This is Rick Pessin from Raynham.
He’s an up and coming Greg Bates of the South Shore. If you don’t remember Master Bates, click here to read the 7 part series we did on Beverly’s favorite glutton monkey deadbeat Dad who weaponized a Facebook group to extort money out of local restaurants so that he can eat for free for eternity.
Rick runs the Hockomock Swamp Supper Club and Desserts Emporium, a group closing in on 30,000 members that lets people share pictures and links to their favorite restaurants. And since it’s so popular Tricky Ricky decided to take a page out of the Great Bates handbook.
Oh fuck off you self important queef mongerer.
Newsflash – you’re not special because you started a Facebook group. You have no power, no authority, and are in no position to make demands from restaurant owners that they give your followers discounts. “We” don’t give anyone business. “We” don’t spread the word about restaurants. You just provide a neutral platform where people can come together and talk about food. The restaurants owe you absolutely NOTHING because people liked their food enough to talk about it with other foodies.
“It is THE time restaurants in our region show the 27K members of this group some love.”
Ya know who used to constantly throw around the number of people in his group in order to strong arm restaurants into giving him special deals?
Someone. I just can’t remember who.
“Every mention in our group means business.”
No it doesn’t. You’re not that special. You’re a Facebook group, not an advertising agency.
I’m not saying that Rick Pessin is a human waste pile secretly forcing local businesses to give him gift cards in order to avoid being badmouthed on his page and hide revenue from the IRS so he can avoid having his wages garnished for overdue child support. But there’s something about these self-important randos demanding that small businesses struggling to make ends meet stop what they’re doing and kiss the ring because they made a Facebook group with a bunch of people in it that just rubs me the wrong way.
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33 Comment(s)
I’m on the fence deciding if you’re an “influencer”. So I decided to make a list of the characteristics of an influencer and then decide. Please chime in if I’ve missed anything.
1. An influencer promotes a brand, product or service. Food is a broad category. Are you trying to be the influencer of all food? Just the fatty category? (I ask because I’ve never seen you eat a vegetable. Carrying a tray doesn’t count). FAIL
2. Influencers are a trusted authority on their topic. You sure *look* like you know what food is – but do people trust your opinion to the degree that your word is gold? FAIL
3. Influencers have a following. That’s not to be confused with a shared “foodie” (fucking hate self-proclaimed “foodies) obsession. Gathering everyone who likes food with the promise of a discount doesn’t count nor make you have a following. They’re just people who are hoping to get freebies. FAIL
4. Influencers are socially useless idiots. WIN!
Get Fucked,
Greg/Rick — same thing. same message.
What the fuck is that white outfit with the feather boa?
It looks to me like the cunt is a kiddy-fiddling nonce.
Someday he’ll be in the news for underage boy rape vids and pics.
Someone will hack in and screenshot it while he’s bashing the bishop at 2 AM.
I’d give the cunts a discount alright. How about some three month old burger I just found lurking in the freezer?
Go to my competitors and demand discounts. PLEASE!!!!! Do it. NOW!
Check out the law suit(s) filed against him for his vendetta against certain restaurants and managers he dislikes. Also the Fecia’d Out of the swamp group he made to ridicule the former members that disagreed with him. He is not a good person or good for the industry. Many restaurants fear what he will do to him if they are not nice to him. Barretts kiss his ass. So many members drank his koolaide.
Loser. But he will probably get his way.
Here’s what’s wrong with the food and beverage industry. If I go into a restaurant and ask the bartender or waitress for a date and if she says no, I can go to the manger and say that the bartender or waitress was rude to me and instead of throwing me out, they will probably fire her out of fear of my making a big deal out of is and shaming them on social media.
In the old days, a loser got thrown into the back alley after being roughed up a bit.
Rick is a tyrannical douche.
Runs his Hockamock-luvsthecock page like a Nazi.
If you dare to challenge him even in the slightest, he evicts you from the page, then blocks you like the mincing faggot bitch that he is. He usually struts around like the faaaabulous peacock that he fancies himself to be once he’s ejected someone like some sort of victory was won. To say this princess is ego driven is a huge understatement.
One day he’ll do it to the wrong eatery aficionado and maybe they’ll pay him a visit at the Costco in Dedham where he subsidizes his cockgoblin lifestyle. They’ll probably find him to be the meekest twink in person. That’s how most of these keyboard dear leader types are.
Anyone that defends him is no better.
