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Not again! The PC freaks who have infiltrated nationwide school systems by disguising themselves as human beings have reached yet another new low. Morgan Truax is a high school senior at Foxborough High School set to graduate this June. She is extremely well-liked and known by her family, friends, and coworkers as an extremely hard worker. Her employer – the very popular Red Wing Diner (clam strips are so good) which lies in the shadow of Gillette Stadium – honored Miss Truax by purchasing a page in her yearbook to congratulate her for graduating this year and to show their gratitude for her loyalty as an employee for the last few years.
On the aforementioned page they have featured this beautiful picture of Morgan posing in front of the American flag. Oh but wait! The American flag?!?! In a high school yearbook?! Don’t they know that is unacceptable and racist in 2015?! Faculty members at Foxboro have refused to allow this picture to be published in the yearbook deeming it “offensive” and have since refused comment. WHAT HAS OUR COUNTRY BECOME?!?!?!
Naturally her mother was none too pleased.
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94 Comment(s)
Enough out of PC america. You dont own the premium on what’s right, what’s true and what’s good. She’s a girl taking a tasteful yearbool pic showing her patriotism. If you cant see that then you are totally f***ed in the head. I’ve had enough of your mind control thought police agenda. Its time to stand up to the pc control freaks and strip them of position, power and the ability to shape any aspect of our culture. Merry Christmas, god bless you and f**k your mother you PC douchebags. Theres a special place in hell for all of you. Millions of people dont believe in your brand of bu**sh**. Your days tryint to control our culture are numbered f**kwads.
B O R I N G ! ! ! !
She’s the unpatriotic one. Standing on the damn flag.
What, Turtleboy only telling have the story to generate outrage and clicks? Tell me it isn’t so. It’s only his eternal modus operandi. And the morons get right in line and mindlessly spout the party line of moron-in-chief, A.K. They won’t accept the truth, even when it is pointed out to them here in simple black and white by countless veterans who have put their lives on the line to defend the flag. What a bunch of nutless sheep.
She and her mom are now suppressing the full photo and only showing the cropped image from her ankles up. Why would they do that? Because they crave attention. She is standing on an American flag. That is disgusting. And when you go to the Red Wing, don’t get the clam strips, get the clam plate with whole clams. Thanks, Norm, Foxboro class of ’70.
The school didn’t like she was standing on it. This picture is cropped and you can still see where the backdrop hits the floor. It’s a gray area. Your supposed to stand on backdrops not the flag. This is a backdrop of a flag….
WTF because i’m white i can’t were a head covering, i can’t enjoy an american flag,i can’t say whats on my mind. but fuck everybody because i’m an american. u come here and enjoy the bennies or america u live by our rules and cultural beliefs. ie Christmas, Easter, our holy days. and yes fucking saint patty’s day too. just saying.
They hate her cause she has a job serving American food.
Foxborough High School Principal Diana M. Myers-Pachla, who confirmed that the photo was submitted on behalf of a local business as an advertisement, said the yearbook declined the photo because the student was standing on the bottom of the flag.
“We do not view standing on the U.S. flag as respectful or appropriate,” Myers-Pachla said in a statement. “We take respect for the United States flag very seriously as it is the most important symbolic representation of our national pride.”
The yearbook advisor spoke to the family Wednesday, offering to consider publishing a cropped photograph, according to Myers-Pachla. However, the school also asked a local veterans agency about the photo, who told the school that publishing the photograph, as is or cropped, would be an inappropriate display of the United States flag.
Whether or not the Principal is using this as an excuse is a whole other debate. The fact is that the artificial image is backwards, touching the floor, and has Morgan “standing” on it. That is what the Veteran Official was concerned with. It was an innocent mistake.
Retake the photo properly and put it in the yearbook like the Principal said.
Jealousy. Young pretty girl. If it was a puppy sitting there everyone would think it was a cute picture.
The flag is to be respected and displayed in a place of honor. It is used as a back drop in this photo.
