him in action before. The post has been shared over 10,000 times! And the other day someone saw him scamming a little old lady and decided to confront him about it:

“I can’t find a job man, I’m just trying to live!!”

Hey here’s an idea – you might have more like finding a job if you actually, ya know, look for a job. Because this scam is nothing new. Here’s a post from the East Windsor Police in 2015:

Yea, why work when you can scam vulnerable people out of money and then blow that cash on 40’s?

Anyone know this guy’s name? Went through the thousands of comments on that post and all the shares and haven’t seen a single person identify him. If you know the Connecticut Gascan Goblin send us a tip. We’d love to blow up his spot even more.


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6 Comment(s)
  • Barry
    June 30, 2017 at 1:29 pm

    This scam is even older than the leftover speakers sold from the delivery van scam. I’m surprised that it still works.

  • Charisma Beauty
    June 30, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    I think this piece of trash was the referee at the baseball-bat beatdown in Waterbury earlier in the week. CT is rapidly becoming a cess pool.

    • Maggie
      July 1, 2017 at 8:48 am

      Right, because all Blacks look the same..this is an old fake story curculated to perpetuate hate. Sickening..

      • Sue
        July 1, 2017 at 12:00 pm

        Actually this is not a fake news feed. My father knows first hand what this man does. He even jumped into my fathers car saying he thought he told him too. Trying to, get money from him.

      • Danny
        July 2, 2017 at 10:25 am

        He not fake. I’ve actually seen him in Vernon. Walking away from a gas station

  • The Executioner
    June 30, 2017 at 11:43 am

    If these moochers would put half as much effort into looking for a job as they do thinking up these scams, he wouldn’t be such a blight on society because he would be working everyday with benefits.

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