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Yesterday’s blog about the best keg spots in Worcester has been getting a lot of backlash because it’s extremely biased towards the west side. Particularly my lack of knowledge about Crow Hill. So just for you east siders I found this awesome rap video on the world wide internets, which is so Grafton Hill it hurts. Because you’re not really from Grafton Hill if you didn’t go through a phase where you pursued an independent rap career. Unlike you though, these guys are going straight to the top. If they don’t make it to the big time then I’ve lost complete faith in the game. This is truly one of the most glorious videos I’ve ever seen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
As you can see that video has been taken down. I need it back in my life though. I literally can’t get it out of my head. All I have left is this remix that someone has added a laugh track onto. It’s well done, but it’s not quite the same thing. LIVING GO-OO-OO-OOOOD!!!
Congratulations. You’re now gonna have “Livin good….livin goo-oo-oo-od” stuck in your head all day long. Nothing says “livin good” like hanging out in the Stop n’ Shop parking lot o Grafton Street. Sure some people think having a mansion in Beverly Hills or a loft in New York City is the sign that you’ve made it big time. But those people don’t realize that they’re missing out on the glitz and glamour of Worcester MA.
First of all, the name. Absolutely brilliant:
Secondly, I need this t-shirt, and I need it yesterday:
And I know if I were shooting my own rap video the first place I would think to film it would be the Grafton Street, Building 19 plaza parking lot:
Also, I might move to Rice Square and pursue a rap career because although I love Mrs. Turtleboy, she’s got nothing on this ride or die junior smokeshow:
And I don’t know about you, but money is tight this time of year. But when you’re a legendary Worcester rapper money ain’t a thing:
And you can’t shoot a parking lot rap video without the ill whip vehicle of choice:
Oh yea, and like the video said, don’t fuck with this guy:
Because he’s feelin goo-oo-oo-oo-od. And no Grafton Hill rap video would be complete without a Grafton Hill girl doing her makeup in the background:
Now as awesome as this video was, I have to say that I was a little intimidated by it. I mean, I understand these guys are gangstas and all, but I’m their biggest fan and they keep flipping the bird in my direction:
The best part of the whole video is when the Hennessy bottle emerges out of nowhere. Shit gets real then.
and obviously no rap video would be complete without a closeup of said Hennessy bottle in a pile of Grafton Hill snow:
The lyrics were wicked deep too. Especially when it was Bubba Sparxxx’s turn:
“So I stay college bound, gotta have the education. Here we go again, I’m back, rehabilitation.”
Wait….what? So let me get this straight. These guys were filling out their applications to Harvard and all of a sudden one day – BAM – rehab. I feel ya on that Matt Money. Well, when the Ivy Leagues don’t work out you have to go to plan B – start a record label called “Get Down Productions.”
If I could give them a piece of advice though, I’d say to clean up the lyrics a little bit. I mean, this is a family blog after all. Isn’t there another way you could say, “Pussy poppin panties droppin?” Although at the same time, nothing says “panty-droppin” like Matt Money:
Magnificent. Someday I will exude such insatiable sexuality.
And Mrs. Turtleboy always says I can’t dance. So maybe Money Matt here can help me out. Apparently all you to do to be a good dancer is just move your hands around a lot in front of you:
point to yourself
point to your imaginary boy who isn’t there
pretend to smoke blunts
and then point up to the sky
I’ve been doing everything in life wrong. Because nothing in my life is nearly this glamorous:
Feelin goooo-oo-oo-ood. I know some of you think I’m kidding, but I’m actually dead serious. I’m telling you, these guys are going straight to the top. Get down with Get down productions before it’s too late. I need this album and I need it now. And when is the rap video coming out at the Turtleboy statue? Is that too much ask for? I know it’s not the Building 19 parking lot but it’s still pretty hot.
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42 Comment(s)
Did anyone else notice the truck had the steering wheel on the wrong side.
