
Fairhaven Firefighter Says He’s Not Taking Murdering Former Partner Off Website And Business Because “No One Knows What Happened”

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Earlier today I did a blog on a first responders uniform and accessories store in Fairhaven called Mike and Wayne’s that’s named after the founders Mike Padeiro and Wayne Oliveira. Wayne’s a Fairhaven firefighter and Mike Padeiro died in 1989 after murdering his wife Heidi and then taking his own life to avoid life in prison. Heidi’s brothers recently posted about how they’d asked him to change the name so they wouldn’t be, ya know, commemorating a murderer.

Even more remarkable is how right on their website it says:

Michael Padeiro passed away in 1989, but the tradition of outfitting our public safety friends and co-workers continued.

He “passed away.” That’s intentionally misleading and dishonest, and is followed by some sappy bullshit about outfitting law enforcement, leading reasonable people to believe that Mike Padeiro died in the field of public safety.

Either way, there’s absolutely no reason to mention this guy or have him on their website. He’s a murderer. If Ronald McDonald’s murdered Grimace they’d probably change their name. If Sam Walton molested a bunch of kids they’d stop calling it Walmart. If I were in his shoes the very first thing I would’ve done after the murder was change the name.

Anyway, I got almost as much negative blowback as the shark blogs, because apparently I’m infringing on this guy’s right to free speech, going full SJW, Wayne’s a great guy, and blah, blah, blah.


For the record, I specifically stated in the blog that I’m sure he’s done great work as a first responder. But the fact of the matter is they sell accessories to cops, who don’t realize they’re shopping at a place named after a murderer, and that seems to honor the murderer on their website.

Anyway, when someone posted the blog on Wayne’s page he pulled the “you’re being reported” move.

“Proceed carefully.”

Douchebag status confirmed.

Then he messaged us and basically everything I wrote in the blog became further validated.

“If the guy with the murdered sister didn’t raise awareness that a local store is named after her murderer then no one would know.”

***Bangs head on wall***

There it is:

“No one knows what happened that day. It’s all assumed. No one was there with them.”

Translation – my boy dindu nuffin. He’s not keeping the name of the store because it’s too expensive to rebrand. He’s doing it because he thinks his murdering friend is innocent. Except the state police report says differently. And she got shot in the back. And he had motive. And he’d publicly stated that he would kill her if she tried leaving him. And he killed himself because he knew he was guilty. But besides that none of us actually witnessed the murder therefore we can’t be sure he did it. Any compassion I had for this guy just went down the drain. Your store is named after a murderer. You honor him because you believe he’s innocent. Yet you sell gear that honors murdered police officers.

If she was a cop would you keep calling it Mike and Wayne’s? Of course not. Because it’s easy to hate a maggot like 125 in Yarmouth, or Manny Lopes in Weymouth. But distancing yourself from your friend for being a murderer is apparently too much to ask for.

For the record there’s a reason they didn’t bring this up until recently. We know this because we spoke to one of Heidi’s other brothers.

I can speak only for myself. It has always bothered me but I do not live in the area and I am not reminded on a daily basis. Mark recently moved to Mattapoisit and I assume he now sees it almost everyday. Last year Mark sent me a copy of the letter which he sent Wayne respectfully asking him to change it and I supported Mark. I can not describe the pain that one goes through when a loved one is murdered; you never heal you just learn to function. The first few years you are numb trying to perform just the basic functions of life not to mention the shit from people who think you should be over it, victim blaming etc. Eventually your functioning becomes better and you manage. I do not have a black and white answer and unlike my brother I do not see the sign on a daily basis. There are far too many reminders as it is and it takes a lot of strength to deal with them and it took time to gain the strength to deal with Wayne. Wayne and Mike’s family put us through a lot of shit with “no one knows what happened” to it was Heide’s fault as you can see from his text. Just recently someone who was obviously Mike’s friend approached my mom and told her it was Heidi’s fault. For my family Heide‘s murder was not 29 years ago it was yesterday.

It’s not being a snowflake to ask for basic human decency from a locally owned business. Making this family relive their trauma by seeing this shitstain commemorated while their sister is forgotten is a dick move. It takes two second to take him off your website, and then you call your store Wayne’s and you can actually pass as a compassionate, decent person. Mike Padeira denied their family justice when he took his own life. Pretending that he was innocent is low and disgusting. You’re free to do business there if you want, but people have a right to know what the store stands for.

10 Comment(s)
  • Articles that make you go Hmmm...
    December 4, 2018 at 3:25 am

    Going on a hunch right here but you have to wonder if South Shore Turtlegirl and Bristol Turtlechick are really just one girl? They’re on a par with their level of suck.
    I know, I know. I just assumed her gender. I also picture her as a manless size 24/26 waddling food processor. A real Fatty MCDoublewide with extra cheese in all the wrong places.

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    November 30, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    So funny that you think cops care about murdered women.

  • Lou Stitts
    November 30, 2018 at 11:49 am

    What kind of firefighter, EMT or police officer would patronize a store that for the last 29 years has commemorated a convicted wife murderer? I think that’s the much more important question to be answered here.

  • Vigil Ante
    Wrong On This One
    November 30, 2018 at 8:41 am

    Turtleboy is now playing the feels police? Wayne might be an asshole, but there is no law against that. Did you ever think that Mike and Wayne may have been gay lovers and this is Wayne’s tribute to him.

    • Hugh-Bo Mont
      November 30, 2018 at 11:32 am

      Feelings, nothing more than feelings…
      Of course feelings matter. LOL

  • Bill Ulater
    November 30, 2018 at 8:32 am

    Knowing now how his brain works, I would not want him trying to put out a fire or rescue the public, clearly some loose wiring up there to fail to identify and understand what his ex partner did (and was also convicted of in a court of law). And that putz defending him who thinks it’s too hard or costly to change a business name or it’s signage — it’s not fuc%ing AT&T or Ford we’re talking about here

  • I am Sorry
    November 30, 2018 at 5:53 am

    I am sorry for posting this video again but it is important you all understand the pain that us gingers go through in life it isn’t just sunburn and no dates the pain is real, red hair hurts us, once again I am sorry.

    Again my deepest apologies, I am so sorry.

  • I am Sorry
    November 30, 2018 at 5:30 am

    I am sorry, but You need to apologize to all first responders and all firefighters. Donate to every fire fighters charitable organization in the United States. Apologize in person to every fire fighter for 9-11 and write a full page public apology on page 2 of the NY Times and donate, donate lots of money.

    Maybe just maybe the BROTHERHOOD and SISTERHOOD of first responders will accept your apology and pardon you for your abuse of a fallen hero hero hero hero hero. Hero sandwich with lots of balogney and mayo and balogney. Mmmmmm baloney and mayo, I am sorry.

    I am deeply sorry for writing this comment, I have grown as a person as a result, I am sorry.

  • WTF
    November 29, 2018 at 11:32 pm

    “If you or a family was having any kind of emergency…”
    (like, maybe, being shot in the back by your husband?)

    If Dunkin Donuts can change its name, singage, etc., and hope to survive, so could Mike & Waynes. However, 29 years after the deaths, they are still in business…either people who shop there don’t know or don’t care….that is what is odd to me.

  • The Doctor
    November 29, 2018 at 11:12 pm

    Bingo! So glad you covered this!

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