The flag is hung backwards from the proper way to hang a flag vertical. Blue field should be on the left.
The picture here does not show her standing on the flag but thinking of the flags shape and proportions, this flag is touching the ground and is under her feet or laying on the ground of floor behind, it being used as a back drop.
School is a learning center and even a graduation booklet needs to have guide lines and not cross the line on what is right and what is wrong to do. This picture is not a protest, not free speech, it is just a picture done in poor taste and should not be allowed.
The important question is whether she’s 18. If not, that would make me a perv.
The school along with the keyboard patriots in the comment section here are such flag experts that they don’t even realize that the Supreme Court decided years ago that you could burn it the flag, but please crucify this young lady because either she was standing on or the background looks like she was standing on the flag.
The part that makes me sick is we have become so sensitive that we need to analyze a photo so simple just before we publish it. Not even a flag it’s a prop background, Wlecome to Pussification 101 of America
You can blame the local veterns for this if you want.
//The yearbook advisor spoke to the family Wednesday, offering to consider publishing a cropped photograph, according to Myers-Pachla. However, the school also asked a local veterans agency about the photo, who told the school that publishing the photograph, as is or cropped, would be an inappropriate display of the United States flag.//
The uncropped photo shows her standing on the flag which is clearly on the floor. It is also not a background or painted, it’s clearly a flag. Spin it however you want, it’s disrespectful to the flag to stand on it and allow it to touch the floor.
When I saw this I knew TB would be ripshit and he should be. Are we fuckn serious here. The men and women who fight for this country have no issue with this picture and they will let these retards who TEACH our children know in due time. The honor of military service is for that girl to show her pride and love of country,this means more to any vet or active duty soldier. But TB pointed out the Facebook post that was the real issue. Obama is anti-American only a tyrant would go after our 2nd amendment. As a matter of fact the founders of this country warned us about a leader like Obama coming to power,that’s why one is dissent,and two is bear arms,amazing Franklin,Jefferson,Paine,etc saw Obama coming over 200 years ago. Tell Barack to go bow to his Saudi King,I bet everyone was ok with that. This is America we don’t bow to no one,we don’t dip our flag to another leader,and our constitution will only be taken if you let them take it. Great job TB. This is an innocent American citizen and pc police are treating her like Tokyo rose.
Sorry, but as a US Army veteran, I have to disagree. The full photo shows her standing on the flag that is clearly on the floor. It is disrespectful to the flag. People trample the flag as a political statement and you lose your minds, but someone tramples the flag for her yearbook photo and you trip over yourself to defend her. By your logic, Ronald Reagan must be the most anti-American tyrant of all. He signed the Brady Bill into law, which is the most sweeping gun control law ever enacted. Your simple-minded Constitutional analysis is pathetic.
Constitutional analysis is simple free speech,it took Ronald Reagan 2 minutes to go democrat to republican if you believe in the bullshit 2 parties and he was a good actor played the role of president to perfection. I think WW2 was the last constitutional war. As an army vet should we bow to Saudi kings please enlighten us.
I fought for this country and I don’t like that she’s standing on our flag.
Please, stick your head in the toilet and flush.
In everyone’s effort to rush to be ultra-patriotic, they forget that STANDING on the flag is desecration of that symbol and is NOT patriotic. A real flag or a backdrop…it gives the impression she is standing on it)
If this backdrop was being burned by someone with brown skin, you’d all be losing your minds over it.
This was a paid advertisement. Maybe Red Wing should apologize. The left is destroying this country, they don’t need more bogus outrage. The left has plenty of made up outrage.
Love how this site tries to get everyone worked up. It wasn’t approved because it looks like she is standing on the flag which is “un-American”, They actually checked with a veterans group to make sure. The veterans not only agreed with the school, but when the school mentioned cropping the picture the veterans group said that would be wrong too. Way to not tell the whole story, turtleboysports.
