Former Doofus Boston Globe Writer Reports ALS Bucket Challenge Founder Peter Frates Died; Turns Out He Is Still Alive
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Another day, another fake story published by a mainstream media outlet. This morning, former Boston Globe writer Mike Barnicle reported that former Boston College baseball player Peter Frates had passed away. Peter Frates was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis back in 2012. Frates founded the ALS Bucket Challenge back in the summer of 2014 — it was wildly successful, raising over $115 million dollars to fund ALS research according to the NY Times.
Unfortunately, this is the way journalism has evolved in the last decade. Barnicle took the word from a “family friend” as he stated, and didn’t bother to look into the story further, just tweeted it. This is a story where somebody’s life would have been taken, and all Barnicle was worried about was being first to tweet. Clearly not very concerned with Frates wellbeing, that is bad enough, but somehow — he made the situation worse by deflecting blame on the source, instead of just apologizing.
CORRECTION: Family friend of Peter Frates told me had passed at 32. He was wrong and I was doubly wrong to tweet it. Thank God I was wrong.
— Mike Barnicle (@mikebarnicle) July 3, 2017
Barnicle, as a well-oiled “journalist” took the word for it, published it, was wrong, and then left the source out to dry. This was a catastrophic error, after this first tweet, where he didn’t really apologize — it took him an extra hour just to say sorry. The “family friend” you took as a source is not a professional journalist, YOU are.
Deeply sorry for mistaken tweet on Pete Frates.
— Mike Barnicle (@mikebarnicle) July 3, 2017
Take responsibility, and move on, that’s the best thing you can do. Instead, he makes it even worse than the first tweet, with this tweet:
Instead of deserved hammering of me how about $ contribution to Ice Bucket Challenge,support Pete Frates and find ALS cure? #moreproductive
— Mike Barnicle (@mikebarnicle) July 3, 2017
Nice PR stunt, trying to attempt to make yourself look better, Mike. He obviously does not care at all about the condition of Peter Frates (who is hospitalized). After I dove into Mike Barnicle’s history in journalism, this story becomes less surprising.
Dial it back to 1998, Barnicle ended up resigning from his position at the Boston Globe because of a scandal involving, yes, FABRICATION. Mike Barnicle spends a ton of time digging Donald Trump on his twitter for lying/fabrication scandals…
Comey's testimony proves one true thing: @nytimes and @washingtonpost publish real news while White House leads league in fake news
— Mike Barnicle (@mikebarnicle) June 8, 2017
Imagine how pissed Trump must be as he watches Comey undress him in public.
— Mike Barnicle (@mikebarnicle) June 8, 2017
Pot call the kettle black! Mike Barnicle fabricated a column back in 1995 involving two children hospitalized with cancer:
“The latest Barnicle column to be questioned was a tale about two children — one white, one black — who became friends in the hospital. After the black child died, Barnicle wrote, the parents of the white child gave the black child’s parents $10,000.
Reader’s Digest attempted to reprint the story, but its fact-checkers who tried to verify the story through Barnicle at the magazine determined that it was a fabrication. The discrepancy was ignored at the time, but this week a former Reader’s Digest editor, Kenneth Tomlinson, contacted the Globe.”
Shout out to Kenneth Tomlinson, big hero in this situation. It is always a great feeling when the mainstream media is caught in their tracks making up stories. I mean, at least Barnicle has been authentic – the eighteen years that passed from his first fabrication to now, nothing has changed. Crooked Mike has, and will always be a product of mainstream media system. Clicks, re-tweets are valued over integrity, & facts. Fitting he has ended up on MSNBC’s Morning Joe as a senior contributor.
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9 Comment(s)
Immediately redacted false tweet and apology? What a monster! Everything he’s ever said must be a lie!
Barnicle is a brain dead ass kissing liberal skip noodle.
How does this asshat still have job ?
Lemmings need libs to lie to them so they can feel superior to others. It’s how the Democrat Party and main stream media survive.
He’s a barnicle alright, but he’s no George Carlin.
Most notable thing he has done in life is marry up – a highly successful wealthy bank executive.
Not our finest offspring….and that certainly says something…
Barnacle, prince of fake news… what a dumbass.
Is Dan Shaunessey the king?