
Douchebag Hingham Dad Gets Superintendent To Fire 3 Time State Champ Soccer Coach Because His Mediocre Daughter Got Her Feelings Hurt By Constructive Criticism He Calls Bullying


This is Stewart Lewack from Hingham.

He’s a Senior Vice President at Bank of America.

He’s also an asshole and the face of everything that is wrong with helicopter parents today.

This is long time Hingham girls soccer coach Ryan Punitri.

He’s one of the best coaches in the state, successfully guiding the Hingham girls to three straight state championships from 2014-16 during his 13 year tenure. But as a result of Stewart’s activism he was fired on account of hurting Stewart’s crotch fruits feelings.

Hingham collected three consecutive Division 2 state championships from 2014-2016 and finished undefeated twice during that run. From 2014-2019, Puntiri’s teams were a combined 88-9-12 with a 17-2 record in tournament games while sending multiple players on to play in college. The school has decided to not renew his contract following allegations by four players that he verbally abused them. The Globe report said the bullying accusations stretched back to the 2016 season, but Puntiri said he believes they stem mostly from the past two years.

“I flat out reject the allegations of bullying,” Puntiri said. ”[I used] constructive criticism at times to correct behaviors. I’ve been a teacher for 20 years [in the Braintree middle-school system] and there hasn’t been a blemish on my record. I don’t get everything right — I make mistakes with my 3-year-old daughter every day — but I certainly own up to those. But mistreating student-athletes, that is not something I believe in or do. I’m not in this to mistreat kids. I’m in this to promote female athletes, and I think we’ve done a very good job of that at Hingham.”

This is why we can’t have nice things. Because asshole parents don’t think their kids should ever be told that they’re not doing a perfect job. Any sort of constructive criticism is “bullying,” because the inadequacies of the kids hurt their feelings. But in reality you learn more about overcoming adversity and bettering yourself with a coach who holds you responsible than you do from a coach who doesn’t. More importantly, the guy gets results so whatever he’s doing is clarly working.

But Stewart didn’t like that.

Stewart Lewack, whose daughter was not one of the players who filed the initial complaints, disputed Puntiri’s claim, telling The Patriot Ledger in an email on Wednesday: “There’s nothing wrong with coaching teamwork or hustle, but when you constantly berate players to the point of causing emotional harm, and players tell an internal investigation they felt bullied, then dismissal is justified.

Emotional harm. Oh fuck off. So your spoiled brat semen demon got her feelings hurt because she wasn’t good enough. Boo hoo. If your kid ever comes to you and tells you that their state championship winning coach is “bullying them,” then the appropriate response is to tell them to get over it.


“If any parent tried Ryan’s coaching tactics in the workplace, they’d be summarily fired. Why is it OK to accept that behavior on school playing fields? The superintendent and school administration clearly found enough evidence during the investigation to notify parents of its findings. As parents and educators of these young women, we should have zero tolerance for this type of conduct.”

Coaching tactics in the workplace? What planet is this guy living on? Bosses routinely tell their underlings that they’re not doing a good enough job and tell them to get their shit together or leave.

Here’s the real reason Stewart was butthurt.

Puntiri said the problems began in the fall at the team’s season-ending banquet, at which the coaching staff announced the captains for the 2021 season, as chosen by a vote of the returning players. Puntiri said he and his wife were “verbally assaulted” by a woman whose daughter had not been selected as captain.

“That stirred the pot there,” Puntiri said. “This particular woman, who five minutes earlier was taking pictures and smiling, then all of sudden became very, very hostile. Supposedly that parent went to the superintendent’s office the very next morning [and began the process that led to Puntiri’s dismissal]. She [accused me] of bullying her daughter. This parent grabbed a few other people who weren’t happy for various reasons — all-star selections, accolades, leadership roles, whatever — and they kind of came after me.”

