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Ed Augustus Is Refunding People With Taxpayer Money Who Got Towed Because He Screwed Up

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TelegramThe city Tuesday said it would reimburse nearly 350 people whose cars were towed with little or no notice Monday morning after officials said higher-than-anticipated snowfall forced them to send plows to the streets.

Oh good, just another $40,000 fuck up. No biggie. Issue the standard apology and blame everything on the Tea Party and it’s back to business as usual. LOL. The fact that Paul Moosey gets to keep his job after not, one, not two but THREE major screw ups, is mind boggling. But then again, Worcester has plenty of money to toss around for situations just like this. I mean, our schools have everything they could possibly need already, so we can afford to have a few mulligans like this. Plus it’s not like we’re being sued by Tracy Novick for $1 million, or we just created a 6 figure “Chief Diversity Officer,” or we just wrote a check to Mosaic for $40K two weeks ago for nothing. Since none of those things are currently happening we can definitely afford to just write off $40,000 in towing fees because of our City Manager’s gross incompetence. Definitely.

Think this is coming out of Fast Eddie or Moosey’s paycheck? LOL. Think again. Neither of them lives in Worcester, but do you think that’s gonna stop them from using YOUR property taxes to finance their bungles? LOL. Nope. Why would it? They know they have a plethora of little old ladies who go to the polls and vote how Jim McGovern tells them to so they have unlimited job security.

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The bottom line is that someone obviously needs to be fired and that person is Paul Moosey. But the only person who can fire him is the one who hired him – Ed Augustus. So if Eddie is standing by his boy, then Eddie’s the real problem. Worcester is quickly becoming the laughingstock of Massachusetts because of its incompetent leadership. But where are the City Councilors calling him out? Where’s Worcester’s newest Councilors Khyrstian King and Candy Carlson? You signed up to be leaders, so lead. Call out the City Manager and let him know that this is unacceptable. Because every time these idiots talk about Ed Augustus all I hear is about how great he is.

Loved this part too:

“The DPW takes responsibility for what happened,” Mr. Labovites said, including for some communication lapses that he acknowledged “added insult to injury.”

Asked why the parking notice didn’t get posted until about 1 a.m., Mr. Labovites said it took time for the customer service employee responsible for that task to receive the assignment, get to work and complete the task. He declined to name that person.

The DPW takes full responsibility? What responsibility? If you break your neighbor’s window and you “take responsibility” for it, that means that you buy them a new window. In what possible way can they possibly think that using taxpayer money to fund Ed Augustus’ screwup is an example of “taking responsibility?” Oh yea, and they’re not gonna tell us who screwed up either, which is another fine example of taking “responsibility.”

These are Worcester’s leaders. This is why we can’t have nice things.



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11 Comment(s)
  • Conspiracy?
    January 20, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    What is the name of the city employee who called to let the tow trucks know that they could start towing cars in one inch of snow? Funny how the city managed to get the message out to them but not to the taxpaying citizens of the city. Something smells rotten to me.

  • Chris From Georgia
    January 20, 2016 at 1:29 pm

    So glad I no longer live in Worcester. What you folks up there need to do is march on City hall with pitchforks and torches and run those morons out of town on a rail!!!

  • juror seven
    January 20, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    Interesting that about two weeks ago the council wanted to begin talk on an extension\new contract for the City Manager. Hopefully that idea is DOA.

  • Mike
    January 20, 2016 at 11:57 am

    While I agree that the management of this city is incompetent the winter parking ban is a fact of life. If there is snow predicted don’t park on the banned side of the street. The city is not the only irresponsible party here. Some personal responsibility on the people who got towed would go a long way.

    It wasn’t that long ago that the parking ban was in place all winter long. Maybe we should go back to that for the people who cant seem to find a weather forecast

  • Young Townie
    January 20, 2016 at 11:50 am

    Maybe the DPW need a communication specialist like Jen Roy to help get the message out in a timely manner.

  • CrazyPeoplec
    January 20, 2016 at 11:49 am

    Hey “Looser” what city do you live in? I’m just guessing, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a place that requires you to park on the street.

  • Publius
    January 20, 2016 at 11:13 am

    This is the second year of some serious incompetence. DPW Head ? CM ? someone is on the hot seat. But TB is right, silence from the City Council. The Mayor ? Forget about it. Like TB said, hiring diversity officers and giving handouts to nonexistent organizations is what is important. So $40,000. Much can be done with $40,000. Those ticketed and towed are fully justified in their outrage. And the rest of us should wonder what calamity will befall the rest of us. A pattern is developing here.

  • Looser
    January 20, 2016 at 10:56 am

    Dear Morons of Worcester,

    If it snows, there is a parking ban. Pay for the tow, find somewhere else to park your car, and stop blaming the city for your incompetence.


    The people in this world with a fully functioning brain.

    • Winner
      January 20, 2016 at 11:43 am

      What about the incompetence of the city to not declare a parking ban at a reasonable hour. If taxpayers of Worcester are required to know when it is going to snow, the people who throw the taxpayers’ money around like it is used toilet paper should be required to know.

      I plan ahead because I’m a winner, but parking can be tough to come by sometimes, and if one thinks it’s not supposed to snow that bad, checks the cities website and realizes there is no parking ban, they have every right to park where they want. They shouldn’t have to worry about waking up at 1 am to make sure the parking ban is still down, because the people responsible are too incompetent to do their f’in job.

    • Clive's not a racist, just ask him
      January 20, 2016 at 11:44 am

      Hahaha this fuckin guy doesn’t even know how to spell “loser”

  • Dodge
    January 20, 2016 at 10:44 am

    And this my friends is why you do not hire a person who has never done the job to be your city’s manager. It is plain and simple. Ed lacked the background and skills necessary to know how to perform the job because HE HAD NEVER DONE THE JOB BEFORE ANYWHERE. Whatever this man’s qualities are, they are overshadowed by his lack of knowledge of how to manage a city. If he had any sense of self-respect whatsoever he would leave the position and go do something he would be good at. Clearly this is not it.

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