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So apparently some genius in England whose job it is to promote the women’s soccer team in the World Cup, made some sort of banner that was intended to rally the Brits around their lady soccer players. Unfortunately, this is what they made:
Oh sweet Jesus. And people shit on Turtleboy Sports grammar. At least we’re not running a country’s soccer team. Whoever made this banner just made Jen Roy look like a PR specialist. If this isn’t a ploy to get people to pay attention to women’s soccer, then it’s probably the biggest boner of all time. No pun intended.
Then this picture somehow found a way to make it worse:
Oh sweet jesus. Those are some cockneys if I’ve ever seen em. Those girls aren’t just telling you to “come on” them. They’re demanding it. They will literally kick your ass if you don’t. God have mercy on us all.
Seriously though, I’d love to hear this one explained. Was this supposed to say, “Come on, Our Girls”? Because that’s the only thing that makes sense to me right now. It still doesn’t sound normal, but at least it’s not suggesting that the entire country of England commence fapping. Just another example of the importance of comma placement. Kind of like when you say, “Let’s eat, Grandma.”
Or did they mean to write “Come CHEER on our girls”? Because that’s kind of an important word to leave out. And I assume this banner didn’t just make itself. A team of overpaid buttnuts most likely got together and came up with some terrible slogan designed to make people care about women’s soccer. Then they wrote it down and paid some sign company to print it out.
THEN that company not only fucked it up, but gave it to the English national team anyway, hoping that no one would notice it, but knowing that this would be seen ALL OVER (no pun intended) the world. This is why America got it’s independence.
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4 Comment(s)
Bow chicka bow bow
I believe COB may hàve been the marketing director or made the sign!!!!