He sucks so bad that there is a page devoted to the refugees from his shit foodie club.
I apologize to the more normal part of the LGBT community for ripping on his faggotry, but this guy is an over the top, flaming bumchum.
This man is a douche bag. He is an admin for a mobile park in which he lives. I have had words with him. He is rude and disrespectful loser.
Rick is a tyrannical douche.
Runs his Hockamock-luvsthecock page like a Nazi.
If you dare to challenge him even in the slightest, he evicts you from the page, then blocks you like the mincing faggot bitch that he is. He usually struts around like the faaaabulous peacock that he fancies himself to be once he’s ejected someone like some sort of victory was won. To say this princess is ego driven is a huge understatement.
One day he’ll do it to the wrong eatery aficionado and maybe they’ll pay him a visit at the Costco in Dedham where he subsidizes his cockgoblin lifestyle. They’ll probably find him to be the meekest twink in person. That’s how most of these keyboard dear leader types are.
Anyone that defends him is no better.
He sucks so bad that there is a page devoted to the refugees from his shit foodie club.
I apologize to the more normal part of the LGBT community for ripping on his faggotry, but this guy is over an the top, flaming bumchum.
Where was the extortion or threat? Are there some emails or did he call out any restaurants in the comments?
This is just promotions and advertising. Who cares if a restaurant wants to offer free appetizer with a meal for mentioning the group?? He is offering a free coupon he doesn’t have to pay to print in the paper or pay Facebook ads just to some new customers in the door.
This is weak
It’s basically a veiled threat with a smile. “C’mon give ALL of us some free stuff, you know, my group that has thousands of members.” With a wink wink, nudge nudge and a shit eating grin. I’m sure, as a result, restaurant owners would feel pressured knowing what may happen if they don’t kowtow to Mr Frumpty Dumpty. Terrible!!
Rick’s group is carefully curated to provide a generous fountain of information by friendly Bostonians with a minimum exposure to douchey people like the author.
Thank you, Rick!
You ARE an AssHole, just like your snotty buddy, Dictator Pessin.
Keep sniffing his spunk’n’spit scented farts, you sycophantic twat.
I take offense to that. Ass hole is TWO WORDS not one.
I think comparing him to Greg Bates is a real stretch. He’s offering a mutually beneficial offer to area restaurants. I would think there is PLENTY of stuff to write about rather than do a hit piece on this dude.
u suk
He seems like a normal dude, maybe a little folksy, just trying to drum up some fun on his Facebook site.
I called it before I even scrolled down to the drag pictures. This guy has that weird, creepy, gay-face. You know that peculiar look a lot of strokers have ? With the type of beardy, off-putting, prissy and predatory look ? Well, this guy’s got it, it’s a strange vibe certain types of creepy guys put out. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so, this guy’s a whack-job.
You don’t even know the guy. How can you go off on him assuming
this or that because you don’t like his look? Look in the mirror, do you like what you see?
I looked in the mirror and saw a total cunt.
Ergo, he is a total cunt.
I call them as I see them, princess.
That creepy gay-face is a thing and NORMAL people recognize it. I know it upsets you that we really do look at you, judge you and laugh.
Oh, and when I look in the mirror, I see nothing but AWESOME and I love it !!!!!!
You Bitch.
He is indeed a sniffy, snotty, swishy and sleazy connoisseur of service area cocksnot.
Extortion is the game. Time to give him the Bates treatment…
He’s a mini AAA + AARP.
If you have no trouble with them, you should have no trouble with him.
The Phantom Gourmet is a little different. You’ll get your ball sack sucked around the same time you have a commercial on the Phantom Gourmet. The only ones getting the deal are the brothers.
I bet Francis Sidebottom would hit that
Why do these douche bags all have the same self assured arrogant punchable looking face? I hate the fact that this loser resides on my town. I also don’t understand why a plate of cut up veggies is supposed to be some sort of memorable moment that needs to be captured. Also do people look at a picture before posting it? I mean at least take down the glue trap with all the flies sticking on it first. Lol gross I’ll pass on your gigantic sliced onions now thanks lol
Because there is an unexplainable epidemic of undeserved self-confidence. It seems to spread through the internet machine. Too many people patting each other and themselves on the back for absolutely no reason.
dude has a gluey fly strip hanging in his kitchen…..ewww
It’s similar to his asscrack. A gooey strip that attracts flies. eewwww