Guess who was up to her old tricks over the weekend?
Everyone’s favorite train wreck business owner Jey Royle. The blue checkmark former media personality turned mentally unbalanced restauranteur who has a tendency to shame people for using gift cards to her restaurant and doxes anyone who leaves a bad review.
In the latest episode of Jen Royle does crazy bitch shit on social media, someone posted about the FBI being in the North End and asked if Jen called them about tables not being six feet apart, since she’s previously admitted to doing this to another business owner. A local nurse responded jokingly that Jen probably called the feds since she thinks she owns the North End now and made a crack about Jen not finishing culinary school. Of course Jen couldn’t ignore this comment from a stranger who she doesn’t follow and decided to lose her Goddamn mind as usual.
“Best restaurants in the city.”
Girl, you make strangers sit together to eat the eggplant casserole you made, and you rely on Dale Arnold, Jerry Thornton, Christian Fauria, and Tony Mazz to buy your overpriced shit and tweet about it in order to get free advertising.
This time she vowed to find out where the woman worked (a hospital) and began relentlessly harassing them about the horrible injustice of an employee joking about Jen’s insane antics on social media.
She eventually found out that the woman works at Boston Medical, where unlike Jen she’s been busy saving lives and making a difference in her community.
When the nurse protested Jen did what any rational person would do and called her a complete bitch.
As usual, people attempted to tell her that it’s demented for someone with 40,000 followers to use her platform to post the personal information of someone for simply making a comment on Twitter. But in typical Jen Royle fashion she doubled down and refused to admit she did anything wrong.
And in the ultimate twist of irony she bragged that same night that she doesn’t rat on people.
Because Jen Royle is a lot of things, but she ain’t no mother fucking snitch!
Except for that time she snitched to the authorities about outdoor seating at other restaurants, or the time she snitched to a hospital about an innocuous comment made by a nurse on Twitter. Other than that she ain’t no rat. Plus her staff loves her. Even ask her.
My staff loves me. And the nurse never came to my restaurant. She personally attacked my character and education. Try to follow along, buddy. It definitely helps. @pdp_78 https://t.co/1eGdX6g7S4
— Jen Royle (@Jen_Royle) July 30, 2020
The fact that no one has taken away this woman’s phone at this point is criminal. Doesn’t she have any friends who can help her out? This is almost abuse at this point.
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68 Comment(s)
She makes that face every time she pulls a crap out of her underwear.
I don’t give a flying fuck if she’s got the best food in Boston….. I wou,d never eat there because you never want crazy cooking your food. That could go sideways real quick. I would love to hear from some of her employees or ex-employees. If she let’s her crazy-bitch flag fly so openly, just imagine her after-hours nuttiness. Or her back of the house wackiness during shift. Someone please secretly record her. (All of you who have ever worked in the industry know what I’m talking about. She’s got to be padded cell, straight jacket wearing, thorazine popping nutty)
That might be the devil
Hi my name is Jen own restaurant in North End ..never marriage , no kids ..ok looking for early 50’s have two cats …..that mean bat shit crazy …old term from NESN …hit and run …
person 1, Whole family went out for dinner last night and we got the Royle treatment.
person 2, Oh that’s great so the food and service was really good?
person 1, No, this rabid owner named Royle came to our table shouting her head off, took video while shouting I’m gonna make ya’ll you-tube famous, then she started throwing dishes at everyone, before a couple guys dragged her away.
person 2, That’s crazy, I thought you meant Royal.
Oh man.. I do get a kick out of Jen’s rollercoaster personality, but I think she might have fucked up real bad here..
Restaurants in the North End do in fact look out for each other and if this snitch story somehow turns out to be true, she’s done..
She still looks good, but will she look as good in a few years after the amount of stress she’ll deal with when her business goes under? Can she win people over with her bubbly psychotic personality somewhere outside of Boston? I’m not sure..
