Girls Throws Bacon And Sausage At Framingham Cops To “Feed The Pigs”, Immediately Becomes My Favorite Protester

girl throw bacon and sausage at cops

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A woman was arrested for allegedly smearing uncooked bacon and sausage on the dispatch window and offering to “feed the pigs” at a Framingham police station on Friday. Lindsey McNamara carried a Dunkin’ Donuts box full of meat into the police station at 11 a.m., according to police. Lieutenant Harry Wareham said McNamara approached an officer “with a great smile on her face” and said she was there to “feed the pigs.” She then allegedly took the bacon and sausage out of the box and smeared it on the window of the dispatch office.

McNamara was arrested and charged with malicious destruction of property, a misdemeanor.

The pork meat and McNamara’s alleged “pigs” comment appear to be a reference to the criticism of policemen as pigs.

She was immediately arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property worth less than $250.

Asked by the officer why she did it, McNamara said: “God told me to go feed the pigs,” according to the police report.

Representing herself in court on Friday, the pork pelter denied the charges.

“I mean, I didn’t really destruct property,” said McNamara. “I just smeared some grease.”

This is the first protester that I don’t wanna put in front of Al Dente’s protester plow. At least when she held a meaningless protest it was hilarious. I mean, just check this girl out for a minute:




girl throw bacon and sausage at cops

In the protesting circles they call this girl “the smart one.” Granted she’s probably insane and has no clue what the hell she’s doing, which makes her about the same as all the idiots who think it’s fun to stand in traffic and yell things they saw on Twitter.

The only thing I’m mad about is that she wasted perfectly good bacon and sausage. I mean look at all this delicious food:

girl throw bacon and sausage at cops

Do you understand all the things I would do to that sausage and bacon?

That’s the real crime here. Plus none of it really makes any sense either. Pigs are magical animals that make tons of delicious food like bacon and sausage. But if she was trying to say the cops were pigs, then why would she feed them with their own kind? Are they cannibals too? Because when I went to the Big E I saw tons of pigs but none of them were eating each other. Doesn’t make any sense. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to throw donuts at them?

Anyway, I hope this girl get some help and more importantly I hope someone refrigerated that meat immediately.

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3 Comment(s)
  • Bacon Lover
    January 20, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    What a waste of bacon! Why does the author call this woman a protester? She wasn’t a part of any protest…

  • Nick Duffy
    December 28, 2014 at 10:12 am

    Pigs don’t eat bacon and sausage. They are made into bacon and sausage.

    • Wabbitt
      December 28, 2014 at 6:45 pm

      Nobody’s claiming that this young lady is firing on all cylinders.

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