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ESPN published an article today entitled, “Spygate to Deflategate: Inside what split the NFL and Patriots apart.” You could read it yourself but it would take you a long time and you’d basically be reading thousands of words of buthurt. Soooo much butthurt. Over 90% of the article is just rehashing “spygate” and trying to make it seem worse than it was. Because everyone knows that “spygate” never had any impact on any game ever.
Basically the purpose of the article was to justify why the NFL was so over the top with the deflategate punishment. The jist of it is that the other 31 owners and lots of players thought the Pats got off too easy for that non-incident, so this was revenge. Which seems like a perfectly normal way to conduct a multi-billion dollar business.
The ESPN column was written by Don Van Natta Jr. and Seth Wickersham, who are to schlubs that no one has ever heard of before. And the only sentence you had to read to understand the type of nudnikery we’re dealing with here was this one:
“Then the Patriots’ coach, Bill Belichick, the cheating program’s mastermind, spoke.”
Cheating program’s mastermind. So much butthurt thrown into one phrase. Told me everything I needed to know about the rest of the article. Anyone who thinks the Patriots are cheaters can’t be taken seriously. This was their premise.
And guess where Wickerham and Van Natta are both from? You guessed it – New Jersey. And everyone knows that NOTHING good has ever come out of New Jersey. Wickersham is from Montclair and Van Natta is from Ridgewood. This of course is relevant because they’re living in the nexus of anti-Patriot butthurt universe. They’re probably Jets fans who can’t get over the fact that the Patriots have had an ongoing genocide against them since Bill Belichick took over.
Van Natta has a checkered past too. Here’s a blurb from his Wikipedia page:
On September 5, 2010, The New York Times published the results of a six months investigation led by Don Van Natta Jr into alleged malpractice at the News of the World, a British newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch‘s News Corporation. The News of the World dismissed the allegations as unsubstantiated and said “the investigation was tainted by a vested interest in the outcome”. They also accused The New York Times of flawed reporting and of being motivated by commercial rivalry. In a letter to the Times’ Public Editor Arthur Brisbane, The News of the World cited seven breaches of The New York Times’ own ethical guidelines on accuracy, use of anonymous sources, bias, impartiality, honest treatment of competitors, reader benefit and conflict of interest. They also questioned the professional detachment of Mr Van Natta Jr. who they claimed had sent a Twitter message linking to a personal attack on News Corp owner Rupert Murdoch alongside a message which read: “The Last Great Newspaper War”. In a blog post following publication of the News of the World story, media commentator Michael Wolff characterised Van Natta Jr. as a Times’s “enforcer” and “insider, loyalist and gun”.
We highlighted all the parts that prove that this guy is the one with the past history of shadyness, not the Patriots. He wanted to get back at “News Of The World” so he used the New York Times as his vehicle to do so. The NYT in this case is ESPN, and the News Of The World is the Patriots. And just like in this expose on spygate, he used anonymous sources as well. Because they’re not real. The guy is a proven “enforcer” and “hired gun” for any news outlet with an agenda willing to pay him. He’s obviously good at his craft, which is why ESPN hired him.
Seth Wickersham on the other hand, is literally a nobody. Despite working for a network that is viewed by millions upon millions on a daily basis, he has less than 10,000 followers on Twitter. That’s slightly more than Samanthan Allen has at the Telegram and Gazette. Check out what he tweeted today:
In other words, he made up a bunch of anonymous sources that shit all over the Patriots in order to get on Mike and Mike in the Morning.
This is yet another example of ESPN being Roger Goodell’s Pravda. It’s basically ant-Patriot propaganda. He hired two literary thugs from Jersey to do his bidding for him once he realized he was gonna lose Deflategate. This is the network that brought us Mark Brunelle’s fake tears after all. It’s the network that employs Chris Mortenson, who refused to take down his blatant LIE about 11 of 12 deflated balls for MONTHS on end, despite knowing the truth. I watched ESPN for 10 minutes this morning and it was highlights of Venus Williams serve patterns. Anyone who watches ESPN for anything other than baseball highlights simply doesn’t really like sports.
P.S. How much fuel can they possibly give Tom Brady? I feel terrible for the Steelers. They didn’t ask for any of this. It’s gonna be hard for Big Ben to be on the other end of a rape this time around.
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6 Comment(s)
ESPN, after decades of success, now losing money for parent company Disney. But a double-down-on-stupid is
not the way to handle declining revenue.
Kraft should buy a percentage of it off Disney and clean house.
Definitely time for a New England boycott of ESPN. We can do it!
Why are you smearing the Patriots comparing them to NOTW?
The Patriots are alleged to have spied on another team, while, NOTW were proved to have hacked a dead girl’s cell phone to get a story and screwed a police investigation in the process.
While these 2 clowns with keyboards are proven imbeciles, you should do a little more checking on News of the World. They are below the pond scum that is ESPN.
Nice Job!
Meh. It’s about page views, no? It pays to be polemic, especially in sports “journalism”