Been there before. These end of the year banquets are always drama. I used to coach the track and cross country kids, and we had to give out an MVP trophy every season. One year I gave it to a senior instead of a sophomore who was probably our best overall runner, because the senior beat him a few times and was the clear leader of the team. I got hounded with emails from the parent of the sophomore and had to have a meeting with the AD about it. I’ve been dragged into countless meetings about kids who had their feelings hurt as well, because that’s what happens when gutless administrators empower entitled children and their overbearing parents. These people always think they can do your job better than you. Always.

It gets worse though – the principal and AD both investigated and found nothing wrong but were overruled by the superintendent.

Puntiri said that the decision to not renew his contract was made by Hingham Superintendent of Schools Dr. Paul Austin and that athletic director Jim Quatromoni and principal Richard Swanson played no part. Puntiri said Hingham’s assistant principals conducted an investigation and “they came back with no findings [of verbal abuse]. And then it got sent to the superintendent and somehow that [conclusion] got changed.”

Paul Austin was JUST HIRED last year!!

A carpetbagger who wasn’t around for any of the state titles comes into a new job, immediately caves to parents, and overrules the administrators who are supposed to be in charge of the hiring of coaches. I can speak from experience that this is unprecedented. Superintendents NEVER get involved in hiring decisions for coaches. It’s not in their purview, and it’s not their job. This guy was doing this because a wealthy banks VP made a bunch of noise and he didn’t have the balls to tell him no.

Players are coming out of the woodwork to have his back too.

“Honestly, it was shocking to me. I didn’t see this coming,” said Kate Falvey, who played four seasons at Hingham (2015-18) and now is a freshman at UMass-Amherst. Falvey said after the news broke on Wednesday she and several of her former Hingham teammates spent hours “texting each other in disbelief.”

“It was really upsetting to me since I had such an amazing four years playing for him, some of the best years of my life,” Falvey said.

As to the accusations that Puntiri bullied players, Falvey chalked that up to a demanding coaching style, saying, “If you’re going to make it in life you have to learn to take criticism. That’s a life skill that everyone should acquire.”

“He was tough-natured, but that challenged us to work hard, and that led to our success,” said three-time Patriot Ledger All-Scholastic Caroline Harkins, who won three state titles at Hingham and now plays at Holy Cross. “He didn’t just hand over playing time.”

“Considering all that he’s done for the Hingham girls and youth soccer programs I’m really stunned by the entitlement on the part of some parents and players,” said Jamie Clougherty, who also won three state titles for Puntiri and served as a captain on the undefeated 2016 team. “Parents aren’t the coaches. None of us had a problem with it and I find it hard to believe that his character has done a 180-degree turn in the three years since I’ve graduated. College soccer might be a rude awakening for some of [the players who complained about him] if this is their mentality.”

“In my opinion he is one of the best coaches I’ve ever had,” Harkins said. “My sister also played for him, and her freshman year the seniors were crying because they had qualified for the tournament. My senior year, we were crying because we didn’t win states. To me, that speaks volumes as to how he turned the program around.”

Those kids were winners. They responded to no-nonsense coaching by becoming better soccer players and they went on to win state titles and play in college.

But those kids all graduated and the news kids aren’t as good.

However, he acknowledged that this past season did not always go smoothly as Hingham struggled to a 6-8-5 finish that still included a playoff berth. “This year was a little different,” he said. “The team culture has always been a staple of the Hingham girls soccer program, and this year it felt like the team was a little divided. It didn’t feel like the culture was what it had been in in the past.”

Puntiri has built the Hingham program from a cellar-dweller to one of the preeminent contenders in the state. When he came to the team in 2007, the Harborwomen had not qualified for the tournament in nearly a decade. Puntiri missed the tournament only once over the last 13 seasons.

Hey Stewart – maybe your daughter just isn’t very good. Maybe if she tried harder the coach wouldn’t have to get on her ass. Maybe if she responded to constructive criticism by listening to her coach they’d win more than 6 games. Maybe if you did your job as a Dad and told her that you wouldn’t be setting her up for failure. Then again, you’re pretty wealthy so you’ll always be there to bail her out every time she fails.