Lol. Only a moron would believe any public statement from a high school principal
Why didn’t you copy her whole explanation you only show half of the mothers Facebook post they found it offensive because it looks like a real flag and she’s standing on it you moron. Keep the feet mongering the political correctness isn’t the problem it’s fear mongering and people trying to divide the country that’s the problem in other words you are the problem.
My husband is a Marine said she was violating U S Flag Code for standing on it, even if it is not a real flag. It was a depiction of a flag. We have a copy of the full photo not shown here
I can not see the bottom of the picture where her feet are, if she is indeed standing on our flag I find this offensive. Let me have the entire story before you ask me to make a comment of whether it should or should not be banned. Half the problems today are caused by knee jerk reaction to situations that are half explained or altered to fit a cause.
Good job turtle boy. Your shitty reporting strikes again. Do you support her standing on the flag?
And now for the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say…. It was rejected because the flag is on the ground and she is standing ON the flag.
Foxborough High School Principal Diana M. Myers-Pachla, who confirmed that the photo was submitted on behalf of a local business as an advertisement, said the yearbook declined the photo because the student was standing on the bottom of the flag.
“We do not view standing on the U.S. flag as respectful or appropriate,” Myers-Pachla said in a statement. “We take respect for the United States flag very seriously as it is the most important symbolic representation of our national pride.”
The yearbook advisor spoke to the family Wednesday, offering to consider publishing a cropped photograph, according to Myers-Pachla. However, the school also asked a local veterans agency about the photo, who told the school that publishing the photograph, as is or cropped, would be an inappropriate display of the United States flag.
Does anyone actually do any research before publishing articles like this ? Amazing people take what this website says as the truth verbatim.
Why would this girl’s mother lie? Why did the school not answer questions earlier in the day, but came out with a statement tonight? Why is this an acceptable backdrop for senior photos in every other high school? Is it possible that the school administration saw a tidal wave of media attention and abruptly changed their story?
It’s not acceptable because her shoes are firmly planted on the American flag! View the uncropped version of the photo and understand that even a graphic representation of the flag is to be treated the same as an actual flag.
Tl;Dr she’s stepping on the flag
“A photo was submitted on behalf of a local business for an advertisement in the Foxborough High School yearbook. The photo showed the United States flag hanging on a wall with the lower portion lying on the floor and the student standing on the flag. We do not view standing on the U.S. flag as respectful or appropriate. The yearbook advisor spoke to the family earlier today saying the student publication would consider publishing a cropped photograph. We were in contact with a representative of the local Veteran’s Agency who verified that, “In my professional opinion, this photograph, as it is, or even cropped, would be an inappropriate display of the United States flag.” We take respect for the United States flag very seriously as it is the most important symbolic representation of our national pride.”
Diana M. Myers-Pachla
Principal Foxborough High School
If chekyourfacts is accurate, turtleboysports is an antagonist.
If that is too patriotic, maybe The Patriots should leave Foxboro, too, taking all that revenue for the town with them. Seems fair to me!
No this is the public protecting the innocent 18 year old,the patriots we watch on Sunday for fun,this is much more important. The pats are the champs our education is 36th in the world,TB is providing this principal as one reason why. Money can’t help you think.
“A photo was submitted on behalf of a local business for an advertisement in the Foxborough High School yearbook. The photo showed the United States flag hanging on a wall with the lower portion lying on the floor and the student standing on the flag. We do not view standing on the U.S. flag as respectful or appropriate. The yearbook advisor spoke to the family earlier today saying the student publication would consider publishing a cropped photograph. We were in contact with a representative of the local Veteran’s Agency who verified that, “In my professional opinion, this photograph, as it is, or even cropped, would be an inappropriate display of the United States flag.” We take respect for the United States flag very seriously as it is the most important symbolic representation of our national pride.”
Diana M. Myers-Pachla
Principal Foxborough High School
….But you NEVER stand on he flag.
