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So this story from Greenfield about the cop who had the confederate flag in his garage, and the two asshole neighbors who used their adopted black son as a pawn in their game of political correctness, just won’t die a natural death. There is apparently a meeting on Monday so that everyone can talk about how much this whole non-story hurt their feelings:
An incident that sparked one father’s Facebook complaint about a local police sergeant, whom he criticized for hanging a Confederate flag in his garage next door, has become the subject of a public forum hosted by the town’s Human Rights Commission on Monday. The commission will host the forum on civility, sensitivity, speech and race at 6 p.m. in Town Hall. The forum is in response to what has become known throughout town and the county as the “Confederate flag controversy,” which involved the display of a Confederate flag in the garage of an off-duty police sergeant, and the concerns of two fathers and their 10-year-old black son, said Human Rights Commission Chairman Lewis Metaxas.
“We welcome the opportunity to have a rich and sincere discussion with members of the community,” said Metaxas. “We hope that together, we can take steps to not only resolve some of the concerns, but also reach a consensus on what the expectations and rights are for all of us in this community regarding these issues.”
Rod Hart posted comments on his Facebook page Nov. 28, saying his son Hugh had expressed concern and fear to Hart and his husband Lindel Hart when he noticed the flag hanging in a garage on a property Greenfield Police Sgt. Daniel McCarthy owns on Shelburne Road. McCarthy does not currently live on the property and it is not clear whether he will in the future.
It appears the Harts have since deactivated their Facebook pages. McCarthy’s Facebook page is still active and since then a Support for Dan McCarthy page was created.
I guess they just don’t wanna let this story die. Because if some people don’t have anything to complain about, they can’t figure out what to do with their day. The fact that it’s being put on by the Human Rights Commission tells you everything you need to know about the direction it’s gonna go in. After all, the Human Rights Commission were the same brilliant people who tossed together the Department of Justice Race Discussions this past summer in the Woo. Ya know, the same “discussions” where the Human Rights Commission handed out documents which stated that only white people were capable of being racist:
Anyone who thinks that you would be allowed to speak at one of these charades if you believed that Rod and Todd are dooshnozzles for making a federal case out of this is out of their tree. Whenever you see something like this ya know it’s gonna be a PC love fest filled with buzzwords where no other differing opinions will be tolerated by the the tolerance crew.
Of course what they should be discussing (but won’t) is why a public school in Northampton would ever employ a teacher who posts stuff like this on the Facebook machine:
And just for the record, Turtleboy isn’t offended that the Hart’s are a gay couple. He’s offended because they’re hypocrites.
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