This same thing happened to me at Doherty High School in 2007. I was the track coach there for 3 years. We were pretty good and I was one of those coaches who demanded the most of the kids I coached because it brought out the best in them. One of the parents was Wendy Fenner, a gym teacher at DHS. She didn’t like me because her son missed a lap in the 2 mile one time at the Reggie Lewis Center and got a personal best because he didn’t run the full 2 miles. I told him about it right after the race and he got mad at me because apparently hearing the truth crushed his fantasy that he magically got 40 seconds better. He complained to his mother and at practice the next day he told me he didn’t have to listen to me because his mother was gonna take my job. A couple months later she did, since the teacher’s union contract says that teachers in the building can bump non-Doherty teachers from coaching jobs at any time they like. Clive McFarlane of all people had my back and wrote a story about it.

I wasn’t the first and I sure won’t be the last. Neither will Coach Punitri, so long as gutless administrators continue to enable parents like this. The worst example I’ve ever seen was 3 years ago in Braintree when 3 parents wrote some of the most insane emails you’ve ever seen to State Championship girls basketball coach Kristen McDonnell. Just like Punitri she held her kids accountable, got results, and produced young women who went on to do great things. But because some parents of mediocre kids didn’t like her and thought they could do better, she was fired. The blog I wrote on it was read over 250,000 times, and remains the 4th biggest blog ever published on Turtleboy. As a direct result of the outcry from it the school gave McDonough her job back and the Wamps have gone on to win two more state championships.

Hingham is right next to Braintree, and has the same kind of clientele. Coach Punitri should immediately be reinstated and Paul Austin should resign in disgrace. I will use my platform to call out parents like this every chance I get, because I’ve seen firsthand the damage they cause to kids and coaches.


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64 Comment(s)
  • Funny Guy
    July 22, 2020 at 8:45 am

    Sounds like mother ( Linda Sharkansky )who flipped out at banquet over her daughter being not named captain needs to think what damaged she caused to this coach and his family ,hope you sleep well Linda .Teammates who voted didn’t think daughter deserved to be captain.

  • Steward wives boyfriend
    July 20, 2020 at 7:41 pm

    Stewart obviously as pussy name !!
    Look up definition of cuckhold. Beside it is picture of Stewart Lewack !

  • Metco
    July 20, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    Hingham all frauds racists town ..with Black lives matter sighs all over …..But town refuses to allow metco students from
    Boston enter their school system ..all frauds

  • Hannah
    July 20, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    Hello Turtleboy! I must say, I was quite starstruck when I found out that my dad and I were the subject of your infamous vlog! I feel like I should set a few things straight. During my 3 years in the Hingham Girls Soccer Program, I never once complained to the administration about Coach Puntiri. In fact, these bullying accusations came out a year after I graduated and two years after I left the program, therefore, my dad and I are not the reason Coach Puntiri got fired.
    I wanted to quit the program my sophomore year but as you said in your article actually, my dad told me to, “suck it up”. I stuck with the program for another year and a half and quit my junior year because I became suicidal. Being berated and belittled every day after school can do that to a person. Thankfully, I had a pretty good support system for it within my team. Actually, all of the other players you mentioned in your article came up to me at one point or another after something Coach Puntiri said or did to ask if I was ok. They were all great captains and were just looking out for one of their teammates.
    Overall, I do wish Coach Puntiri the best in his future endeavors and if anything, I hope this is a wakeup call for him. Thanks for reading my side of the story! turtleboy, perhaps you should ask for it next time!
    the spoiled brat semen demon <3

    • Needledickbugfuker
      July 22, 2020 at 6:06 am

      In life there are winners, losers, leaders, followers, those that contribute, those that are a drag, those that are followers and those that are along for the ride. The followers and the rider need be avoided, even a drag or weight around our necks provides a worth just not much of it. Soccer is still just a game. Win or lose, it is a game. Through any game, there is a lesson. Has that lesson made you a better person? Have you enjoyed your experience acquiring lifes valuable lessons. Life is not easy, nor do valuable lessons come without cost. Valuable lessons can be explained, but they still came at someones cost and until you feel the shock from the electricity, they are words.

