Fox 25 News “Investigating” A Story We Investigated A Month Ago About a Child Rapist Getting A Job At The Natick Mall And Then Raping Again Is The Biggest MSM Fail Of All Time
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Breaking news from Fox 25 News:
Oh man, a convicted sex offender getting a job at the Natick Mall? That’s not good. Someone should’ve broken this story a long time ago.
Oh wait, we did. Four weeks ago.
It’s a pretty fucked up story, even for our standards. And we write about some of the most fucked up people the Bay State has ever seen (tangent – imagine Lizzy Borden had a Facebook).
In 2011 Pedophile Pete was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl in the woods who he had coerced with a joint. He went to prison for 18 months.
Then in January he was arrested by Natick PD for failing to register as a sex offender because he says he was too busy.
Most recently in early August when we exposed him he was arrested for raping another child, along with a friend named Octavia Andrade.
Yet somehow he was able to maintain employment at a mall where thousands of kids go every day.
Things got really ratchet when his girlfriend showed up, admitted that she was with him all the time (which means she must’ve known he was a child rapist), and defended his honor.
Then things got really interesting when his Dad, who apparently is transitioning to become his Mom, chimed in:
Then we found out he was friends with the Natick Dumpsterslug. Because six degrees of ratchetness usually ends up becoming one or two degrees.
Anyway, it’s just funny how hard these “news” organizations try to pretend like we don’t exist. We exposed the fact that he worked at the Natick Mall and brought up the lack of background checks. Fox 25 News read our blog, went on vacation for three weeks, and then pretended like they had broken some story. They got all their pictures from us, because he took his Facebook page down right after we blogged about him. They only knew he worked at the Natick Mall because we posted images of him working there. They basically took our story, went down to the Natick Mall, and asked this lady some questions that she deflected one by one.
The comment that had the most likes on it and thus came up first, basically called them out on it and was filled with turtle riders who were calling out Fox 25 for being such frauds. But you can’t silence turtle riders:
They are everywhere.
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6 Comment(s)
only 18 months for raping a 13 year old ? welcome to the liberal utopia -MA
Someone should throw him down Buffalo Bob’s well with the fucking dog.
This dude totally dances around with his wiener tucked in listening to Goodbye Horses.
Dead him!
Come on people yoga re overreacting. I spent 8 years to make sure fine citizens like this person at able to live their life and pee and whatever bathroom they want and take anyone they want. It is sexist that all the Trump supporters want this fine person to actually pay for it’s crimes. This person not only should be free but should be able to be whatever sex they want and use whatever bathroom they want at call times. #imwithher or him
Sorry about the spelling above. I lost my speech writer who went in to work at National Enquirer
Fox News 25 was absolutely destroyed by new management. Never watch them anymore. At least they used to have some balance but now they are all about bashing Trump.