The following GoFundMe is an example of everything that is wrong with America today.
This is what a world looks like where people have no shame. It’s the healthiest economy in American history and a grown ass man wants 4,444 Facebook friends to just give him $20 because it’s his 30th birthday and he doesn’t feel like paying back the $80,000 he voluntarily chose to borrow to pay for a worthless degree.
There are no words for how pathetic this is.
The worst part about this is when he said he’s doing this to “normalize” begging strangers to pay for your shitty life choices. Ya know, the people who went to state school, or got a job right out of high school, or made personal sacrifices in order to pay off their loans. Those people should pay again to bail you out because you wanted to become a free spirit instead of an actual man.
The explanation is even worse.
So let me get this straight. He left a state school (UMass) because it wasn’t providing any promise of a great music career, to go to the much more expensive Berklee School of Music, which clearly has not provided him with a great music career either. Maybe because it’s stupid, cliche, and ridiculous for a grown man to think he can still make it as a musician at the age of 30. Face the facts dude, you’re just not very good. You might be able to play a few songs, but at the end of the day no one is willing to pay you for it which makes it a hobby. You’re not a musician, you’re just a grown man who refuses to face reality.
The sobbing continued….
Just when you thought he couldn’t get more pathetic you find out that his ma dukes is paying half of HIS loans!!
Meanwhile “trying to establish myself as an adult has become next to impossible.”
You know what’s a great way to establish yourself as an adult? Get a real fucking job and pay your own Goddamn bills instead relying on Mommy and Facebook.
It gets worse….
He wants to live on his own?? Are you fucking kidding me? He also has no kids. Do you understand how pathetic you have to be to whine about finances when you don’t live on your own and you have no fucking kids? Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up about birthday parties and focus on getting a real job that doesn’t force you to demean yourself like this.
In a sane world he’d get absolutely destroyed, because I’m sure many of his 4,444 Facebook friends wanted to tell him what a loser he sounds like. Because guess what? They all got grownup problems too.
But instead you got Sarah here praising him for being “open” about the “serious problem” that he voluntarily took on by making such a foolish, idiotic life decision at the age of 20.
This is the world we’re living in now. A place where you’re considered brave for “speaking out” about how pathetic you are.
One chick who actually appears to be a responsible adult announced that she paid off $70K in student loans, and the reaction was just priceless.
Show me your ways!! Teach me about this thing called, “responsibility.” I’m not familiar with it.
Is there ANY doubt who he voted for? I mean ANY doubt at all???!!!
Of COURSE he voted for Bernie!! Because it’s a rule that every sad, pitiful, self loathing, talentless asshole is required to vote for Bernie. Because grownups know that Bernie is a fucking asshole who has also never had a real job, and got kicked out of a Goddamn commune because he wouldn’t do his chores. Bernie Sanders, and everything he preaches is cancer. It appeals to stupid, lazy people who don’t wanna grow up and be responsible adults. It leads to people like Chris Kazarian starting GoFundMe’s like this with zero shame, and it needs to be called out more often.
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104 Comment(s)
Chris Kaz, we love ya, we really do. It’s a kind of a tough love, you know, there is a song, “Cruel to be Kind”….
You are in a tough place… AmeriCorps will only pay off $11K of your loan. So don’t even bother with that.
You’re a Worcester kid, so you probably got a tough side to you.
Talk to the soldiers at the recruiting station on Park Ave. Find out about the Army College Loan Repayment Program. From what I see, you need to enlist for 3 years, and they will pay off part of your existing loan each year, for a total of around $180K. You have to have a federal loan program, not a state loan program.
You’d be ideal for the Army Band, but not all military specialties are open to this. You might have to be at the tip of the spear, you might have to be doing something that gets your hands dirty.
In the long run, this could be part of the Kaz legend. Hendrix was 101st Airborne. Ice-T was 25th Infantry. MC Hammer was Navy.
Ya fucked up, ya trusted us…..
*SPOILER ALERT* this little bitch is the type of entitle cunt that wanted to be in Disney channel movies growing up and would have voluntarily gave his asshole to management to do so. If he hasn’t yet. He reminds me of the brother hiding in the bunker in parasite…Guys guys!! My GoFundMe sank and I only collected a cool G, I spent it on coke and sniffed it off my les Paul Gee Tar, the debt collectors are after me from my wannabe Janet Jackson music career at Berklee institute of moochin buttholes, my private Loans are higher than my closeted junkie ass in my mothers basement. My music career sucks, my mom is paying my student loans, I’m a mooching butthole, now I’m noding out on Black Tar contemplating going full Kurt no brains, I’m sorry Kurt you had actual talent I was joking. This kid sucks.