  • Baron Mikel Sicluna
    July 20, 2020 at 8:32 am

    Couple of things, the superintendent has major manjugs.
    The Lewack family looks doughy.
    Lewack rhymes with nutsack.
    That girl that went to Holy Cross was a looker.

  • Turd Ferguson
    July 16, 2020 at 7:04 pm

    VP at B of A? He’s an underwriter at best. Loser.

  • randiguy2006
    Don T.
    July 15, 2020 at 3:28 pm

    A lot of people are saying the coach is a kid diddler.

    • Done with this shit
      July 16, 2020 at 10:40 am

      What people? Are their kids on the girls soccer team second string? Name names or keep your cowardly accusations to yourself

  • Prariedog
    July 15, 2020 at 9:55 am

    BOYCOTT B of A until they fire this twat

    • randiguy2006
      July 15, 2020 at 3:22 pm

      Yeah, you go girl

  • Dime a Dozen
    July 15, 2020 at 8:12 am

    You give this douchbag dad too much credit. VPs titles at banking institutions are a dime a dozen, when in reality they are one step above janitor or lunch lady. Now shut your piehole beotch and make me a sammich, but fix your fucking hairnet first or be demoted to VP of sanitary napkin inventory in the gender confused bathrooms.

  • Gunnery Sgt
    July 14, 2020 at 11:11 pm

    Hingham should be renamed douchbag land. Never seen so many BLM signs in my life. Funny thing is these are the same people who would call the cops immediately if they ever saw a black person in there neighborhoods. Bunch of frauds. They only black people thry now are the ones who clean their houses

    • Needledickbugfuker
      July 15, 2020 at 6:39 am

      Listening to the police scanner one time and the cops dispatched a unit to a neighborhood in Hangham on a womans call that a car was driving on her street that she never seen before. I wonder what the cop said to the operator of that car? Excuse me sir, the bag that lives over there never seen your car before driving on her street can you tell me why you are breathing this Hingham air?

  • Ayanna Presley’s bowling ball
    July 14, 2020 at 10:30 pm

    Stewart – your daughter sucks at sports just like you sucked at sports. You are a load and a giant pussy. Would love to shove your fat ass into a locker you whining bitch.

  • Luke 16:22
    July 14, 2020 at 9:59 pm

    And the rich man also died….

    • Fauci
      July 15, 2020 at 5:30 pm

      For professional courtesy…let’s not bring that up

  • Spunk Bank Deposits
    July 14, 2020 at 9:32 pm

    Daddy keeps his bank job because his mangina qualifies him as a diverse hire.

  • BLM
    July 14, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    I know that Hingham Dad, he sucked my BBC plenty of times

  • And then there was four
    July 14, 2020 at 7:02 pm

    What are the odds this dad Sat on the bench in high school and this is his shot to live thru his kid?
    You have the money and you want you kid to be Fire on the field. Get her a private coach. Out-train the mediocracy out of her- push her as if there’s no option- as a parent if you have the $$$ then you Mold that kid into a prodigy and if they stink end of day so what. The journey and grit will have become their core. You will have molded them into a Competitor. Hence What prepares them for life.

  • ChrisInShrewsbury
    July 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Casual Observations:

    1) Coach Puntiri is probably *too* nice. The only response to irate parents complaining about captain elections: “Your daughter should find another team next year ”
    2) Superintendents are generally wankers. But this fucking guy Austin looks like an absolute turd. I watched a few of his “coffee house meetings”, and confirmed he still harbors resentment from being picked last in recess.
    3) Dr. Austin lists one of his HS accolades: “Who’s Who of Musicians in the US”. Anyone who lists themselves on any of the “Who’s Who” series should be summarily euthanized. I’m absolutely fucking serious.
    4) I started scouring the Internet for Lewack nudes, but it didn’t take long to realize : “Hard Pass”

  • Guinea Geisha
    July 14, 2020 at 6:59 pm

    If neither daddy nor daughter can handle a little constructive criticism now… they’re really not gonna appreciate the reviews of her OnlyFans account in a few years.

