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So apparently at Dartmouth University the black lives matter terrorists hadn’t disrputed the lives of innocent people enough. So they went to the one place where racism was known to be abundant – the library. And they singled out about a dozen kids who were committing the unthinkable racist act of studying for exams. Watch:
Now according to the Dartmouth Review, some other things happened that weren’t on camera:
- One protester yelled: “F*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “F*** you and your comfort!” “F*** you, you racist s***!”
- Throngs of protesters converged around fellow students who had not joined in their long march. They confronted students who bore “symbols of oppression”: “gangster hats” and Beats-brand headphones.
- Those who tried to close their doors were harassed further. One student abandoned the study room and ran out of the library. The protesters followed her out of the library, shouting obscenities the whole way.
- Students who refused to listen to or join their outbursts were shouted down. “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. “If we can’t have it, shut it down!” they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting “filthy white b****!” in her face.
- There was a girl studying in one of the study rooms in Novack and the protestors stormed the room. She closed the door on one of the protestors which resulted in rage from many protestors. The girl then exited silently through the crowd while protestors screamed at her calling her a white bitch.
- At one point the protestors crowded around a guy sitting on his laptop and stared at him screaming at him ‘If we cant study, you can’t study.’”
- After making a girl cry, a protestor screamed “Fuck your white tears.”
- Another ‘19 recalled clapping after a protester said, “let’s give a round of applause for the beautiful people of color who were here for this protest.” The protester then turned on her saying, “for all of you that are sitting down and applauding right now, ‘we don’t care about you’.”
Now here at Turtleboy we’re not big fans of anecdotal, second hand stories. We like videos and verifiable facts. However, it is interesting that a lot of these accounts came from a girl who was one of the protesters. She apparently found her comrades’ tactics disgusting and thought the whole thing was counterproductive.
Gee, ya think? Here’s my question – what took you so long? These are terrorists. Always have have been. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron. They do what terrorists do – they target innocent civilians minding their own business because they feel like they’re too gutless to go after the people that are supposedly oppressing them. Because once again, if they had any sack they’d be protesting at the police station, or the courthouse, or the jail. But instead they blockade highways and harass people studying in the library for the crime of being white.
I mean, the nerve of them to ask these kids, “do you think black lives matter?” Yea, of course I think black lives matter. You know what else matters? The score I get on this test tomorrow because I’m trying to get into grad school. Now I get out of my face before I punch you.
What I would do if I was going to Dartmouth is find out all their names. Then I’d literally follow them around 24/7 with a camera and ask them random questions. “Do you think Siberian Tigers lives matter? Do you think Kazakh transgender lives matter? Do you think Genghis Khan’s victims’ ancestors should get reparations? Do you think Chechen lives matter? WHY NOT???!!!!! If you don’t stand up and march with me against Russian oppression then you’re a NAZI!!!!”
What makes these people really frauds is that in the near future they will have exams to study for as well. And when they go to study no one is gonna march into their dorm room and lecture them about abortion or climate change. Because civilized people respect boundaries and don’t use fear and intimidation in order to coerce people into joining their cause. So at the end of the day their right to study for a test won’t be taken from them. But everyone else can go fuck themselves.
If anyone out there can find me this girl:
Or this girl’s name:
Please send them to Turtleboy. Because we love nothing more than finding out the back story of all these idiots. In order to go to an Ivy League University like Dartmouth, you are already privileged by definition. You have opportunities that such a small percentage of the population will ever have. No one actually believes that you’re oppressed. You’re just another whiny, stinkbag little millennial poopsmooch who wants to cause havoc.
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24 Comment(s)
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Good point Froggy, they sure live up to the stereotype.
Too bad the”filthy white bitch” didn’t smack the” filthy black bitch” right in the cocksucker..
Any group that takes themselves too seriously and believe that their opinion should be fact or else is dangerous. This goes for any group in history. Yes I am sympathetic to those who have been victimized by racism, but these kids, no way. This is not a way to get things done. They are upset that people stereotype them but then they act in a manner that is worse than the stereotype. Do you want to help your cause, well then, get an education and start working from inside the system.
That’s not a protest. That’s people being obnoxious.
Yeah, everybody feel bad for the poor oppressed kids attending an Ivy League school. These kids have more doors open for them than pretty much anyone who is alive or who has ever been alive in the history of the earth, but they’d rather play victim and scream about injustice. What does it say about our society when being considered a victim is such a cherished status that kids who are literally the opposite of oppressed want to claim it as some type of valued status? Disgusting.
To fascists the library is the enemy, free thought is the enemy. Perhaps next is the internet. BLM is a domestic ISIS. The enemy withhin.
God I wish I had depression and was wearing a suicide vest while studying for my socialoligy final. Splat lives matter.
I will coat my balls with honey and lower them in her mouth.
Great, I just had flashbacks of going to middle school. Same exact in-your-face bullying tactics. These idiots never grew up and now they are hiding behind the questionable legitimacy of a protest movement so they can pick up where they left off in adolecence. They are BULLIES, not oppressed people, but oppressors themselves. They get off on it
Someone should have pulled a fire alarm on them.
With all of the real threat and terror in the world these fucktards are carrying on about shit that happened two hundred years ago that none of us had anything to do with. I pride myself on being accepting of everyone but I don’t give a shit about any of these assholes. I pray someone outs these asshats.
Lol these kids have nothing better to do? Either that or they crave attention so much and have no way of getting it besides harassing people and joining a mob. Pro-tip: if you are gonna flash-mob a library, or anyplace really, you are supposed to be ENTERTAINING. Otherwise people get pissed at your presence.
What a joke of a movement this has become. “Do you believe black lives matter?” Yah of course I do, I also believe my study time matters, which you clearly don’t. So who is the “oppressive dick” in this situation? Oh ya i forgot, it’s me, for being white.
These are some of the tactics that Nazis used. They were racists as well, of course.
Also, I don’t know the first names of the two girls featured here, but I know their last name: LOSER!
Thank God I don’t go to college in this day and age.
These BLM ass wipes have set back race relations to the 1960’s if not worse. The fact that they think the phrase ‘all lives matter” is racist is pathetic. They are the racists and now these fucktards are assaulting people. Expel the pieces dried shit.
These BLM ass wipes have set back race relations to the 1960’s if not worse. The fact that they think the phrase ‘all lives matter” is racist is pathetic. They are the racists and now these fucktards are assaulting people
These ass wipe morons crying black lives matter are the biggest racists of all. Guess what, I officially don’t care anymore as the movement it totally bogus now. Public opinion has certainly swung against them. People that I know that would normally sympathize are full of disgust and pay no attention anymore.
Public opinion was never favorable of them …….. it’s even worse now ….. let them exhaust this “manufactured outrage” (really desperate attention seeking – I know that) … and then move on with their meaningless irrelevant lives of their own doing (that’s what it’s really all about) and fade away.
Note, social media has already captured videos and tweets that will most likely haunt some of these frauds for years to come … deal with it. And good luck finding a job
This makes me want to cry. It’s like the video taken in the Mizzou dining hall last week. Is this their new tactic? If so, I doubt they’ll win over many people. They’re no better than the terrorists who just attacked in Paris.
More than a hundred people were killed in Paris, you moron. These protesters, while obnoxious, didn’t kill anybody.