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The hippies are obsessed with transparency for police. They claim to want dashcams and body cams for all cops so that we can prove they’re all a bunch of racist nazis harassing innocent people of color for sport. The police union is all for it, because more often than not it’s gonna exonerate cops rather than implicate them. And once they’re in place, it’s only a matter of time until the hippies start complaining about being videotaped all the time. Wanna see what the future is gonna look like? Look no further than this bogus claim of racial profiling from some idiot hippie professor in Connecticut:
A professor at a local community college has been arrested after allegedly claiming an officer racially profiled her, when he didn’t.
On May 9, Minati Roychoudhuri, 32, of Storrs, was driving near exit 85 on Route 15 when she was pulled over. She was cited for failure to drive in the established lane.
A month later, on June 8, she sent the following letter to the Commissioner of Public Safety:
Dear Sir/Madam
I was traveling to Wethersfield on Route 15/5 to attend a meeting 9th May. I was on the left lane on route 15 and had to take exit 85. After the Brainard Airport exit, and after the merging lane ended, I signaled and went to the right lane to take exit 85. An unmarked police car with flashing light stopped me on the ramp after I had taken the exit. The policeman asked me if I could speak English and if I knew why he had stopped me. I said, “yes” to speaking English and “no” to why he had stopped me. He then asked me for my driver’s license and registration. He returned with an envelope and said that I could simply mail in the infraction.
The officer did not give me any reason as to why had stopped me. His asking if I could speak English shows that he had racially profiled me and was not able to give me a concrete reason for stopping me. Further, the officer had checked “Hispanic” in the race category in the infraction ticket. I am a Professor in English at Capital Community College, I teach about diversity and the negative impact of racial profiling, I have now become a target of the same insidious behavior! It is easy to connect the dots with the nationwide racial profiling which has led to serious consequences. I request that my infraction charges be dropped and action be taken against the officer. I have talked with the Senator and Legislator of my constituency regarding this matter and I am sending a copy of this letter to them as well.
Thank you in advance, Sincerely, Minati Roychoudhuri
Most State Police cruisers, including the one that stopped Roychoudhuri, have video and audio recorders to record all motor vehicle stops and other interactions.
Here is a transcript of the conversation between Roychoudhuri and the officer:
Officer: Hi ma’am, do you know why I’m stopping you today?
Roychoudhuri: No
O: OK. There’s that big gore area with white lines painted across it and you cut in front of it, in front of me, thinking it’s a lane or something. You have to wait until it’s a dotted white line. License and registration.
(She handed him insurance, so he requested the registration again, which she gave him)
O: Thank you. This is for your Subaru car.
R: This is my Subaru car.
O: Is this a station wagon, color green? The plate doesn’t match what’s on there.
R: [Inaudible]…I thought that was my [inaudible]
O: I’ll run the plate and see what it comes back with.
R: This is the [inaudible] that I have.
(Officer returns to his car for three minutes to write out the ticket for failure to drive in the established lane)
O: Ma’am. So I wrote you the infraction for that improper lane change that you did.
R: Please, you know, I probably crossed over there, and that’s why I did it.
O: OK.
R: Obviously I did that.
O: [Inaudible]
R: My [inaudible] is absolutely clean.
O: Ok. So I wrote you an infraction for that improper lane change that you did.
R: OK.
O: The answer date is on the front of it and the instructions are on the back of it.
R: Wait, what?
O: It’s a mail in infraction. All you have to do is mail in, either a check or money order, and mail it in.
R: OK.
O: Alright.
R: Thank you.
The Internal Affairs investigation reviewed that audio, and concluded the officer never asked Roychoudhuri if she spoke English and that he clearly explained to Roychoudhuri why she was pulled over, to the point that she offers an explanation as to why she made the improper turn.
When interviewed in person in regards to her letter on June 15, Roychoudhuri repeated the same claims of racial profiling and that the officer did not explain why she was stopped, and then she signed a statement that it is a crime for her to make any claims that she doesn’t believe to be true in an effort to mislead a public servant.