    • That Guy
      July 14, 2020 at 8:23 pm

      Right on with the “Who’s Who” observation. Anyone who lists “Who’s Who” is a moronic boob who should never be taken seriously. Most people have to pay $ to get in a stupid “Who’s Who” book that no one reads.

      • Guinea Geisha
        July 14, 2020 at 10:04 pm

        Umm… what’s a Who’s Who book? I googled it and I still don’t know. A book of old-timey baseball jokes or somethin?

        • Chris
          July 14, 2020 at 10:51 pm

          Anyone who’s Anyone knows Who’s Who

          • Guinea Geisha
            July 15, 2020 at 12:45 am

            I guess that makes me whomless. Anything helps. God Bless. 🙁

  • Kenneth Foley
    July 14, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    Good one TB.
    Hopefully be hearin more positive stories the Coach soon.
    And more importantly, more good stories about the girls he helps excel and succeed.
    His teams will be kickin butt wherever he lands.

  • New Woke Challange, how many contradictory arguments can you make in one conversation?
    July 14, 2020 at 4:53 pm

    Schools don’t want kids back in the fall, because? SAFETY! WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN, from a virus that does not affect kids.

    Yet, when they do come back they don’t want cops in schools.

    This must be that reimagined public safety the democratic parrots keep caring about.

  • The Bank of America method of getting things done
    July 14, 2020 at 4:45 pm

    One ironic aspect of this is that the girl’s father, Stewart Lewack, has really damaged his own daughter forever. Her immaturity, and her father’s dishonesty, have also destroyed an excellent coaching program. No doubt Lewack is right now assembling his contacts, like Lori Loughlin and others, so he can bribe someone to enable his lazy and spoiled daughter to be admitted to some face-saving third-rate college.

  • Archie Bunker
    July 14, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    hingham and surrounding limousine liberal towns on the south shore are almost as bad as the metro west. The ex southie and dorchester residents must be dying out or fleeing even further away.

    • D,L,FP
      July 14, 2020 at 8:31 pm

      Great perspective, the welfare class can have Unlimited children as can the reach elite. The dot and south old school middle class never regenerated in the 90’s and 2000s. All the 4 to 8 kid households a thing of the 60s and 70s for the white “Irish or Italian etc….catholic of Boston never again

    • foleyworld
      Casino Scum
      July 15, 2020 at 9:38 am

      It’s not like that at all Archie. The ex-Southie & white Irish Dorchesterites make up 1/2 of Quincy and trickled into Weymouth and Braintree but they NEVER got into Hingham. Hingham is WASP heaven, rich, arrogant, out of touch and entitled. Hingham people SUCK! They are soccer moms and fat, rich sissy boys who never put in an actual days work and who’s wives cheat on them with the landscapers and tennis instructors. I’m this article UTB says “ Hingham is next to Braintree and they’re the same type of people” That sentence is completely WRONG but I forgive you UTB. You’re far removed in Worcester so it’s easy to make an error in judgment. Though as a Quincy guy I’ve always kinda dismissed Braintree as the leafy suburbs and never cared for it much. I will defend Braintrees honor when it’s being compared to Hingham?!?!! Not even close Uncle Turtle! The people of Braintree are the Salt of the Earth and God fearing, hard working decent folk compared to the wealthy scum if Hingham!

