Just when you thought Direnzo’s Towing couldn’t possibly get any worse this happens.
As if it wasn’t bad enough to run up a $16,000 bill on your deceased competitor, use their connections with State Police Captain Robert Johnson to create a virtual towing monopoly, and hire drivers like this……
Now they’re rear ending innocent people on route 20 in Auburn. And rear-ending is almost always the fault of the guy doing the rear-ending. Being on someone’s ass like that on a road like Route 20 when you’re driving a weapon of mass destruction, is quite possibly the biggest dick move possible. I know it’s hump day and all, but do they have to pound the shit out of every rear end they see? It’s just remarkable how tone deaf this company is. They know that people are onto their schemes and they just keep on being bigger douchebags than the day before.
I hope they called up Central Mass Towing to get the truck out of there. Then have the police tell Direnzo’s that they have to inspect the truck because it’s a crime scene for three months before sending Direnzo’s a bill. Comment of the day right here:
Hat tip to you Vijay.
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17 Comment(s)
Guaranteed there’s some palms being greased in this guy’s connections with local government. Worthy of a TB investigates
FMCSR(federal motor carrier safety regs) 1 second for every 10 feet of truck length. you should be a mininum of 4 seconds behind the car in front of you… smith driving system. watch people drive they are up everyone else’s ass or on their phones.5 years ago 32k and change died on the roads in america…almost 40 k and rising as of last year
This is why in Russia everyone has cameras on their cars. Youtube it. I’m telling you..
Imagine a baby in a car seat back there. Fuck Direnzo’s. A Big Fat Fuck.
Direject… see Ted’s Towing? That’s how it’s done.
Sometimes karma can not only be a bitch but also be a real cunt too
The car they rear ended will be charged storage fees….. Direnzo has to drum up business somehow.
I’ve never seen a tow truck driver yet that didn’t drive like an asshole, karma at it’s best
I took this picture. It was on route 9 in Shrewsbury at the set of lights infron of Wendy’s and Burlington coat factory
Westborough *** sorry not Shrewsbury.
I saw the whole thing happen. Both sides of rt9 had red lights, even those turning left had red arrows. The lights had been red for a little bit so there was a decent amount of cars lined up in the other lanes. This tow truck driver was going 30-40 mph and didn’t seem to even attempt to brake. From what I saw, he didn’t even realize it was a red light until he slammed into the car. It’s a good thing no one was sitting in the backseat. I can’t believe the air bags didn’t go off either. Hopefully this tow truck driver loses his license, this was complete neglegence not just an innocent accident. Someone could have been seriously injured.
glad you caught it, cars don’t have rear air bag systems and if it’s older no side curtain either
That was Route 9 west in Westborough, opposite Lowe’s. It’s on the Westborough FD FB page
Doesn’t every municipality have at least one tow company like this?
Looks more like Rt 9 Westborough to me hot dog.
Greaseball guineas
fucking Dagos
They’re Italian not Spanish.