Back in June we wrote about some skag using her crotch fruit to try to profit off of the disappearance of missing New Caanan, CT woman Jennifer Dulos, by creating a GoFundMe to help find the killer. It took the cops 7 more months, but they ended up finding them yesterday without the help of a GoFundMe, as her ex-husband Fotis Dulos, his girlfriend Michelle Troconis, and his scumbag attorney Kent Mawhinney were arrested. Fotis is charged with murder, while the other two are charged with conspiracy to commit murder.
As you can see, the lawyer looks exactly how you imagined he would look. A balding Saul Goodman who you’d look to hire if you wanted to launder money without the IRS finding out about it.
I’m shocked it took this long, but it looks like they were building a case to get the other two on conspiracy charges. They had video of Fotis and Troconis in the hood of Hartford on the day she disappeared dropping bloody clothing with Jennifer’s DNA on it into various dumpsters all over Albany Ave. Granted, I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, but it just seemed like this was a shitload of evidence that I assumed could be used to arrest and charge Fotis with murder.
As terrible as a murder is, I couldn’t stop laughing when I found out what happened to the murder weapon in Hartford.
Yes, that’s right. A homeless guy found the knife while dumpster diving, sold it for $5 work of crack cocaine to a guy name “Fudge,” the friendly neighborhood crack dealer. Fudge then got hungry so he sold the knife for twice the price that he bought it from for food, to a man who he can’t identify. So the murder weapon is probably gone forever unless the cops can find the random guy who bought a knife off of fudge for $10. Free muh boi Fudge.
According to the arrest warrant Fotis had been planning this for months, and did it for two main reasons:
- He was mad that he only got to see his 5 crotch fruits once every other weekend for a few hours, with supervision in New Canaan.
- Her family was filthy rich, he was being sued by her mother for borrowing $2.5 million for his failing home building business that he never paid back, he was $7 million in debt, and he would’ve inherited a shitload of money if Jennifer died.
On the morning of the murder he drove from his home in Farmington (near Hartford) before 5 AM, to her house an hour away in New Canaan, CT (near NYC) in a company vehicle that an employee of his normally used. This is where he lives. Since he wasn’t allowed in her house and didn’t want the car to be seen near there he parked it in a different place, then busted out his bike, rode to her house, snuck around the back, and lay in wait for her in the garage after she dropped the crotch fruits off at school. The deed was done, he cleaned the shit out of the place, and he drove HER CAR back to where he had parked the company vehicle registered to his employee, transferred the body, and then drove back to Farmington. He left her car there, which was found by New Canaan Police later on. It didn’t contain any blood, so she probably wasn’t dead yet, which makes this all the more terrifying.
Troconis lied to the cops a million times, and initially provided an alibi for Fotis by claiming he was at her house while the murder was happening. The two of them had a written alibi that they rehearsed and Fotis had told her in the past that he wished Jennifer would disappear.
Troconis and Mawhinney were at Fotis’ house (where he conducted business) with his cell phone when it rang, she answered it, a Greek woman on the other end said something in Greek, and Jennifer said something in Spanish. This would give Fotis an alibi for being there, and would tie both of the other two to the conspiracy.
Fotis also asked Jennifer to bring cleaning supplies to his place that day. Since they haven’t found her body, I’m guessing he chopped her up in his house and wanted to scrub the shit out of the place. It should be noted that Fotis has a kidnapping charge because Jennifer was believed to have been bound, which would indicate that she was possibly still alive while he was driving her around, as there is no reason to zip tie a dead person. It should also be noted that Fotis builds homes for a living, so there’s a real possibility Jennifer is buried in a concrete foundation somewhere.
The case may have been cracked by the employee whose car was used by Fotis to drive to New Canaan on the day of the murder. Jennifer’s DNA was probably all over the seats so he paid the guy to have the seats switched out and gave him a bullshit reason why. The guy did as he was told, but since he was suspicious he held onto the old seats, which the police later got from him and contained her DNA.