  • Boston Irish
    Fenway Frank
    July 14, 2020 at 4:03 pm

    Typical Hingham asshole. Fuck BLM

  • fat heads
    July 14, 2020 at 3:27 pm

    Fatty Fat Face Olympics

  • D,L,FP
    July 14, 2020 at 2:29 pm

    Looks like some Ted Kennedy spawn. the typical south shore big wig, if it were the 80s, he be driving a Saab or Volvo. Big bank executive kinda of funny because the capitalist environment he makes his living on,,,,,,,,, the Democrats/antifa/communists are against And want gone.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Old Tom Morris
    July 14, 2020 at 2:28 pm

    Why would the Hingham School Committee hire this fat load “Dr.” Paul Austin? Just look at that ugly mug and that gingivitis riddled gaping maw. He doesn’t even have the sense to smile with his vile mouth closed.

  • Poops Magee
    July 14, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    When I was in little league I saw my coach punch a kid in the stomach then drop his pants and shit all over him while he was on the ground. Kid hit three homers in the next game. Libs want to ban this!!!

  • Norm
    July 14, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    Everyone knows Hingham is rich, moonbat town, so this is not a surprise.

    What is a surprise is a male coaching female teenagers. I would never do that today, that’s just asking for trouble. The way things are, I’m shocked that they haven’t accused him of having sex with the athletes.

    If I was the coach I wouldn’t take this personally and move on. I’d say “fuck you” and go live a happy life, those miserable assholes aren’t worth it.

  • I wonder
    July 14, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    I wonder if his daughter will follow in her father’s footsteps and work at BoFa.

    You have to be cold blooded to predatory lend, and you need that conditioning when you’re young!

  • Stewart Got Laid
    July 14, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    His name is Stewart………end

  • MJ
    July 14, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Stewart is a fat fuck and so are his ugly kids. People like him are the worst parents and neighbors and nobody really likes him or his bratty kids. I hope they give this coach his job back and kick his spoiled rotten fat daughter off the team because she sucks and everyone knows it

  • DOH!
    July 14, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    Youth sports is a cesspool ruined by coaches and parents.

    What kid of werdo male coaches a girls team anyway?

    NOTHING good ever comes from it.

    • Fred Marks
      Les Grosman
      July 14, 2020 at 5:59 pm

      This is the dumbest shit I have read in a while. Did you put a .lot of thought into it Homer? .

  • randiguy2006
    July 14, 2020 at 2:13 pm

    Ahhhhhhhh another chance for Aiden to relive his glory days of “coaching” (“go run girls, while I watch you) girls track.

    • Ahhhhhh...
      July 14, 2020 at 2:34 pm

      …still ten times better than reading about you reliving your days as a douchebag.

      Oh wait, you are still living those days!

  • Philip Landry
    Al Gore's climate crisis hotline
    July 14, 2020 at 2:01 pm

    Used to be the coach was an authority figure who helped kids understand adversity , competition, acheivement. Sometimes in a non politically correct way. Parents only spoke up when extreme conditions presented themselves. Now busy body parents think everyone should play…or else. Busybody parents and school systems what are overly politically correct cause global warming.

    • Disco Inferno
      July 14, 2020 at 9:34 pm

      Think about all the cliches we were taught as kids: don’t tattle, sticks and stones, persevere, act like a grown-up, keep your mouth shut if you don’t have anything good to say. Literally none of them exist today. It’s insane. Adults have regressed to an infantile state and the libs codify it as law.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    July 14, 2020 at 1:54 pm

    Stewart Lewack is an executive at Bank of America. BANK OF AMERICA! You don’t go up against people like this! They will ruin you! Let this be a lesson learned Coach Punitri. Things could have been a lot worse.

    • MJ
      July 14, 2020 at 2:13 pm

      Liawatha you crack me up! I always love your response, so on point!

  • Done with this shit
    July 14, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    So this outstanding coach gets snapped up quickly, and hingham girls soccer goes back to being a big fat zero. Great plan. That’s teaching your kids life lessons – be careful what you wish for.

  • Fred Marks better!
    July 14, 2020 at 1:48 pm

    Puntiri was also part of the D1 Braintree HS program that won two State titles prior to him getting the head coach job in Hingham. He was beloved in Braintree.

    Hingham, your new Superintendent sounds swell!