At the interview, Roychoudhuri also said to the investigator she hates to think she was stopped due to her race, “But what should I presume? I hate to say this in academia, but I’m in academia and teach about diversity all the time.”
Roychoudhuri was subsequently arrested for giving a false statement in the second degree.
HAHAHAHHAHA. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen. This is the greatest justice ever, and it’s all thanks to the transparency that numbnuts like Minati Roychoudhuri have been whining about. There’s just so much to dislike about this woman and so little time. She
- made up a story about being asked if she spoke English, because she has been DYING to be a victim of this racial profiling she’s been reading about so much from undocumented stories on the Internet
- claimed that the officer didn’t explain why he pulled her over, only to find out that that’s the first thing he said
- tried to make the officer sound like a racist dooshnozzle, but it turns out he was calm, professional, and courteous throughout the entire ordeal
- claims to be a professor, but writes like Charlie did in Chapter 2 of Flowers for Algernon
- she maliciously went after a good cop and demanded action be taken against him, which directly threatened his livelihood and reputation
You know who else taught about racism in his classes but had never actually been the victim of racism himself? This guy:
Remember Skip Gates? The guy who basically jump started all this bullshit when he conned President Obama into calling the Cambridge police “stupid?” He teaches at Harvard and has been DYING to be a victim of all the racism he teachers about in class, which he claims is so prevalent in society. But he didn’t have time to wait for it to happen, so he just made it up.
This is what people in Academia do. They are the worst people on the planet. Literally useless. The only people dumb enough to fall for their bullshit are naive 19 year olds who don’t understand how the world works, which is why they teach in college. Because taxpaying adults know better.
What makes these people in “Academia” so awful, is their overinflated sense of self-importance. We saw it when that Worcester State professor called the cops on the Mass Fury game and signed her letter “PhD,” like any of us give a fuck. We don’t.
But the best part is that she thought anyone would give a shit that she teaches at Capital Community College – a school where anyone from Hartford with a GED can get their learn on.
And God bless the police for completely setting her up for her own demise too. They knew damn well after watching the dashcam tape that everything she said was a lie. But instead of just blowing her off and ignorning her they brought her in and made her sign a document, admitting that if she was lying she would be arrested. And then she signed it and was immediately arrested. This is why you teach at Community College Minati Roychoudhuri. Take a lap girl.
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13 Comment(s)
I would be willing to bet that shit like this happens more often than not and more often than most people realize. Race baiting DBs stirring up shit, hire Hector Pineiro, so they can try and get a nice check and try to take down a cop doing his/her job.
Unreal. Great blog!
I have a degree in English Lit and I take grad classes/workshops to keep my education updated. In comparitive lit you do talk about “diversity” as a concept. I have NEVER had an English professor teach sociological nor ethical diversity. Unless undergraduate ciriculums have changed since 1997. When I studied Russian Lit if the 19th century, diversity training was NOT on the syllabus.
Ugh… Is this where we’re at as a society today? When an educated person cries “racism” falsely, beats her chest on how she teaches “diversity”, (as an English professor) gets caught filing a false report against a police officer who according to the transcript treated her with respect and professionalism and proves herself to be not only overtly racist but she’s inciting racism in a time when unity and commonalities are in desperate need.
I could go on and on but I’m not going to waste my knowledge or energy on this vile troglidite. Cop’s have a tough enough job wth out this nonsense. It just proves how low the left will sink to push their agenda. Disgusting. Of course this is my opinion. I could be wrong.
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, stay in school and become professors.
To quote Ralph Wiggum, “Me fail English? That’s unpossible!”
I teach a class there. How not to walk into a trap 101.
Clearly she needed Admiral Akbar to point that trap out for her.
Thanks for exposing this fraud. This woman clearly is desperately seeking attention. She should be punished for her lies & slander.
One word for this woman …… douchebag ! oh wait is that supposed to be too words? Shit I think I took her English class ! Lol
me got my degree in English from Capital Community College!
So, wait a second – she says she’s an English professor, and she teaches about racial profiling all the time?
Shouldn’t she be covering, I don’t know… ENGLISH?