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Craig Telfer was a pretty good hurdler and all around athlete for the Franklin Pierce men’s track team last year. You can see some of his stats here. He finished second at the Greater Boston Track Club Invitational in the 60 meter hurdles as a junior, losing only to his teammate by less than 1/10 of a second. He was coming along nicely and set up for a strong senior year.
Then Craig decided that he was really Cece, and wanted to compete with women. In a sane world this would not be allowed, since Craig is a biological male who has 21 years of male growth that gives him advantages over women. He would immediately be levels above every female he competed against.
But this is not a sane world, and in the name of social justice we have to pretend that this is fair and OK. Today was the Northeast 10 Conference Championship meet. Cece Taylor won all three events that he ran in, because he got compete against a bunch of biological women, AKA real women. He won the 60 meter dash, stealing victory from Stonehill Senior Olivia Dexter, and Assumption College’s Victoria Steffon, a Wachusett graduate.
His time of 7.63 would’ve been .72 seconds behind the men’s winner, and a full half second behind the 8th place finisher.
He easily won the 200 meter dash, stealing first place from Southern Connecticut State’s Begotty Laroche, Dexter, and Steffon.
His time of 24.45 seconds was nearly 3 seconds slower than the men’s winner, and nearly 2 seconds behind the 8th place finisher on the men’s side.
Then he went on to win the 60 meter hurdles by over half a second, easily beating Stonehill’s Zoe Smith, while also taking down UMass Lowell’s Elisabeth Monty’s six year old meet record by .06 seconds.
I used to coach Elisabeth Monty at Shepherd Hill. I don’t think I’ve ever coached anyone who worked as hard as her. That girl lived to hurdle, and she was an excellent athlete. She finished third in the state as a senior (even though she had to run in these ridiculous, welfare uniforms).
She earned that record, and now her name will disappear from the record books because Craig decided to become CeCe and take it away from her. Her time of 8.55 would’ve beaten the second place finisher’s time by 0.4 seconds, an eternity in a short race like that. That’s how dominant she was.
Keep in mind, in the hurdles there is a distinct advantage for being taller. The mens hurdles are six inches taller than the women’s hurdles, and closer together, and CeCe Taylor is very tall.
Because he’s a dude. He can literally step over hurdles like they’re barely there. For the last 21 years his bones have been growing like any biological male, his muscles have been getting stronger like any biological male, and there is testosterone running through his body. All of these things give him unfair advantages. In a sane world we would call this cheating. But in America in 2019 we call it social progress.
Although the taller hurdles do slow you down, his time arguably could’ve placed in the top 8 on the men’s side.
So he’s one of the better male hurdlers in New England, competing against women. Shocking outcome that he won.
He scored 30 points of his team’s 52 points by himself to help Franklin Pierce finish 6th overall, single handedly scoring more points than Merrimack, Le Moyne, and Bentley College.
For beating up on a bunch of biological women this man was awarded the Most Outstanding Female Track Performer of the Meet.
His Athletic Director is bragging about it on Twitter.
WT&F: Telfer claims three NE10 titles, Most Outstanding Track Performer honors; Brena wins high jump as Ravens finish program-best sixth at NE10 Championships. @FPURavensXCTF #RavenNation #LetsFly
STORY: pic.twitter.com/KSyMWizaDO
— FPU Ravens (@FPUathletics) February 18, 2019
Oh, and… one more thing!
CeCe Telfer was named the women's meet's Most Outstanding Track Performer.#RavenNation #LetsFly pic.twitter.com/bEeC8Dmgt8
— FPU Ravens (@FPUathletics) February 17, 2019
Congratulations to all our athletes for a successful day @TheNortheast10 championships! Special shoutout to CeCe Telfer for being named the Most Outstanding Track Performer! pic.twitter.com/wWmSwhCStv
— Rachel Burleson (@FPURavensAD) February 17, 2019
Editor’s Note. Athletic Director Rachel Burleson has taken down this tweet shortly after we published the blog. Her quote was “Congratulations to all our athletes for a successful day @TheNortheast10 championships! Special shoutout to CeCe Telfer for being named the Most Outstanding Track Performer.”
Then strangely she put it up again, because I’m assuming she thought we couldn’t embed her new tweet into the blog. We can.