  • Sheldon Berman, Ed.D.
    July 14, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    No fair, Paul Austin. I’M supposed to be the most loathsome busybody school superintendent in Massachusetts.

  • Eric Wunschel
    raised by wolves
    July 14, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    Another entitled kid raised to not be able to fend for themselves. Future victims of an unjust America, not garbage parenting.

  • bill fleming
    July 14, 2020 at 1:43 pm

    Hingham where the only blacks are holding lanterns on the lawns of the rich and shameless. The same town that sued the MBTA from coming in to Hingham because black folk would ride the train into the square.

    • Needledickbugfuker
      July 14, 2020 at 2:55 pm

      Hingham, the second whitest town in the Commonwealth littered with BLM lawn signs stemming from the graduating 2020 class of white guilt ridden sheeple. The town is filled with holier than thou do gooders looking down their perceived high class snouts at the rest the poor slobs forced to cut through town on travels seeing the signs they so proudly display without a clue of its racist, terrorist roots or its founders history. Hinghamites have ruined about everything they touch by interjecting their SJW ideology and micro managed nanny tactics into every organized program within their reach all dreamed up after a few cocktails at the Snot Club. The only thing Hingham is good for is getting rid of an empty beer can on the way through.

    • Chris
      July 14, 2020 at 11:18 pm

      That’s a justifiable concern, Sir!

  • That does it!
    July 14, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    The $29.77 I have in my BoFa account – I’m closing it out!

    • Scarlet Oak Cuckhold
      July 14, 2020 at 1:48 pm

      Ask any blue collar worker or minority that enters the town of Hingham. People look down on you in that yuppie town. Entitlement is an understatement they even named their brewery in town that. This guy is a corporate bigwig no way in hell he never bullied someone while moving up the corporate. chain . I went to a private HS with a lot of kids from there . The cougar mothers guzzle wine and zanax while their husbands are fucking the secretary on the side down the Seaport. The kids are all messed up and the parents hide there problems with money. This guy should get the coaches job back. Life is tuff and his daughter can learn a valuable lesson about failure and not always getting here way.

      • george costanza
        The angry taint
        July 14, 2020 at 4:29 pm

        Did you grab my keys from on top of the bar? That’s the code at the oak to let everyone know you’re down to swing…

  • North of the Border
    July 14, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    Soccer–the game for kids who have no game.

    No, I never started a football game in HS. Why? Cause I was a small kid at the time and would have gotten killed. Didn’t stop me from working hard and contributing when I could. Oh well.

  • Pissed off
    July 14, 2020 at 1:34 pm

    Fucking Hingham. I drive through there regularly. The number of BLM signs on the million dollar plus homes is sickening. I want to walk down 228 and then a few side streets and document each one of these phony assholes by photographing the sign and the house pic with the number. You think they would dial the cops on me? Take all the pics and make a huge book so when the shit hits the fan, we can ignore the 911 calls from these fucking virtue signaling asshole posers. Each town should have someone do it. Document the douchebaggery.

    P s. Coach got fucked but what do you expect nowadays, the tail wags the dog

    • Needledickbugfuker
      July 14, 2020 at 3:08 pm

      Thank you Pissed off. I thought I was the only one that noticed that based on the dead silence on that observation. Not bad coming from only the second whitest town in the state. I wonder how researched the roots of BLM or the history of the founders and financiers of that racist terrorist organization before place that trash on their lawns. The signs stemmed from the 2020 graduating class and not one had the balls to say fuck off, not on my lawn. Mindless sheep.

  • Fred Marks
    Les Grossman
    July 14, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    I know Ryan. I coached with him. I respect him. Politics and shitty parents man.

    For the good of the future players reinstate him.

    July 14, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    Hand out Participation Trophies to all students. Even those that don’t like soccer.

    Hingham is turning in to a left wing hell. No more championships for that school! No doubt that the coach will land on his feet elsewhere, and hopefully will enjoy the chance to get a new group of students beating Hingham repeatedly.

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