Jennifer’s nanny also helped crack the case. She noticed that 10 rolls of paper towels were gone when she came back to Jennifer’s place after the murder. In the days afterwards Fotis was up her ass about seeing the kids and demanded that he text her every three hours with updates. He never once asked about Jennifer, who was missing.
Then there’s the scumbag attorney Mawhinney. He was arrested earlier in the year for beating his wife, who said she feared for her life. Here’s where it gets crazy.
Mawhinney was previously a member of a hunting club in East Granby, CT. He had inquired about rejoining the club, which only had 5 members, in March, and was told where the key was to enter.
Six days before the murder two members of the club went hunting and found a grave dug, with tarps and lime inside of it, covered by grill gates and sticks to disguise it.
Then two days before the murder they went back to the hole to find that the lime and tarp were gone.
Mawhinney never ended up joining the club, and in August when the hunters realized that Mawhinney was tied to Fotis they contacted the cops who went back to where the hole was. The grave had been filled in, they unearthed it, found no body, but did find sticks and other things initially used to disguise it.
Either Mawhinney was planning on killing his own wife and dumping her there, OR he had been conspiring with Fotis for months to kill Jennifer, and then changed his mind about burying her in East Granby once he realized that his grave was discovered. I can’t imagine what his motive would be to involve himself in a conspiracy to murder, which makes it seem to me, and this is just my opinion, that Fotis and his scumbag attorney both planned on killing their wives but he chickened out.
Fotis seems like a complete lunatic piece of shit who was obsessed with water skiing randomly. He also forced his kids to dedicate their lives to it, which was a big reason they got divorced in the first place. His Facebook page is still up, and shows him going to water skiing competitions all over the place, with his kids in many of the pictures. Not once is Jennifer in a single picture going back years.
This Lifetime movie is going to be insane.
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26 Comment(s)
I appreciate hearing the sordid details. But, why are you calling innocent children crotchfruits. You are disgusting and should be evaluated.
water skiing hardo’s are in a class by themselves.. luckily you dont encounter them unless also water skiing, unless you happen to marry one of them. short water skiiers are even worse, for obvious reasons. rumor has it that he started dating troconis bc the wife wouldnt let him do anal. troconis loved it, so he loves her. and they (ellis mcdougal inmates) will love him.
This is A+++++ police work so to criticize them for not doing it faster is moronic. There’s no body (the most important piece of evidence in any murder case) so the cops had to make sure their sh*t was tight AF before charging him.
TB blew up the internet claiming the Herald “stole” his story about the crazy professor. Although, the TB story did not include the “suspension”. But TB, the facts you have on this Dulos story have already appeared in other media sites. (Minus the Go Fund Me) angle. Still I see no credit you have given to the other publications? Why? Asking for a friend.
Love listening to cold case podcasts. I have to say, back in the day, thousands of wives, ex-wives, pregnant girlfriends etc. went missing & the cases are still unsolved. But in 2019 with video surveillance, phone pinging, touch DNA, how does anyone think they are smart enough to get away with this? Insane!
It’s 2020 you kill your wife and you really think you’re going to get away with it? What a scum. Dude why don’t you just get your under armour duffle bag try n get another identify and move to Greece or something and try to escape your problems. I feel like you’re much more likely to succeed there. Become a ghost. Idk 7 milliom in debt makes u do dumb things. I gotta go to work. Glad I’m not 7 mil in debt. Pce Turtle riders.
Fotis will be doing a different type of skiing in prison…Double Handjobs
What a shame. Jen was pretty hot, MILF material and kind of made my pants tight. He took a downgrade with the GF.
Those poor kids, I hope they can get through this and not become complete train wrecks for life.
