Florida Man Claims Messages Us To Let Us Know The TB Facebook Page And Website Are Getting “Purged” If We Don’t Apologize To Lynn Coffee Shop Owners
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So the White Rose Coffeehouse has apparently shut down their business Facebook page completely after their manager posted that cops weren’t welcomed there because we shouldn’t be humanizing them. Turns out actions have consequences and free speech works both ways. Funny how that works.
Anyway, a lot of turtle riders who commented on our blogs have been messaged by this winner:
His name is Andrew Rodgers and of course he lives in Florida.
And as we all know, Florida produces nothing but poet laureates and rocket scientists.
He also messaged the Turtle:
Oh OK. He doesn’t want to “do this guy,” which is probably for the better because Mrs. Turtleboy hasn’t been consulted yet on the possibility of a threesome.
Oh no, he wasn’t going to “do” us. He had much more sinister plans in mind:
Oh snap!! We getting purged!! Not just regular purged either. Facebook purged!! I don’t know what that means exactly, but it sounds scary. We may have no choice but to give into his demands to apology to the anti-police store owner, lest we face the wrath of this chudmuncher “getting involved”:
That guy right there means business!!
He wasn’t done….
Uh-oh, you don’t wanna know what this guy does for a living…..
But you can bet it’s something that requires a Master’s degree.
Look, if you’re gonna threaten us you should at least get the terminology right. This isn’t Chechnya. We don’t have purges here. D+ threat at best.
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17 Comment(s)
I am still bracing myself for the “purging” The tension and anticipation is maddening!!! jk.
But wait……it’s almost sundown – TBS page is still up?
Is it just me, or does his mother look scared of him? Better call Dr. Phil….
1 person that shouldn’t have survived Irma
Fem-boy transitioning to ?
what a fag
HAHAH! Openly threatening identity theft (yes, stealing someones account information regardless of your intended use is identity theft), extortion… yeah that’s a very high level of intelligence their slutsy mcfuck-knucles… Let me guess, you’re going to hack his FB and delete all his posts! Then you’re going to hack his blog and delete all the posts there too… hate to break it to you … FB has more backups than the feds do… and the Turtle makes a living (or at least some nice side cheese) off this so I can bet he has some kind of backup too…
So purge my little ferry queef, purge away! Just don’t be shocked with you end up in jail and a real man with a real sleeve shoves that tatted arm of his up your ass just to watch you squeal like a little 21 yea old college girl….. bud
OOOOOOO, a keyboard tough guy. Business giving hummers in the men’s room at the bus station must have been slow for Mr. Tough Guy.
You should be ashamed of yourself Turtleboy!
How dare you report about things that happen!
Somebody posts something in a public forum and you have the nerve to repost it with a timeline of other publicly viewable things they have posted. So messed up.
Wait who’s the bad guy again?
I think it’s funny when skinny little fags get tatted up with sleeves and think it makes them brick shithouses.
No, you’re just a skinny little fag with a bunch of tattoos on his arms.
Hi it’s Sophie CK from The White Rose CoffeeHouse and we’d really like to advertise with Turtleboy sports for the massive audience exposure we would receive……………………..hahaha PSYCHE! (now that’s funny!)
What’s this “we?” Didn’t you already get fired for speaking on behalf of that place?
I don’t know why people think your post isn’t funny. I think it’s funny.
He’s got that lady’s husband locked in the closet.
Or that’s his grandmother he’s raping.
Hey sexy. I got beef with Turtleboy too… Hit me up. We’ll file lawsuits together next Monday.
Ooh ooh let me guess. He drives a Mexican parade float for a living loaded with rakes and lawn mowers and cuts grass for $6 an hour.
No, looks like he found a 75 year old woman to take care of him.