Failed Springfield Politician Whose Son Was Victim Of Fake Hate Crime Says She Was Still A Victim Because She Saw The Racial Slur That Her Son’s Friend Wrote On His Door
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Here’s your daily dose of fake hate crimes, which comes from the Air Force Academy, but has a local twist to it:
The Springfield woman who launched a national public outcry of racism at the U.S. Air Force Academy in September by publicizing a photo of a racial slur written on her son’s dormitory door says her feelings have not changed now that Air Force officials have determined it was all a hoax. Tracye Whitfield, who on Tuesday lost a bid to be elected as an at-large candidate for City Council, was notified on the same day by Air Force Academy officials with latest developments on the slur investigation. Families of the affected cadet candidates were notified prior to the disclosure in the press, she said.
Five black cadet candidates in the Air Force Academy Preparatory School in September found graffiti containing a racial slur and the words “go home,” written on their dormitory doors. The Air Force announced that one of the five was found to have written the slur himself as a way to get out of trouble for an unrelated misconduct complaint. Whitfield said it was not her son who was responsible. She has declined to give her son’s name, citing a need to protect his privacy. Whitfield, contacted Wednesday morning, said that even though the investigation determined it was a hoax, it does not ease the pain and fear that her family or any of the other families faced since the incident came to light.
“It’s a still a slur — whether it was a white person or a black person who wrote it,” she said. “My son still experienced it. We still experienced it.”
The entire incident, which grew into a major public relations crisis for the academy, came to light in September when Whitfield’s son sent her a photo of his door. Whitfield posted it onto her Facebook page, and it began being shared over the internet. It eventually caught the attention of the press, and several national publications began writing about the issue. Outcry rose to the point where Air Force Academy Superintendent Lt. Gen Jay Silveria publicly gathered the 4,000 cadets to deliver a sharp rebuke of the note’s author and anyone who shared the same sentiments.
“If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out,” Silveria said.
At this point if you believe any viral hate crime story you see on social media and your immediate reaction isn’t too assume that it’s a hoax, then you need to get your head examined. I just love how if it’s a white boogeyman then they’re a racist. But now that we know a black guy did it it’s a hoax. That seems consistent.
Here’s my question – why aren’t they releasing the name of the guy who wrote this message? Is he not a racist? Did he not write racial slurs all over the door? Did he not waste taxpayer resources by having the police drop everything and investigate this?
Oh right, you’re allowed to perpetrate a fake hate crime without any fear of repercussion. Because it wouldn’t be politically correct to arrest a black guy for an anti-black hate filled racial slur left on the door of a black guy he’s friends with.
The best part about this is how Mom is STILL playing the victim:
“It’s a still a slur — whether it was a white person or a black person who wrote it,” she said. “My son still experienced it. We still experienced it.”
Experienced what? Words on a white board? Yea, you just erase it and they go away. Turns out your buddy put them there as a prank because he wanted to get out of trouble for something else, and he knew that a hate crime would be the perfect reaction. After all, we’re living in Trump’s America. And any time you see something like this you have to assume it’s true. If you don’t then you’re a racist. Try to keep up.
Even if it was real, her kid is in the Air Force. He signed up to risk his life flying combat missions over hostile countries. It’s a friggin word. A word that’s used commonly in 99% of the music people her son’s age listen to on a daily basis. This scared him so much that it necessitated a trip from Mommy all the way to Colorado to comfort him.
Of course the real reason Mom got on a plane to Colorado wasn’t because she was scared. It was because the hate crime couldn’t possibly have happened at a better time – election season. Tracye wanted this hate crime to be true because she’s running for office, and nothing elicits public sympathy and support from gullible idiots quite like a fake hate crime story.
Of course she proudly bragged about her endorsement from Talbert Swan, a local race-baiting “pastor” who enriches himself by running a likely profitable, tax free “church.”
His Facebook page is basically just political and race-baiting propaganda:
This is the kind of individual Tracye wants to associate with. “Bishop” Swan made headlines in June when he claimed a Utah Police Officer posted this racist meme on his Facebook page, which has almost 50,000 followers:
This meme is obviously racist, and the cop who put it on his wall was fired, but never identified publicly. Bishop Swan rightfully demanded to know the name of the cop, yet he’s seemingly silent now that it’s been revealed that his good friend’s son was also the victim of a hate crime. Looks like he saves his racism outrage for when it’s a cop. Funny how that works.
Anyway, the moral of the story here is that although there is racism in America, you should immediately be skeptical of any hate crime you hear about that doesn’t have specific evidence which points towards the person who did it. And if we’re gonna make a big deal and call words on a white board a hate crime, then we need to thoroughly investigate and punish whoever was responsible for these “hate crimes.” And when they turn out to be a hoax, we should give the same punishment we would if the perpetrator meant what he or she wrote.
16 Comment(s)
He must have been one of the “quota” blacks admitted to the academy.
I have been telling people for years that racism does not have to be real because if you question it we just call you racist. Win win. I am so glad that 8 years of me preaching that the race card is the way to go that people are still using it even when it does not apply in 99% of cases. And not just blame Trump.
Get back to your shine box, boy.
Not an expert, but pretty fucking close.
That’s a females handwriting.
Whatever bitch, America today is the victim of Africans.
Go home is right! Back to the Ivory Coast and take the Curse of Cain with you!
Voted in the election…just not for her.
Nagger guy. I think we are related. If not by blood then definitely by marriage.
My mother was a nagger… she was always like clean your room, eat your vegetables, kids are starving in China, get your hands out of your pants… blah blah blah.
I married a nagger… she’s all like mow the lawn, walk the dog, take out the trash, put your pants on, quit watch porn all the time… blah blah blah…
Why is everybody so offended by the word nagger? They know they’re doing it. Most women are proud naggers. I say we take it back!
Chair force should have hit the eject button on her kid. Talk about integrity. What else is he willing to do to get attention? He isn’t flying anything right now. It’s where they train commissioned officers. He could be anything from a pilot to a desk jockey. He should however, be unemployed.
Every time I see a story like this the first thing that come to mind is “till the sweat drip from my balls!”
Then I head over to check on how many people were killed in Chicago today.
Skeet skeet muthafuckas!
It’s like Tawan Brawley all over again. Yeh, there was no crime but I’m still a victim.
I wonder if she and her son are traumatized every time they listen to rap songs with “n*****r” in the lyrics?