I love this
The fact they can afford to buy/rent a camera puts them in the big leagues compared to Southbridge’s rap industry
I really love it how, there’s a music video made out in Worcester, which makes it kind of exciting in my opinion since there’s barely anything EVER shot in Worcester unless it’s big time Hollywood motion pictures which once it’s edited & in the movies, you won’t even know it was shot there…Shaking my head, some of you guys on here personally attacking these dudes are just followers and point fingers when I am pretty sure you’re damn f*****g hands aren’t clean either. They represent Worcester. This just shows that their own people of their city can be cruel to their own. Just shows assholes are assholes and I am so happy I don’t live in the Woo anymore. Too many dumb ass followers and ignorant idiots it’s not even funny. If you’ve ever taken a psych (psychology) course; if they’re flipping off on the video, it’s part of their “persona” has nothing to do with flipping off the viewers…
After reading all the negative and such poorly written comments & article (was funnier than the article itself) I see that this just shows assholes are assholes. so you haters can go fuck yourself and suck my 9 glock. thank you 🙂 A bunch of f**&^% drama queens. xD
I really love it how, there’s a music video made out in Worcester, which makes it kind of exciting in my opinion since there’s barely anything EVER shot in Worcester unless it’s big time Hollywood motion pictures which once it’s edited & in the movies, you won’t even know it was shot there…Shaking my head, some of you guys on here personally attacking these dudes are just followers and point fingers when I am pretty sure you’re damn f*****g hands aren’t clean either. They represent Worcester. This just shows that their own people of their city can be cruel to their own. Just shows assholes are assholes and I am so happy I don’t live in the Woo anymore. Too many dumb ass followers and ignorant idiots it’s not even funny. If you’ve ever taken a psych (psychology) course; if they’re flipping off on the video, it’s part of their “persona” has nothing to do with flipping off the viewers…
After reading all the negative and such poorly written comments & article (was funnier than the article itself) I see that this just shows assholes are assholes. so you haters can go fuck yourself and suck my 9 glock. thank you 🙂
I love that worcester “area***” people are getting upset about this on facebook and they’re acting like this is fucking watergate by trying to expose Turtle Boy Sports. These people make me gag.
***Most self proclaimed g hill hood rat wootown index trap stars are from other gross towns, ex. leicester, spencer, auburn, etc. Please get real.
At least their trying to do something creative. Most of you probably don’t do shit for yourselves, and spend your time picking other people apart and watching television.
@Steven, that might be true. Maybe we do sit around all day on our computers picking people apart and watching TV. But at least we’re good at it.
These young men should develop alternative plans “in case things don’t work out.”
This article is so poorly written & biased it’s hilarious. Half the comments look like they were written by either people who never get out of the house and socialize/talk face to face with people, and the other half of the negative comments about the band seem like they’re middle to high school kids who also don’t get out a lot who don’t even know who the fuck these guys are. Also the article seems it was written by some high school student who got too bored in class and went to the bathroom real quick to blog about a band in Worcester using screenshots from a video that was COPYWRITED by the person who made it. Not getting any permission at all to use them, how smart is that. xD
such a smart article, this blogger is definitely going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars blogging such well written articles that are so ignorant, even some of the readers didn’t understand what point Turtle or whatever your pathetic online Alias is was getting at.
copyright****** You are also probably a middle schooler that can’t spell at a sixth grade level.
I have seen the Facebook page for this business…the articles are vastly much more of a laughing stock than a band that’s out there trying to do something with their passion, unlike 99% of the people on here sitting on their computers & game consoles all day complaining they have to get up and clean the bathroom or go make food. This is such gobbledygook, and so is everything else on here.
If you think the site is a joke why are you still on it?
Yeah, 10-15 minutes a day reading an article and commenting leaves no time to pursue other passions.
I don’t recognize the guys, but I’m pretty sure my brother lost his virginity to that girl.