Congratulations to all our athletes for a successful day @TheNortheast10 championships! Special shoutout to CeCe Telfer for being named the Women’s Most Outstanding Track Performer! pic.twitter.com/HZv9kf8Nln
— Rachel Burleson (@FPURavensAD) February 18, 2019
“Special shoutout.”
How can anyone cheer for this? Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel like you earned something? The real women had no shot at all going into this meet, because CeCe has been smashing records all season, and Franklin Pierce has been bragging about it on Twitter.
ICYMI last night: CeCe Telfer led the way for @FPURavensXCTF at the John Thomas Terrier Classic at BU, as she hit the NCAA Championships auto qualifying mark in the 60-meter hurdles for the fourth time this season. #RavenNation #LetsFly
STORY: https://t.co/RosbkIyhLd
— FPU Ravens (@FPUathletics) January 26, 2019
*SCHOOL RECORD ALERT** What a way to start off the 2018-19 indoor track season! CeCe Telfer cranks a 8.54 to win the prelims in the 60H! #FPUtrack #TheExperienceMATTERS
— FPURavensXCTF (@FPURavensXCTF) December 1, 2018
**SCHOOL RECORD ALERT** CeCe Telfer runs 7.18 in the 55m (converts to 7.74 for 60m! Moves on to the final for another crack at it!!! #FPUtrack
— FPURavensXCTF (@FPURavensXCTF) December 7, 2018
She even set both the school record AND NCAA record in the pentathlon. Look at the hashtag Franklin Pierce shamelessly used.
**SCHOOL RECORD ALERT** And she does it! CeCe Telfer runs 2:29.47 for 800m to win the 5 event pentathlon here at the Elm City Challenge with a new #FPUtrack record & NCAA prov mark of 3714pts #TheExperienceMATTERS
— FPURavensXCTF (@FPURavensXCTF) December 8, 2018
“Experience MATTERS.”
No, his penis matters. The fact that he has a biological male’s body matters. His experience was as a man. He didn’t actually accomplish anything. He’s one of thousands of men who could easily just claim to be a woman and win the women’s meet. It’s sad, pathetic, and disgusting that a school would not only allow something like this to happen, but then brag about it on social media. Experience matters? So all the women that lost to him, their experience didn’t matter enough?
Oh, and the 8.49 he ran in the hurdles today isn’t even close to his best time.
CeCe Telfer runs 8.33 to win the 60H finals!! #FPUtrack
— FPURavensXCTF (@FPURavensXCTF) December 1, 2018
So he’s probably going to win the National Championship too. Because he’s a dude competing against women.
Honestly, it’s up to women to put a stop to this. Men crossing over into women’s sports does not affect other men in a negative way. But it hurts women. Women who have worked their asses off their entire lives to get to this point, only to have it snatched away from them because Craig decided to become CeCe at the age of 21. I have a daughter, and I’d like her to do sports when she gets to Wachusett, but what’s the point? By the time she gets to high school this will be commonplace. There’s some boy out there right now who will become a girl just in time to beat her.
It’s up to women to speak up about this. I hereby invite any woman who lost to her to come forward, on the record, and tell me how they feel about this. But I’m sure I won’t hear from any of them, because they know what will happen if they have the audacity to complain about this blatant chauvinistic display of male privilege. They’d be castigated as transphobic bigots for standing up for themselves.
But at some point you have to do what’s right. You can either sit there and watch this happen to more girls, or you can be a pioneer. It wasn’t easy for the suffragists to fight for the right to vote, nor was it easy for Rosa Parks to refuse to go to the back of the bus. Believe me, I know what it’s like to self-censor in order to avoid being demonized. I did it for 11 years as a teacher. But once you start saying the truth out loud, it will feel very liberating and you’ll be surprised how many people line up behind you.