This is not a REAL flag – it is a background and thus does not fall under the strict code of how to hang and treat a flag. Its like having a blanket with the flag on it, of course this will hit the ground from and again. This is just an excuse to be PC. Well PC my ass…….this is AMERICA – and standing in front of this background is your right – or standing in front of any non offensive background for that matter. You cannot say Merry Christmas – We cannot sign the national Anthem – you can’t even say ” god bless you any more when someone sneezes for crying out loud! What are our boys out fighting and dying for? What about all the men and women who lost their lives over the years fighting for the country – fighting for the freedoms that are now arbitrarily being taken away by PC educators. This young lady should be able to choose any background she wants in a free country – that is what separates us from most of the world. I think we have bigger fish to fry people – its a High School Year book picture – kids are supposed to be able to express themselves – its not like she was nude or wearing a shirt with a pot plant or making gang signs – its the flag of our country! please.
Well, the local Foxboro veterans group disagrees with you.
More like YOU found an excuse to get upset at what you call “PC,” or “political correctness and now you’re scrambling to deflect but instead looking like a fool.
As an aside, if you really use the words “political” and “correctness” correctly, respect for our flag falls under that definition of political correctness.
I’m sure if this girl “expressed herself” in a way not in line with your political beliefs you wouldn’t be so *liberal* in your tolerance of “kids are supposed to be able to “express themselves.”
But you go ahead and rant. As a veteran I promised to put my life on the line if necessary to protect your right to do so, as well as this young lady’s right to be patriotic, even if she unwittingly did it the wrong way. As someone else said, it was easily fixable. Maybe it wasn’t caught in time.
well now lets see whats wrong with that image in general shall we? .. The words “flag, standard, colors, or ensign”, as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America.
When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is, to the observer’s left. When displayed in a window, the flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.
The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.
The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.
Did I miss anything else?
So, you’d be cool with Obama taking that very same picture? Don’t lie….your God is watching.
Unfortunately ,this kind of of stuff won’t stop until people get outraged enough to do something about it.
Did I hear someone say treasonous?
Read the comments- turtle boy left out the most important part of the story to get everyone riled up. The school checked with the veterans groups who said it was unpatriotic to post that picture because although I am sure she didn’t mean it to, it looks like she is standing on the flag.
Those damn liberals at the VFW! 😉
I went to and left Foxboro High early because of the ridiculousness (more specifically, over-zealousness) of some staff. That was over ten years ago now, but I can see the legacy lives on.
Well.. look at the full photo. she is standing on the flag. I doubt it is an intentional insult, however it is insulting because of this – NOT because it is a US flag.
It’s not a flag. It’s one of thousands of commercially produced photography backgrounds that depict the American Flag.
It looks to me that the flag is hanging incorrectly. When hanging it vertically, the stars are still supposed to be in the upper left corner.
“The words “flag, standard, colors, or ensign”, as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America.”
Good catch Voice. The flag is clearly on the floor and would appear she “might” standing on it. I too find it offensive . I would say, retake the picture observing proper treatment of the flag and it’s all good.
No…no it’s not. You can’t see her feet and/or where the flag ends. Nice try.
You should try harder and find the uncropped photo. She’s clearly standing on the flag. You can see her shoes and they’re clearly on the flag.
Find the uncropped photo and see for yourself before you tell others they aren’t trying hard enough.
This makes my decision to let my son go to a private school even easier.
Good decision for your son’s future, Mark. Also remember to vote down any Prop. 2 1/2 overrides for school funding, as well. This type of behavior by a publicly-funded institution must be stopped.
So he can be allowed to stand on a flag?
Bet he sucks more dick there than ever.
Why is being a proud American offensive??
I find this rather odd.
When they usually have their annual school pictures taken, the parent/child can pick certain backgrounds for their photo. There’s usually an American flag theme one to choose.
she’s standing on the flag….that’s not offensive to you?
that is not a real flag ! just a back ground .f it were it would bother me as much as people trying to make something of nothing
“The words “flag, standard, colors, or ensign”, as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America.”
