
Crowd Loses Its Mind When Kevin Hayes Silences A David Prouty Student Who Tried To Speak At School Committee Meeting

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So our friends in the Spencer-East Brookfield School Committee called for a special meeting on Tuesday night to discuss the student walkout on Friday. We were hoping for some kind of bombshell, but all it really turned out to be was 60 minutes of Tracy Crowe and Kevin Hayes bragging about what a great job they’ve done with the district, and how open they are to communication. Basically it was a propaganda session in which parents and students were informed that everything they’ve read on Turtleboy is a lie and Crowe was the only one who was trying to fix it.

Can’t make this stuff up. The best part was when Superintendent Crowe addressed the criticism that she wasn’t returning phone calls. I swear to God, her reason for not returning all these phone calls was that she “doesn’t have caller ID,” so she can “only call back people who leave messages with their phone numbers.” Because she apparently wants us to believe that it’s 1993, which would make sense since David Prouty hasn’t had any repairs done since then.

Anyway, at Worcester School Committee meetings they let you get up and talk for two minutes if you’re a citizen with a concern. Usually it’s the same 5-6 people whining about the same things, but at least we let them talk. Because letting people air their grievances is an important part of living in a democracy.

Not in Spencer though. These meetings are really just a chance for Hayes and Crowe to brag about how good a job they’re doing. They know no one actually believes them so they don’t let them talk. But tonight it got out of control when a high school senior named Chelsie Trombly attempted to speak, and was DENIED by the devil himself, Kevin Hayes. That’s when the crowd lost it and started booing him. Finally one of the only sensible guys on the SC used some sort of parliamentary procedure to suspend the rules and let the girl talk. And she did a great job:

This girl is obviously smart and she obviously cares about her school. How much of a dooshnozzle do you have to be to try to prevent her from speaking? I mean, you have to realize that you’re the bad guy when you’re threatened by a high school honors student, don’t you? Good for this girl, and good for the crowd for not taking their bullshit anymore. This school district belongs to you. Kevin Hayes is just white trash using your tax dollars to support his family. His wife has gotten two coaching stipends, and two of his children are janitors in the schools. They don’t run things, the taxpayers do.

In the crowd the two candidates looking to replace Kevin Hayes and Vincent Cloutier were standing up for the girl. Hayes got flustered at one of them, Martha Berthiaume, and he literally asked her “don’t you have a campaign to go work on?” It was priceless. Spencer politics is the best!!

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The other guy looking to replace Hayes, Jason Monette, was also pretty vocal and he stood up and kind of demanded that the girl be able to speak:

This is what a revolution looks like. Turtleboy is getting aroused just thinking about the look on Kevin Hayes’ face when he goes down in flames on the May 10th election.

Oh yea, and Lyin’ Kimmy Ring did her best to show that management is being wrongly convicted in the court of public opinion. Turns out someone actually filed a claim that Principal Patricia Jordan and Dr. Crowe stole the fundraising money that magically disappeared and is now being pinned on the show choir director. And wouldn’t ya know it, the district investigated itself and determined that they are innocent:

Free my bro!!! All I gotta say is, that’s a pretty quick investigation. After all, they’ve been investigating Chuck Fahey and Becky Bussiere since the Bush administration, but somehow this “investigation” was wrapped up in a day or two. Whoever reported these two, we’d like to kiss you on the lips.

Anyway, May 10 is only a few weeks away. I know we’ve kind of been killing this story, but that’s what we do at Turtleboy Sports. When we go to war, we go strap for strap and we don’t stop until we’ve assassinated our opponent. Kevin Hayes and Tracy Crowe wanted to dance with the devil, so now we have no choice but to add them to the Turtleboy graveyard. Start digging the plot boys!!!


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17 Comment(s)
  • Concerned for Humanity
    April 20, 2016 at 9:00 pm

    Sheeple. All of you. You eat anything this ass hat serves you. All of the information is out there people. Look into it for yourselves rather than read into this guy’s mouth.
    What’s the turtle’s agenda??

  • Boss Tweed
    April 20, 2016 at 8:47 pm

    If Crowe gives him a stipend he’d bang her. He would do anything for a buck.

  • VoteEmOut
    April 20, 2016 at 1:18 pm

    Hayes is a bully and dumb as a rock but bang Crowe? I dont think he is blind.

  • juror seven
    April 20, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    Do you think Kevin is porking Tracy?

  • Mike
    April 20, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Unfortunately the only way to stop the BS is for people to vote them out. i think you will find that 80% of the people in that district just don’t care.

  • Deb McNamara
    April 20, 2016 at 7:29 am

    It was epic
    I liked the Dr.’s emphasis on “not”. Every time she said it, her nose grew an inch.

  • Independent Thinker
    April 20, 2016 at 6:35 am

    Now watch them to something stupid, like telling those who walked out that they won’t be able to participate in graduation.

    Something is seriously wrong with this district.

  • UsualSuspect
    April 20, 2016 at 5:48 am

    Kevin Hayes is in the running for world’s biggest asshat, I think he may even be challenging the front-runner Donald Trump!

    • QQ
      April 20, 2016 at 8:01 am

      you mean clinton

      • UsualSuspect
        April 20, 2016 at 9:22 am

        Her too. 3 horses in that race.

        • Fatfingr Lou
          April 20, 2016 at 5:10 pm

          Only part of the horse

  • TeacherMom
    April 20, 2016 at 2:38 am

    I could not have been more proud of Chelsie Trombly if she were my own kid. She remained as calm and collected as anyone could in the face of Kevin Hayes’ bullying and berating, calmer than most of the adults who were there.

    I (almost) couldn’t believe the nerve of that man, touting rules that “everybody should know,” and essentially implying everybody else was stupid, simply because his statement that the rules were on the website was refuted.

    I hate bullies. I have always hated bullies.

    • lol?
      April 21, 2016 at 1:44 am

      Theres no way you’re a teacher.

  • Tudor turtle
    April 20, 2016 at 12:30 am

    Just think, the only thing missing from this meeting tonight was Clive McFarlane.

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      April 20, 2016 at 12:32 am

      Too busy thinking up his next article filled with bullshit and racism.

  • VoteEmOut
    April 19, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Cant wait to see Kimmy’s article. She be completely unbiased.

  • VoteEmOut
    April 19, 2016 at 11:29 pm

    Good stuff. Good Blog.

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