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73 Comment(s)
Comments from Craig himself:
“No I’m a female, I’m not supposed to be jacked”
“At the end of the day, I’m a female and no one can tell me anything”
“Taking evolutionary psychology its hard because that feeling of wanting attention from men is innate”
These are all statements that do not align with how real women think or feel, but how men perceive and perpetuate stereotypes of how women are and are supposed to be. Real women understand this because we live with and combat these gender stereotypes EVERY day but men are not women and can only ever pretend they are us based on their own stereotypes of what we are. The media cherry picks this guys story and consistently ignores how all trans ‘women’ live out female stereotypes and a female reality entirely based on a male perspective of how women are. When you realize this is a man saying women aren’t supposed to be strong, women should hide or deter muscle growth because it’s not feminine, that women live and exist for the attention of men and that’s evolution then how can you pretend this guy understands women in the slightest? He’s a total misogynist. These are predominantly gay men competing against women who will never understand the way actual women think, feel and live in this world and it’s horrible that their agenda and minority fringe issues get more traction and media attention over actual women’s issues. This is no different than Rachel Dolezal
What a bunch of whiney bitches you all are! I played sports in college but get a grip …. No one but you, gives a shit what you played in HS and college OR how you scored. Literally NO ONE CARES! Not your friends, not your family, not your job.
And if your life’s crowing achievements peak in high school or college, how sad for you.
I get more pussy now that Craig says he is a chick with a dick than when he said he was a man with a dick. Winning!
I feel like a small, conservative Division 1 school like Oral Roberts should sign 5-6 Division one male basketball players and have them pretend to be “transitioning”. They could wipe the floor with UCONN and every others women’s program and hoist the national title. Same for softball. This would put an end to this bs.
One of my favorite ways to fuck with leftist retards is to bait them into a discussion about the science of climate change, which we all agree with, because it’s fucking science… so I can then immediately torch them in a discussion about who is male and female because chromosomes are … SCIENCE! Do you like science or not zipperhead?
We should be taking these fucktard mentally ill trannies like this guy and Bob Murchison’s retarded kid and putting their brains to sleep. Instead society lets them run amok. Why won’t someone just put a baseball bat to Craig’s kneecap and end this charade? Street justice is the best kind.
I would say “God Help Us All”, but I fear that the God who will prevail is the Muslim one. And that God will surely destroy these aberrations. It’s too bad that the rest of us will suffer, but we will at least know who is responsible for our suffering.
How long does it take for a black women to take a crap? 9 months
Look at ‘it’s’ nails. Must be hard on the job with nails like talons.
Of course, ‘it’ will probably never hold a job.
There’s one of these ‘things’ in the center of Westfield. I notice ‘it’ never seems to be at work.
This entire thing is pretty funny. Funny, but scary.
The liberals defend this entire transgender thing tooth and nail. But if you think of it, it’s insanity.
It’s like a dog deciding it’s a cat.
Anything goes, as far as the liberals are concerned, unless of course, you’re trying to make America great again.
The sad part here is that nobody will take a stand, the coach will keep quiet in fear of losing her job. The athletes will keep quiet for fear of jeopardizing their futures in college. The parents will keep quiet in fear of being labeled “one of those residents” so this get to continue. Sadly this is the future. Can it be stopped? Maybe, but only if enough people are willing to stand up. Not 10, not 100, but thousands. Thousands of honest people who have strong beliefs will have to stand up to things like this. I will join them. Will you?
You hit the nail on the head,, nobody at FPU will say boo. I will be,, tomorrow when I head to the Bubble (gym). I know this guy, last yr. he was Craig, I was shocked to see when he came back for his senior yr. he had grown boobs,, WTF! I don’t care how he wants to dress, boobs whatever, but him and that idiot they have for an athletic director are doing a serious dis service to the some very talented women on the Track team at FPU as well as women at other schools. If he tells me how he did this past weekend he is in for some serious shit from me.
So after graduation, will CeCe go back to being Craig? And whose idea was this? “Hey, I know a way to make sure you win all sorts of Track trophies during your senior year! Just tell everyone you’re a chick, compete with them, and then after graduation, change your mind again!”
If this happens, all his awards should be stripped. Like Maude the Fraud.
WOW! This really happened.
Best anti-trans site on the web.
What a shame. Victoria from Wachusett is an exciting runner to watch. Shame she want have an opportunity to compete against other real women.
It’s hard to be single in this day. You have to ask people when you meet are you a man? If so were you born as one, or decide you were really one and so now your name is billy. I get that these people can’t help wanting to be, the opposite sex so that’s why they put on a dress and cut off their penis, but it’s not easy at all for the rest of the world to understand either. But one thing for sure if you have male DNA you should not be allowed to play on a female spots team period… something a man will never have to jump huddles while having.
the NCAA needs to get real and handicap these “women” to keep the track and field events from becoming a total farce. If you got a tree trunk in your running shorts there should be a 1/2 second handicap right from the start.