This is so wrong on so many levels. Maybe this isn’t the greatest music video and they didn’t create the most amazing music but not only do you poke fun at their music you poke fun at their looks. These poor kids are now forced to endure the pure humiliation of everyone talking about this article that has gone viral, that makes fun of them. Atleast they decided to go out and do something with themselves which is more than you can say for a lot of kids from this city. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Here’s a copy:
#GetDownProductions lmao
Video has been removed by user?? Gaaah I have to see this!
Video’s been taken down.Hope someone saved it.
So find some shitty ass hat rappers who are from Grafton Hill and say “see I told you that side of Worcester isnt as good as the six wooded areas that look all exactly the same I partied at on my side of Worcester..Also. Calling it Bldg 19 plaza..is like saying we should go to Cows Farm market off of Lovell st..Its called South Plaza
Video+article+comments= BRILLIANT!!!!
Funniest shit I’ve seen in a while 🙂
If anyone on here actually thinks Turtleboy is serious about these guys being good you may need to go back to second grade so you can better understand what exactly sarcasm is. I went to high school with the kid that’s not Matt Money, he calls himself “Mike Diesel”. Overall a kid that means really well but he just sets himself up to get shit on. I saw this a few weeks ago for the first time and was literally in tears from watching it because I laughed so hard. Such a non savage move making this video that you might just have to consider it a savage move. So ballsy by the means of “I’m going to make myself look like a complete fool and not care the least bit” that I respect this video. Do it for G Hillllllll
I think I just lost I.Q. points from reading the comments alone. I also lost a lot of respect for the writer, who not so long ago was telling us to bank off the Worcester hater, but can shit talk a group of strangers who represent a large portion of the assbags that live here.
Margee was saying why the city itself was terrible.
This is poking fun at individual citizens, which has always been a staple of the blog.
Your fucking wit is righthowmuch they pay u to say this u related or they suck u off to do it fucking Garbo I can freestyle million times better than this no hesitation they got no flow no ryhmes pretty much I’m nothing at all and I’ll smack the fluid cc out bot them corney bitches same time lmk anytime don’t quit your backup plan do everyone favor and robin Williams your selfs
Ok first and foremost, if you really read that article up above and you thought he was giving these dudes praise, you must have completed even less schooling than the gangstas in that video ( thats a joke btw, the gangstas part). Second what in the world are you saying man? That is the worst sentence/paragraph I have ever read. It’s so bad that half way through it I stopped reading it, because other than your lack of punctuation and proper use of grammar it sounds like you wrote it after taking some serious drugs. I think it would be better for this site if it wasn’t associated with people that leave these comments.
Nice grammar dude. Hope you know telling someone to kill theirself on the web is actually a capital crime now, and you don’t even know these guys. Bahaha. Such an internet idiot. Say this to their faces not on here you dipshit.
Da fuq did I just watch ????
Yes turtleboy you are right…..this is so grafton hill it hurts
these are the real Hill niggas^^^^
Fuck these These FUFU white boys aint bout shit listen to some real niggas http://youtu.be/p7SbWdAOfp0
FUCK THESE FAGGOTS they aint shit and Worcester niggas aint like these pussys smh check some real Worcester niggas http://youtu.be/96O8ylNgnjE
Coming from the guy who says such outdated words like “faggot” xD bahaha you’re a joke
A big red potato who thinks he can rap and a guy who’s communication skills consist of eyebrow movement and flipping off cameras embark on a journey to fame and fortune.
https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=437088606444425 you gotta check out this live performance turtle boy it will change your life!!!
Thank you for this. My life is complete now!
Wait, is this for real? I thought it was a joke! Nothing says I’m living the good life like a piece of crap truck with a whirly light on it!
Hurt to watch lol that’s an understatement I wanted to stab my eyes out with a stick from my back yard
The best part is that the fatty can even get the words right other than that I’m extremely envious of these to guys I wish my life was an eighth as good as theirs…
This hurts to watch.
Makes me want to chain myself to a barrel on 290.
How come the fat guy don’t have no smokeshow?
Lmao I will join you!