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Turtleboy Sports has a friendly relationship with the Telegram and Gazette’s Dianne Williamson. We don’t always agree with her, but she’s usually pretty funny, and isn’t afraid to call out buttnuts and poopsmoochers. However, she crossed a line in her most recent column and did the indefensible – talked shit about Tom Brady, and now we’re in a fight.
Basically the gist of it is simple – Dianne has said Brady is guilty since the beginning, and now a bunch of people have emailed her demanding an apology. And rightfully so. These people are patriots Americans who should be commended for their bravery. Anyone who bad mouthed Tom Brady and isn’t begging for forgiveness right now is borderline RBG status.
But Dianne is sticking to her guns:
This obnoxious geriatric – I mean, concerned senior citizen – isn’t the only reader who believes I should apologize for a recent column about Tom Brady, in which I opined that he had something to do with Deflategate, given the fact that, on the very day he was due to meet with league investigators, he happened to have smashed his cellphone to pieces. Now I fully realize from listening to sports radio that Tom Brady is no mere mortal, but still. This is not normal human behavior. It’s the behavior of someone who has something to hide.
So I read this at about 3:30 in the morning after some wobbly pops and got so upset I had to message her and let her know that she has brought shame upon herself. Her response was “Don’t you ever sleep?”
No Dianne. Turtleboy never sleeps. Because someone has to protect Worcester and Tom Brady from zealots who have absolutely no fucking clue what they’re talking about.
First of all, Tom Brady didn’t “smash” his cell phone. The word that Roger Goodell chose to use was “destroyed.” But where’s the proof it was “destroyed?” Tom Brady didn’t feel like turning over his phone. It could’ve been in his sock drawer or his pocket or Boom-Boom’s yoga pants. Doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is he didn’t have to turn it over so he didn’t turn it over. “Destroyed” was just a word that the NFL chose to use because he wanted to make it seem like Tom Brady was James Bond.
And poor Dianne fell for it. That’s what disappointed me about her. Because you have to pretty naive to think that Roger Goodell would EVER tell the truth about ANYTHING. All this man has ever done is lie and cover up. Remember last year when he claimed he never saw the tape of Ray Rice knocking out his fiance in that elevator? Then he lied about Adrian Peterson. Now he’s lying about Brady. Because Roger Goodell is a professiona LIAR.
More importantly though, she says that this is the behavior of someone “who has something to hide.” Ummmm, newsflash Dianne – this is the behavior of someone who doesn’t feel like arbitrarily surrendering his constitutional rights to a man who has a proven history of lying. That’s like saying that unless he plead guilty and threw himself at the mercy of the most corrupt dictator in the history of sports, then he’s hiding something.
And poor Dianne fell for it. Because at the end of the day Dianne doesn’t really follow any of this stuff. She doesn’t read about it. She doesn’t really follow the Patriots or the NFL like most of us do. And the funny part about it is that this puts her on the same level as fans of other loser teams who will continue to call Brady a “cheater.” They’ve never read the Wells Report. They don’t read about the scientific experiments that exonerated Brady. They don’t care that in the only four halves in which PSI was tested in Patriots footballs, Brady’s least productive half was the first half against the Colts, when the balls were supposedly deflated.
Dianne’s good at her craft because she’s sharp, witty, and funny. But when it comes to Tom Brady she’s got a bad case of butthurtfluenza. Here Dianne, Turtleboy has a present for you:
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7 Comment(s)
Tom Brady IS guilty of SOMETHING. He played SOME part in it and they got caught. He was punished and humiliated, fought it and ultimately won his battle. Doesn’t make him innocent….just lucky. Get over it.
Wells had no authority to get the phone, Wells said he didn’t need the phone and he never said there would be any consequences for not turning over the phone. Why, again, is the phone an issue for anyone for any reason? Complete red herring.
Berman =Zionist
Both Netanyahu ball lickers, obvious decision. We listen to the father of a murderer every baseball game. Oh yeah sen. Mitchell Zionist. Have ya connected the dots?
Your tin foil hat is on too tight.
Do you think Dianne would turn over her personal cellphone to the T & G if someone accused her of something and had no proof?Then they could look through at her texts and emails between her and Kathy and put them on their website. If she doesn’t comply,
then she’s automatically guilty of whatever that someone claimed, according to her logic anyway.
Tom didn’t want his personal info regarding Gisele and the kids to be put on ESPN, nor did he want to set a precedent for that to happen to other players.
And the nudes of Gisele. Lest we forget those.
Ooh… what if he still has nudies of Bridget Moynihan on there? Imagine the scandal.
Well written TB. Oh, Dianne that’s TurtleBoy not Tom Brady.