It’s just some girl posing with a flag. There *has* to be something else going on. It can’t be just because of the flag. If it is, I will then lose all faith in human ability to reason and thought.
Brain fart.
The flag is on the ground and she’s standing on it! We raise hell at those people stomping on flags. Do you KNOW the Flag code?
I looks like it’s not an actual flag, just a background. Also it doesn’t seem definite that she is stand on it, as a matter of fact it seems likely to conclude that this is a background choice a professional photography business as is consistent with my experiences with such places the background likely has the excess fabric pulled backwards out of the area in which one would stand, so in conclusion it is likely that she is not on the flag at all.
Find the uncropped photo. The flag is all the way down on the floor and she is standing on it. Total disrespect to the flag.
Seriously…research before commenting.
Morgan should put the school in a real PC dilemma by posing for a new photo wearing a burka, in front of the black flag of ISIL.
It looks like the flag is touching the ground and she could be standing on it.
Good catch. According to the foxboro reporter , the photo was rejected because she was standing on the flag. The principal spoke with a veteran’s group and they her picture is very inappropriate.
* they said her picture is very inappropriate.
The Flag is touching the ground, it looks like she is standing on it, and it hung wrong. The field of blue should always be in the upper left. They way it is hung is as a sign of distress.
Probably why a veterans group didn’t give it the OK
The flag would be upside down in distress but I’m sure they weren’t shooting the picture Saudi Arabia.
Uhm, the field of blue IS in the upper left. The hell are you talking about? The right most area of the photo is another white stripe.
The way the pic is cropped here it looked like it was on the right side. Saw a wider view of the pic in the news and saw it was hung right.
And my bad on the distress, you’re right, upside down.
This does seem outrageous. There must be something else going on. Maybe it’s those jeans?
Don’t be fooled! The picture was deemed offensive because she’s STANDING ON THE FLAG! That is considered an inappropriate and disrespectful display of the flag!
It’s because she’s standing on the flag. It’s offensive to the United States, quite the opposite of what you think.
And wtf is wrong with those jeans? Screw them assholes. Dont like our flag, gtfo. Really, ill help you pack, asshats.
I’ll give you my address – i DEMAND You come help me pack. if you’re not willing to fly over here and help, then shut the fuck up and stop talking bigger than you’re worth, through your own asshat.
just say the word – i’ll give you my postal code!
What’s the address?
Have you seen the whole pic and not the cropped one? She is standing on the flag. She is disrespecting the flag and the school denied it on that premise.
It’s because she IS STANDING ON THE FLAG! Total act of disrespect.
That flag is BEHIND HER… it’s a prop, she is not standing on it. Are you people assclowns?!
whether she is standing on it or not the flag is touching the ground/floor assclown !!!
find the whole pic and not the cropped one. She is standing on it.
Apparently you haven’t seen the full image and we know who the assclown is.
She’s standing on a representation of the American flag, which according to the Flag Code is NOT patriotic. In fact, it’s disrespectful of the flag.
“The words “flag, standard, colors, or ensign”, as used herein, shall include any flag, standard, colors, ensign, or any picture or representation of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any substance or represented on any substance, of any size evidently purporting to be either of said flag, standard, colors, or ensign of the United States of America or a picture or a representation of either, upon which shall be shown the colors, the stars and the stripes, in any number of either thereof, or of any part or parts of either, by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag, colors, standard, or ensign of the United States of America.”
As you may know, this was a backdrop of the American flag, or better stated, a PICTURE OR REPRESENTATION of either.
Do you condone someone standing on the American flag or letting it rest on the ground? By supporting this picture that’s exactly what you’re saying…that it’s OK to disrespect the flag by standing on it.
That’s a very odd way to display patriotism.
Ask yourself this, would you support the picture if it was Obama posing on the flag?