Still looks good CHEDDAH? Are you shittin’ me!!! HHAAAHAAA, she’s a fukkin’ homely cunt!!! Luv, Frank
She looks like a crazy bitch and crazy bitches suck a good cock. I’d have to be drunk tho
So while everyone is distracted with Karen’s and BLM. Our elected officials whom we have allowed to govern our laws and lands give us empty words and false narratives. Our people, citizens of this once great nation, whether, brown, white, black, yellow or green, man or woman, young, or old are being tasked with carrying the burdens and struggles while the people WE put in place do nothing. We will give them our silent conformity while they take another paid vacation. I ask you all when is it enough?
No shit where’s the soros funded protests against our “leaders”
Riding that credit karma dick to a 1300 a month mortgage… duhhh
Wow, what a cunt! She goes wu-tang on someone who justifiably criticized her… and admits they were right about what they said? Am I reading that correctly?
Jen does her best work on a Mushroom Cap. She’s very gifted in that regard.
Nasty bitch. Karmas coming and she’s a bitch
Thos woman is about 46 and still somewhat attractive. Everyday she will get a little less attractive. The only thing left with be some crazy psycho that used to look hot. Tick tock Bitch!
True story, my buddy was fucking her years ago and she didn’t like that she wasn’t the only one so she blew him up on twitter. Doxxed the shit out of him, so she has been a fucking rat for years.
She loves the Bolivian Marching Powder.
40 not married no kids attractive at one point in life. Means Crazy
Means if you do fuck her, if she even lets you, wear a rubber and go anal. Also skip her a morning after pill to make sure of zero chance of pregnancy. If some poor bastard knocks this bitch up she’s the type to get a lawyer and judge to get 99 percent of what the father owns and earns. All for one lousy orgasm. But again. Never ever dip your wick in crazy.
Someone order a lobotomy with a black pepper grinder and a corkscrew?
Before embarking on a journey of petty revenge… always dig two graves.
Jen looks like the last shit I took.
A fallopian tubeless cunt!
At least Alex Cora had a starfish
cave to warm his thumb.
Cora is a well known creeper !!!! Ask people in the restaurant bar business
You need to doxx her and post everything you find.
You mean, like she’s middle aged, unmarried, and last known address is 274 bunker hill st in Charlestown? That kind of doxxing?
When the women who got by in life did so with their tits and their ass discover their tits and ass doesn’t get them treated like the Titan of Humanity they thought they were…and they have to make it on their non-physical attributes alone…
That’s when the fun really starts. I suspect we get a lot of Karens this way: Ladies rapidly losing their fast ball, so they have to come up with some total junk to stay on top.
Immodest harlot Jen Royle must be buried up to her breasts and stoned to death for her sins against the Holy Prophet, may peace be upon him. This blasphemous heretic has abandoned the teachings of our peaceful religion, and her cooked dog and Shawarma tastes like shit, so the Mullah says crush her skull. Allah be praised!
ahahahaha my new favorite poster.
Out-of-state travelers could face up to $10,000 in fines if they break New York City’s two-week quarantine rule and checkpoints will be set up at entry points into the city, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Wednesday.
No need to worry. He wont arrest any chimps for looting shooting assaulting burning or murder.
And they won’t arrest any conservatives because we don’t want nothing to do with New Jack City.
Only De Blasio would put check points going into the city. He should go to Alaska to fish for the salmon heading down stream.
And he is very optimistic about staffing them with administrative police department volunteers. Third prize for not volunteering is you’re fired.
Corpses CAN travel without penalty…because they lie “in-state”
If she’s one of the few still in business running a restaurant in Boston in these times, she’s doing pretty well. If I were trying to keep a restaurant going, I’d have jumped out of a window months ago. And no free points for the nurse simply because she’s a nurse.
She hasn’t handled the shutdown well. She went on a rant about people using gift cards for her restaurant, purchased by customers. She thought they had no right to use them, even though they were already paid for. I guess she though those were just free cash for her, in these trying times.
Jen you are a nasty bitch and you could write a book on “How to fail at customer service”.
