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Harbor City Narbonne has been removed from the City Section Open Division girls’ basketball playoffs and forced to forfeit its semifinal win over View Park in a decision by City Section Commissioner John Aguirre after the team wore illegal uniforms in its 57-52 win on Saturday.
View Park will replace Narbonne in Saturday’s championship game against Palisades at Cal State Dominguez Hills. Narbonne also will not be allowed into the state playoffs, according to City Section administrator Dick Dornan.
The team wore uniforms with pink numbers and pink letters, in violation of City Section rules.
The fact that Narbonne was already on probation for an earlier violation of City Section rules also played a role in the decision. During last year’s state playoffs, a player who had received two techinicals ended up playing illegally in the next game when she should have had to sit out the game.
“Breast cancer awareness is in October, and there’s a process for people to request color change,” Aguirre said. “If they’re going to blatantly disregard these rules and regulations, they’re going to affect kids.”
Narbonne Coach Victoria Sanders said she was unaware that prior approval was needed to wear pink on the uniforms.
“I was under the impression we were able to do it,” she said. “I didn’t know we had to fill out a waiver.”
The City Section has a rule that schools must wear uniforms only featuring their school colors. Earlier this school year, North Hollywood had to forfeit a girls’ volleyball match for wearing black uniforms. Black is not part of its school colors.
Adding to the confusion is that University has called the City Section office today asking to get a chance to play View Park because Narbonne used the same uniforms last week in a win over University, Coach Ron Cass said. University did not file a protest at the time.
“We want to play View Park,” Cass said.
Oh look, more administrators enforcing stupid rules that don’t affect anyone. Least surprising story ever. This is what people like the MIAA, and the Los Angeles version of the MIAA do for kicks. They literally LIVE to ruin memorable experiences for children. Just like last year when the MIAA wouldn’t reschedule the Chelmsford-Methuen district championship even though it was scheduled during the exact same time as the SAT’s.
The people who become involved in organizations like this do so for the sole purpose of enforcing dumbass rules that serve no purpose. Because otherwise no one would ever listen to them. Ever.
Does it make any sense that they’re wearing pink in March? Nope. But who really gives a shit? It’s a Goddamn uniform. The goal here is to see who can score more points, not to see who can comply with a bunch of pointless uniform guidelines.
I will say this though – raising “awareness” for a disease that everyone already knows about is dumb. Like, did anyone see all this pink in October and say, “What the fuck is cancer?” How about you have a bake sale or bikini car wash or something? You know, because raising money instead of raising awareness could actually lead to a cure. That is if the Susan G. Komen foundation wasn’t such a fraudulent organization who pays their CEO over a million dollars a year and spent millions suing other charities in court who dared to use the color pink.
As a Patriots fan I’m used to shit like this happening though. When you’re the best people are gonna constantly look for some loophole to discredit you. It doesn’t work in the NFL but it does in high school because you’re picking on kids who don’t have the resources to fight back.
You know who I blame for this whole thing? Bob Kravitz. As a matter of fact this whole story sounds eerily familiar. You’ve got that coach from the loser team who lost to the girls in pink. He wants to advance to the finals now because the team that emasculated his girls wore pink to support cancer research awareness. Does that sound familiar? Loser team gets destroyed by vastly superior team. Butthurt losers associated with losing team want to advance to the next game based on bullshit technicality.
Nice going Bob Kravitz. Now look what you’ve done.
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