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We were gonna embed this awesome video from a Fitchburg road rage incident, but it’s giving us some problems. So here’s the link. I highly suggest you watch it, but if not, here’s a quick Vine for ya:
And now just the part where the motorcyclist gets hit in the head with a bat:
Boom. Right in the kisser.
Just another Monday in the Burg. My favorite part about the whole thing is how the Fitchburg Police are electing not to do anything about it. Because, fuck it. If these two idiots wanna beat the shit out of each other then let them. As long as no one without a flat brimmed hat gets hurt, no harm no foul.
But just to be clear, the motorcyclist obviously deserved to get hit in the head with the bat. The Dad who witnessed it put it best: “He punched him and walked away. What did he think was gonna happen?”
That right there is the wisdom of a man who understands Fitchburg. When you drive like an asshole and punch a driver in the face in Lisa Wong’s town, chances are you’re gonna get hit in the head with a bat. Because no one drives around the Burg without a Louisville slugger riding shotgun.
The bottom line is motorcyclists have to figure out what they are. If you’re a regular car, then you have to act like a regular car. You’re not allowed to weave in and out of traffic, drive a buck 20, and make insane amounts of noise just because you’re a bad ass. I know that the vast majority of bikers follow the rules of the road and are responsible. But nudniks like this guy give them all a bad name.
P.S. I agree with the 11 year old girl’s assessment. “They weren’t acting very mature.” No. No they were not. Preach sister.
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14 Comment(s)
Awesome. Who hasn’t wished at one time or another they could have done the same thing to another car or bike driver that was driving like a doosh noozle, and then acts all tough guy until he gets a Louisville Slugger across the head? I bet that motorcyclist soiled his undies when he saw that guy come storming toward him with that bat. I wish this beating would cause him to grow up and act more responsibly, but I doubt it.
Only in Massachusetts would the police “just let it be” lmfao
I would have backed over the bike…….
Good way to get stabbed. Does anyone even know how this started there’s a lot of people in cars that act like tools when your on a bike and going the speed limit.
Stay classy, Fitchburg.
It’s not like this is an isolated incident.
Can we have a constructive discussion about Kim on channel 7 News? Cause wow
I really don’t think we can
Thats 5 sec of the best video ever posted, that dirty biker getting a tree sandwich. I have absolutely no issue with bikes, just some of the idiots on top. Same as the drivers of some vehicles.
Somebody get this film to Mike Napoli so he can study this slugger’s mechanics.
Here here handburner. Nice job Ben Cherington putting this team together with no Aces and over the hill hitters. It is NOT John Farrell’s fault that they suck so bad. Look at how many times Farrell tried to make adjustments in all areas in an effort to try and make this nightmare work.
It is sad to see a smart and knowledgeable Manager get so much shit for an under performing offense and an incapable pitching staff. This is the reality. Lou Merloni said a month ago that he thinks there is something funky going in the club house.
How could someone possibly thumbs down this?
A Yankee fan. Or now two wow.
Shit now three. Where did I go wrong?