I would rather eat a 5 day old hot dog from 7-11 than visit your restaurant.
I think Jen and Kathleen (from the Cat Cafe) would make a great business parntership!
Jeez, and I meant Diane from Purr Cat Cafe, not Kathleen. Kathleen is the person that didn’t understand the the cafe has NO CATS!
Not enough coffee for me today.
This girl needs a large serving of comeuppance in a hurry.
Jens vagina was probably tight and had the proper PH balance back when Ronald Regan was in office but now she’s just got a dried up clam with extra flaps hanging out. Sad old lady.
Make sure there’s some horsey sauce oozing out the sides to give it that extra realistic look.
Never change, Jenny baby. I love this side of you.
Casual Observations:
1) As demented as she is, she must at some level comprehend that her best years are well behind her.
2) Whenever I want to see “Fat Girl in Tight Leather Pants”, I check her Instagram.
3) She was never very good looking, and now she’s just fucking weathered.
Ridden hard and hung up wet as the cowboys would say
“We hold these truths to be self evident. All men and women created by, go, you know, you know the thing”
Join us.
WOULD Jen Royle… with a burner phone, fake name and a mixture of fear and pleasure.
WOULD the nurse… and do my best to create a positive solid future with her.
Probably my favorite most logical post on here. Good work.
I’d fuck her if she let me. Face down ass up of course. Need a ball gag in her mouth or her face in a pillow. I don’t give a fuck about whatever stupid shit she has to say. Just Wana dump a load up her cunt.
Remember…The brown eye is the best part.Clams are a dime a dozen.
I think she’s cunty.
That’s everything I like in a woman.
Is her restaurant any good? Has anyone ever been there? Does she treat her employees well? How’s the customer service?
Doubt she treats anyone well, bipolar is never nice. She’s got SJW BLM freakout written all over her, she has to splain her crazy somehow. “I’m crazy cuz I care” fuck off lady!
Jen, this is Joe Biden. I’ll give you a nice massage and rub down if you promise to vote for me to be senator on Super Thursday.
This is Ayanna Pressley. Jen you have amazing hair. Would you consider getting a haircut and donating your hair to locks for life? I could use a new wig. Never had hair like yours glued to my bald head before.
Jen is an anti-Trump person. Which is ironic because she is just like him with the way she Tweets and acts. I actually follow her and Trump on Twitter, and to be honest I love the shit show both display on a regular basis. It’s good entertainment.
Jen is pretty hot looks wise. But remember. Most liberal women are ugly. All liberal women are insane. Never dip. I would never her give me a hand Job though. A hand job is still a job. I’d nut all over her liberal titties.
This is Bill Clinton. I mostly agree to never dip in a liberal. That’s why I never fuck Hillary. Would a blowjob count? It’s not sex. Does Jen have a nice box to stick my cigar in while she sucks?
Bill, I thought you wanted to visit my island again and go for much younger girls? Isn’t Jen a little old for your liking?
Jeff and Bill, perhaps the waitstaff at the resturaunt Jen runs will
Be more to your liking. Your scout and pimp, Maxwell
This is Hillary. Bill let me know who knows about this, we can’t have loose ends. Maxwell and Jeffrey , delete your emails regarding this. I already deleted 33,000 of my emails.
Do what ever Hillary says. She means business.
…oh boy.
Bill, this is Monica. Thanks for the protein shake Straight from the tap. Tasted great and helped me grow strong. PS you never sent my blue dress out to be dry cleaned and have the stain removed.
She laughed at my tiny peepee, but she still got on her knees in a dirty alley behind Bovas.
This C U Next Tuesday is the same gal that when she was a kid would tell “teacher teacher this kid is breaking the rules”. Tattle tales if the tables in a restueraunt are 5.5 feet apart instead of 6.
Be sure to report her ass for any stupid thing she does wrong.
And act like she doesn’t exist if she harasses you. It really pisses these idiots off when you ignore their bullshit. They go off the deep end.
Why is mental illness so damn ‘chic’???