I heard his dick fell out and slapped a hurdle.
My biggest fear is for the young boy this goon is holding in the picture. there has to be a back story that goes with this guy. Does he have a former wife, girl friend that produced the child? Was CeCe a sperm donor? I weep for that innocent child.
Right! Thinking the same thing. Who is that young child to this CECE? Is this a child he made when he felt like being a man? I hope this poor baby is of no relation to this whole nightmare
Imagine working your whole life to get to the point of college athletics and having it snatched away? I played in the ne-10, baseball, for stonehill and uml so this hit close to home. A very small percentage of kids actually get to the point of being able to compete in college sports and to have their whole career thrown away is really tragic. There is so much I would like to say but it would be 7 pages long. As you progress through school years more and more of your friends don’t or can’t compete at the high school level and then even fewer, like a handful can partake in college athletics. For these kids it is the peak of their athletic careers. They won’t be in the Olympics or in MLB, with a rare exception. College is their Olympics, especially senior year. I’m just sad for the kids.
This freak show scumbag is the same deal as Michael Robinson aka Michelle Obama… Mike played LB for Oregon State back in 80s now is awaiting GITMO visit to see his Kenyan fake President about to convicted of treason
There are now only two groups of college scholarships and trophies to be handed out.
1) guys who are guys
2) guys who pretend to be girls.
The democrats have ended competitive sports and athletic scholarships for authentic females.
Just like they killed circuses. On behalf of all the kids who will never go to one, Thanks Dems
He gets to shower with these girls. If that is really what he’s going for… high-5!
This fall there was a high school girl who played and beat the boys in golf. The miaa then wouldn’t give her the trophy for some unknown reason. The male golfer who won, actually finished 2 nd, tried to give her the trophy, she refused it. Good kid, recognized she got hosed and tried to do the right thing. Crazy world out there now. It’s not hard in this case. If you have or had a penis, you compete against the boys. Wtf ncaa clean this shit up!!!
Not fair at all. That is the double standard that we all have to deal with because she was a girl and planned to stay that way. She wasn’t trying to be a boy, and as a girl she won. But they didn’t give her the trophy because she was a girl playing on a male team..Bet your ass if she said she was trans and was transitioning to a male, she would have been handed that trophy. It’s sad that this is how this world is.
He could’ve shaved off a few seconds if he cut his cock and balls off too. Those weigh a person down and create serious drag. Stop the planet, I want to get off.
Competitors like it shouldn’t be able to compete as women until after bottom surgery. We’ll see how committed they are then.
I remember this GUY. Came in SECOND IN THE MALE TRACK CATEGORY so became a GIRL so he could come in FIRST. Mind you HE is not taking female hormones or any type of transitioning except to be onna girls team to beat them for scholarship money. So wrong!
After he gets into the school of his choice for a free ride he will suddenly change his mind or claim he is a lesbian ugh
I hope the competition was “woke” females.
If so, serves them right.
I’m all for anyone who wants to call themselves a woman or a grilled cheese sandwich. But this is bullshit. Celebrating a mental illness that Cece is now calling himself a female.
1) Is it “Taylor” or “Telfer?”
2) Does “he/she/it” still have testicles? A penis? Is CeCe on hormone therapy? There should be minimum elapsed-time requirements before being allowed to compete as opposite gender.
3) how can the NCAA think that this is a fair and appropriate platform for trans competition?
Easy for me to say but all the women athletes he competes with should just walk off the track and refuse to run.Let him race himself.
Nope HE isn’t doing hormone therapy thats why i think he and others like him are liars. They want free sports scholarships and notariety
Because wacky liberals have brainwashed these poor women into believing that women can routinely compete with grown men on a physical level
MAGA is anti-semitic Joyce McNichols,
If you’re asking if I support the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party, the answer is YES YOU’RE GODDAMNED RIGHT I DO. I also support our LORD AND SAVIOR and THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME MR. DONALD J. TRUMP!!!! #MAGA #MAGA #MAGA #WHITEPOWER #MAGA
Throw MAGA the racist in an oven.
I’m a white Irish Catholic. I’ll sin and light the match.
what’s the difference between a pizza and a jew?
were you ever fucked in the ass by one of your priests