Oh man this weak piece of shit!! Your mom helps you pay your student loans?? Music is a fuckin hobby you do on the side which you will find time for and If you blow up you blow up. If you went to a fuckin music school and put yourself in that much debt you’re just a fuckin sucker. I’m 24 and I have so much more common sense than this little open handed Janet Jackson. I work 60 hours a week in a trade I can actually make money in. My mother kicked me out at 18 and left with her boyfriend. I have zero debt to my name. I found a girlfriend who also has zero debt and works full time and we got a dog. I have zero Kids. I bought my brand new IPhone..cash, my Car…Cash everything I own I make sure I have the money for. Stupid people like you do this because you think you have life changing talent and can take over the world with your narcissistic personality. I knew I was an average joe. I accepted that. I vote Republican. I work everyday. I pay my taxes. I just got a credit card and am still stuck making minor purchases in it because I’m scared of ending up like you clueless twats. I pay regular rent with my girlfriend and am building up my credit till I can eventually get a loan and get my mortgage going. Till then. Money every week to my savings account. Bills paid. Gifts for family. Call my mom to say hi. Fuck you you fuckin lazy entitled mamas boy douchebag. The only people who like you donated and l that’s 4 days worth. Not everyone truly cares. You really think you will make 80K? Just take that G you got. Get a shit ton of coke for the night. Sniff it like you did up at Berklee with the Bernie kids like you sniff each other’s moochin buttholes. Play some riffs of that gee tar of yours and fuck your fuckin self. Bitch.
This topic is low hanging fruit. There are millions of people trapped by student debt. Putting aside how they got there, the debt is not dischargeable. Thank George W. Bush and Congress. They did this at the behest of their Bankster owners. A generation of kids are slaves. Everyone cashed in. Schools, Banks, The Government. Shitty parental guidance and naivety aside, this has to be dealt with.
This guy may be an unrealistic dope but I have many younger colleagues who make good money, have real degrees, and have made adult lives for themselves, who are up against it. It’s not right.
Social Media is Cancer
College was unaffordable long before Bush. Whining about college debt just started recently because generations before handled it like adults. Blame Bernie and Lezzie Warren for making it fashionable to whine, piss, and moan.
We are both right.
BTW – I paid my undergrad student loan in full as well as a loan for a worthless MBA in my forties in full. I do know something about this.
The worst part of it is ego-involved parents who want to tell the other moms and dads that Johnny or Janie are in college for their own status as “good parents”. They damned their kids with shitty outdated advice. Of all parties in this mess, they are the most culpable.
Kids, don’t listen to your parents. This restless knight cares more about your long term wellbeing than most of them. Sad truth.
If you must go to college get your basic credits for pennies at a community college and transfer to the UMass system for your degree. Avoid death like anal herpes. Ignore the herd. They are fucked.
Social Media is Cancer.
Correction: “Avoid Debt Like Anal Herpes”
Social Media is Cancer
Debt is Cancer
Most Parental Advice is Cancer
working multiple day jobs through Custodian for a Day is not going to float his finances, though he may be featured in Black History Month soon. instead of performing at weddings, he might think about becoming a magician for children’s parties, and perhaps avoid begging altogether. these a$$holes need to go back to school and learn that a loan is a responsibility, which needs to be repaid by the person who took it out. Such simple concepts can’t be grasped by these children of government assistance.
The United States is the only “first world” country that doesn’t have some form of universal healthcare. If that isn’t bad enough, we also have the highest tuition rates in the world. More college grads are in debt than any other country in the world. Greedy corporations cause our college grads to be under-employed in a position in which they are overqualified for. Essentially, they pocket all the money while paying us just enough to live paycheck to paycheck. It’s time for a change. The election will be here before you know it and Democrats will take over again. Look up Trump Derangement Syndrome if you need a diagnosis. Contact your local psychologist for more info on that.
Abolish ICE, Bernie 2020!
The only thing that is abolished is Bernie.
“we have the highest tuitions” – yet, every kid in the world wants to come here for education. Watch the PARADES of Asian kids file through Harvard Yard with their parents every year. They do not enter on scholarship.
You also don’t have to go to a private school for an affordable and equal education. They teach you same thing at every school. You’re paying for a piece of paper.
College isn’t a 4 year party that you can decide you shouldn’t have to pay for later. Absurd. Not every career needs a degree.
Get Fucked,
“Things I Want and Do Not Want” — by Christopher Kazfuckface
I want it all!
I want free school!
I want to go to birthday parties!
I want to have a social life!
I want to live in my own place!
I want a car!
Things I don’t want :
Work (boooooo)
Taxes (boooooo)
Responsibilities (boooooo)
Eat a dick Christopher!
Get Fucked,
I didn’t “silently suffer” about my school loans. I had to work 3 fucking jobs to pay back undergrad and grad school. I did it kicking and SCREAMING! Then, I remember I signed up for it and owed the money and stfu.
Get Fucked,
These people think Bernie is going to tax the rich for the first time ever. He’s going to tax the corporations that make billions in profit, yet pay no taxes. This is going to be the answer to American poverty.
Millions of Bernie supporters believe this shit. That Amazon as a company, and Jeff Bezos as an owner, pay no taxes. Seriously? What the fuck?
The rich, and their corporations pay plenty of taxes. That people that believe this shit should look at an annual report of one of these companies.
