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TMZ: Floyd Mayweather has yet to take a side in the National Anthem protest … but his TMTsponsored youth football squad showed their support by taking a knee as a team. The coach of the Las Vegas Red Lions posted the video … saying the kids discussed and decided on their own to protest. Floyd was not present during the game.
Five and six year olds. Oppressed. In America. The funny part about this is that these kids don’t know any more or any less than the Doherty kids, or even Colin Kaepernick. This has just become the new ice bucket challenge, except the ice bucket challenge raised awareness of an actual problem.
Of course Floyd Mayweather should know a thing or two about oppression. After all, he’s been oppressing women for years. Just check out the account of the little boy whose mother was beaten o a pulp by Floyd right in front of him. Floyd has made hundreds of millions of dollars dodging the best fighters of his generation and beating up women at home. It’s hard being oppressed in America.
My question is, how long does this go on for? After a while people are just gonna stop paying attention. But according to Kaepernick he’s not gonna end this until everyone is equal and we get justice in this country. Whatever that means. Personally I’m looking forward to the first time Kaepernick decides not to take a knee. Because eventually even he’ll get bored with it. I can’t wait to watch it happen as he stands for the flag knowing full well that America is in the exact same state it was when he started this meaningless trend. Of course he won’t really give a shit either. Just like every other idiot doing this stupid, meaningless trendy thing to do, he’s just doing it for the attention.
It’s cool though, they’re wicked brave too:
P.S. Every single one of these kids can read better than Floyd.
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13 Comment(s)
Looks like Floyd the Woman Beater has a diverse team.
This series has jumped the shark. Do we intend to write about everything person who chooses not to stand?
One time before a baseball game I stopped at Taco Bell and had explosive diarrhea. I spend the whole national anthem on tje toilet.
Can we move on? This is getting ever so boring
Sit, stand, eat popcorn, do what you want. It’s your right. The National anthem prior to games is getting a bit archaic.
I will give you the point that most if not all of these people are misguided. In the end though it’s their choice.
I usually find this website fun. Except when you get caught up on these little kicks.
Why not open a discussion on the city and the upcoming bridge gate? Or the fact the ECHl might try and pull the Worcester Hockey team out because of Holy Cross potential move to Hockey East.
Instead we get articles on Bums and kids on their knees
Step it up son
BLM too. Fuck those people. If we leave them alone,maybe they will all kill each other. They are off to a good start in Chicago.
They have been off to a good start decades ago!! I’m surprised there are any people alive in Chicago.
Well, it also seems like they’ve never heard about pulling out, so there’s always more of them
I’m torn. I agree that giving these race pimps, SJW lemmings and illiterate attention whores any attention is counter-productive, but then again I think these same lowlifes and useful idiots should be called out on this so that sane people can see what this BS is all about.
You watch – if Hillary wins, all this BLM and reverse racism disappears from the media like a bad rash. This is nothing but the liberals using shiny objects to distract the sheep. People with a brain need to ignore the followers and focus on calling out the MSNBC’s, the ABC’s/NBC’s/CBSs’s, the ESPN’s, and the Obama’s, Hillary’s, Liz Warren’s, and Clive’s, Dianne’s, and OB’s of the world.
Honestly,I’m getting kind of tired of all the SJW stories on here lately. TB,try to find other stories. It’s likes the bums begging for money. If we keep talking about them,(SJW) they will never go away. Let’s move on please.
What a bunch of stupid little shitheads
These stupid bastards are gonna grow up and be free loading drug and alcohol,addicted. Shit bums
Bunch of little shit stains
Kevin Lynch supports BLM.
Amazing the gall of some people to actually think these young kids have the slightest clue about what Colin cancer is selling. Let alone the BLM bullshit.
Media living for the moment. I personally cant wait for Colin Cancer to have to play and some red blooded American buries his face in the turf and he cannot play anymore….But but but he will still get paid.
maybe they should all take a trip to Cuba to play football. Let’s see how that “sits” with them! Send their idiot parents and coach too!
Really? This is getting absolutely ridiculous. What kind of parent would allow their child to be a pawn? These are innocent kids being used for a BLM agenda. This is not even right. So sad.
An agenda completely steered by rich white dudes and radical Islamists. Well, no one ever said they were smart