If you thought Fargo was a good movie, wait till this comes out
Poor kids have to live the rest of their lives knowing that their father killed their mother. I hope they find her body and that she is intact and that he didn’t dismember her. It’s bad enough that he killed her. The POS
I want to boink the FBI chick from the perp walk! Youzza! She can hold me a gunpoint and strip search me with her tongue.
I was fudge packed on the battle field in 05 but did not retaliate because that would have made the bully mad and he would have fudge packed me 2 times a week instead of the usual one time.
I wanted to be our fudge packer in chief but had to drop out as Americans had zero confidence in my candidacy
How sad is Channel 7 for interviewing Sethy about what he thinks of Trump vaporizing Mukbar al Shitstain? Like his view is worth something? Still better than Channel 5 doing the same with the little red Moe; Joe, Joe, Joe. Like his geopolitical qualifications is drinking the water in Hyannisport when everybody else is drinking Gin?
I’m ashamed to say Seth is a fellow vet. Not on a par with most but still qualifies as one.
One thing I feel no shame about is having the urge to kick his teeth in for being such a cuck traitor twink POS.
Someone over there probably had the pin already pulled on the frag with his name on it.
The CT trooper NOT in uniform is a SMOKE!!!
Capital murder- this is where the judge comes in.
While I can’t convict someone for a capital crime, I do the tax payers a favor. Instead of having the individual on death row, the appeals, the dogshit, the judge will facilitate them being “transferred” to my foreign partners in North Korea or China. Organ harvesting will commence.
You want less government spending or more government accountability? Pick ur poison.
She probably left him because he is one of those control freaks who thinks he has the right to completely control other people’s lives. I know a guy like that. I met a neighbor when we moved here who already had two daughters and was pregnant with her third child. I couldn’t believe it when she told me her husband told hr that unless that third child was a boy, he would divorce her! AND HE DID FILE FOR DIVORCE! He is retired now, and lives in Shrewsbury, but at the time he was a prominent attorney in the field of real estate law, and he was also a big supporter of the Worcester Democratic Party. I think they were the ones who talked him into dropping the divorce filing. I’d love to see him again, and tell him that he should have asked me how to have a male child. (I wanted to please my husband’s grandmother by giving her a grandson with the right last name, and she wasn’t too pleased when he married me because I was from the “wrong” ethnic group. But I really rose in her estimation when I produced a boy! I think she even called the Pope to tell him! (that’s a joke).
Of course, my husband and I would have welcomed any child, but I was happy that we made an old lady happy
That particular lawyer was also very corrupt , as were many men (mostly) in the legal fields in the Worcester area at the time. And of course it’s possible that some of them were not really Democrats, but I’m sure many of them decided that “to get along, play along”, even if they were not corrupt. So I’d love to see that lawyer again and remind him that, in the end, I was smarter than he is! (And to Steve,…I did see you take the bribe in the old Worcester Court House, the bribe in the thick white envelope, and when you came over the table at me after I muttered something under my breath about this town being like Chicago at another meeting I knew for sure that you knew that I did witness it. Don’t send your friend after me…my husband’s Italian and neither of you would last long, nor would your famillies.
I liked this comment, I have no idea what it means or what it’s about but it was fun to read.
Fotis likes his Fudge packin..
As someone who works with concrete;
People do not hide body parts in concrete for one simple reason. The body parts, or body, will basically fade away leaving large, gaping holes inside the concrete. If you have ever worked with concrete, you will know that the ‘bubble’ that is created from the decaying organism will break and crush, leaving you with cracks and sink holes.
People constantly say that “someone is buried in that concrete”, and it just isn’t true…it just doesn’t work like that. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble…
How many concrete basement floors have you replaced in Providence ?
TOTALLY! The guy was a murderer, sure, but a damn fine and honest builder.
Then where the fuck did they put my body?
You talk too much.
Boston Sand and Gravel.
First and Finest!
I bought the knife and will sell it to the police for $25.00
Fucking CT, man. Rich, feral pieces of shit everywhere. And these are the people who lord over the rest of us.