Free The Nipple Day At Hampton Beach Was A Bunch Of Dudes Taking Pics Of Women You Don’t Wanna See Topless

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A few weeks back we wrote about the Free the nipple day that would be held at Hampton BeachWell, the nipples were freed on Sunday, and it was exactly what we thought it would be – a bunch of dudes taking pictures of topless women, 90% of which they had no desire of seeing topless:

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Alright, maybe it was more like 75%. My favorite was the guy in the wheelchair taking pictures of topless mom with child.

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This magical Kodak moment could only possibly happen at Hampton Beach. Anywhere else this would’ve been considered a big deal. But at Hampton Beach you can find a million other things that are more offensive than this. Like the $40 parking, bedbug infested motels, fat bastards wearing tapered jeans, and unnecessary noise pollution from the wannabe Hells Angels doing Hampton laps.

For the record, this Turtleboy’s take is that I’m pro-breast feeding in public, but I still think it’s a ridiculous comparison to compare a man’s chest to a woman’s chest. Is it fair that men get to be topless at the beach while women have to cover their gazungas? Nope. Is it fair that men have to wear suits to work on 90 degree days while women get to wear liberating and sexy skirts? Nope. But guess what? Life’s not fair. There are advantages and disadvantages that come along with being either gender. The quicker you get over this and move on with your life the better.

P.S. The comments about this on Twitter were hilarious:

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Turtleboy Sports bumper stickers

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9 Comment(s)
  • WormtownorBust
    August 25, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    Hamsters and narcissists and attention whores, OH MY!

  • WTF... Worcester
    August 25, 2015 at 11:48 am

    Ok.. So… I let my titties free to blow in the breeze much like half of the Hampton regulars and I get pictures taken, but my husband needs to piss like a race horse, runs behind a bush and he is a Level 1 Sex Offender? Umm…. Double Standard! ***For the record, my husband is NOT Level 1 SO… Just an example.

    Seriously, though. What is the difference? Why is it ok to show off your tits, but my husband can’t show off his massive prick? Not all dicks are pretty, not all tits are perky… I don’t understand Women’s Lib, and I am a WOMAN!

    • Wabbitt
      August 26, 2015 at 1:29 am

      Jesus. Can we get a list of what words are banned? I’ve tried making the same comment a dozen times, changing a word each time. And each time it doesn’t post.

      Word filter is killing me…

  • mousy
    August 25, 2015 at 11:17 am

    I don’t care if you’re male or female, I don’t really want to see you without a shirt. Period.

  • Nanny
    August 25, 2015 at 8:13 am

    If women want to go topless that’s their choice. It shouldn’t be a big deal IMO.

    These attention whores are trying to make it a big deal. Congratulations, ladies. You have anatomy.

    Now make me a sammich.

  • Finnish Goalie
    August 25, 2015 at 7:43 am

  • WackyHonky
    August 25, 2015 at 6:08 am

    Stopping and posing for the guys taking photos…exhibitionists on one side of the camera, gawkers on the other. In France this is a non issue. Aren’t sunburned nipples painful? And shout out to etymologist, the hairy moobs visual is stuck in my frontal cortex

  • An etymologist here
    August 25, 2015 at 12:25 am


    I was at Hampton Beach a few weeks ago. Of course I stayed off the boardwalk and stayed on the beach. My family and I had a great time, but we were enjoying the water which was the perfect temp amazingly not too cold. I saw a sight there which will haunt me for a long time.

    I don’t want to shame people because none of us have perfect bodies, but the man I am going to tell you about had tits. They were nice and perky the likes of a forty year old woman who has nursed a passle of kids could only dream about. I would but him at a strong B cup. He had huge nipples too, all covered with hair. It was obscene, and yet oddly not. I watched him bouncing shirtless around the beach with his bitch tits thinking he should have to cover those things up. Why does he get to flaunt his assests? Because he has a penis? Or is it the hair all over his chest?

    Honestly, I am not for women going shirtless. Tits are tits and hair or no hair lactating or not, they should stay covered. They are distracting. Not just as “sex objects”, but as another thing for we humans to gawk at and judge.

    • Diana
      August 25, 2015 at 5:09 am

      Ew agreed. If you can grab a handful of said “bitch tits,” then you need to wear a top!

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