The stupid fucks think Republicans only want to save the rich. Guess what shit-for-brains? I’m far from rich. I’m a Republican because I want to be responsible for my own mistakes, not everyone else’s. Republicans want to work hard, and keep their fair share for themselves. Fucking Democrats want to make everyone equal… hard 70+ hour per week workers… and fucking dreamer weekend wedding singers.
Fuck you. Pay your own bills asshole.
Why do you need college for this type of work. My good friend Carrie Underwood did it all on her own. As Judge Smails said “The world needs ditch diggers too”.
This kid looks exactly like a certain character out of Coming to America. Basically, the old ugly guy with the raspy voice that hosts that formal function. You know, the guy that introduces “ SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!”…
If you don’t know, google it.
Funny, he sounds taller on the radio.
Bergs and Chens at it again.
Dow down over 1000.
Dirty nomads intentionally crashing mafket to screw the greatest president ever.
More fat fucks die from heart disease every year 675000 than from the sniffles. More fags die from aids 50000 than the sniffles.liberals don t dare tell sodomites to stop sucking cock
It’s a waste of life!
It’s your money Chris, tell them you need it now.
Come on guys take it easy on old charles here. Hes a little upset he couldn’t figure out how to change the batteries in a rechargeable toy before he left for his 9 to 5 to line the pockets of his corporate overloards.
How’s everyone 401k doing today?
Is Obama still trying taking credit for the economy?
All my Libturd friends have been telling me it’s Obamas economy.
I love the Didi Delgado Clap in between each word response he gave to make it more pathetic… he should just beg people for reparations although he doesn’t look all the way black to me.. he’s more of a Halle Barry then a DiDi Deltaco… what is this world coming to where By any stretch of the imagination someone can actually spin this into a reasonable,responsible thing that an adult would do.. oh wait he needs to pay off his loans so he can ‘become an adult’… I bet he doesn’t even have loans it’s just another Anthony Deyoung ‘I’m a lazy POS with a wedding singer voice but I think I’m Michael Jackson‘…. which is spun in to ‘I’m a struggling artist who works for 3 jobs AND a professional wedding singing company’ lets see the loan documents Razzy Boy! .oh yeah. I won’t be donating chriz …or voting for Bernie …
I play the guitar. I don’t play no fucking school.
So beaner Donald Glover never had any faith that Bernie was gonna make it all go away, huh?
You know the thing!
Chris Kaz or Colin Kaepernick???
The economy is the best ever? Lol people are so brain washed. Same people that will blame the stocks on the virus. Not knowing this was going to happen anyways. Trump has hurt the economy. dummies lol
Time to get up Big Foot, it’s almost noon and Springer’s on soon.
Shut up Honky
I think your wife is hot George.
Thank You Thomas.
Limerick of the Day…
Chris Spaz is a lazy old moaner
Who wants us to pay back his loaner
He’s an entitled slob
Who should get a real job,
Let’s hope that the cunt gets Corona.
Dick Scratcher, aged COVID-19
My inner E.Lee Ermey is screaming out fucking standing private Pyle
Thank you for your kind words, Brother Taint. Much appreciated.
I missed you!
Likewise, Brother Finn!
Brother? Are you sure? 😉
Here’s the issue. Say some moron does pay off this shitheads loans, then what? Does he change his behavior so he can be successful without handouts? Or does he just keep doing what he’s been doing where inevitably he’ll be even worse off than before because he hasn’t learned how to take care of himself? I’m a betting man by nature so my money (that I work for) is on him being a perpetual loser always looking for someone else to take care of him.
The fact that people, grown men and women known as adults, can’t get their shit together and want everyone else to pay for their lifestyle is unreal. There’s literally no shaming some people because they’re such narcissistic losers they don’t think there’s a problem with it. Online panhandling has gotten out of control because of the paragraph sob stories attached to them vs a bum on the corner with their cardboard signs. End of rant.
I have one worse than that!
I heard about an grown ass man with a wife and kids who quit his safe teaching job to start a “blog” then begs for donations because people keep suing him because he can’t figure out how to write without getting sued.
What a moroonie!
And yet here you are, reading and commenting.
Now, if you could be a lamb and fuck yourself righ off, I think we can agree we’ll all be happier for it.
People stare at car crashes too.
Yeah, but we don’t ask to read the accident report.
…Google Chris Kazarian – ‘How Good The Cold Feels’.
I can’t imagine a huge market for this…
The cost of higher education today is outrageous. I can’t understand why tuitions are so high.
10 / 10 ha has to this clown for thinking Berklee was going to make him into Frank Sinatra Jr.
“A fool and his money are soon parted.”
Plenty of successful musicians read lyrics off an iphone.
Three words for you kaz. Learn to code
I have a donation for you Chris Kaz.
Being an adult is a motherfkr isn’t it? Pussy
love it when college losers look down on skilled tradesmen like they are better than us. It’s the funniest fucking thing because you were sold a lie that told you, you needed a college degree to make it in the real world. Let’s add this up. College degree for a bachelor’s 70 to 100k and a life time of student loans. 4 year apprenticeship 0 dollars no debt and college credits for an accelerated degree if you choose. Entry level job after college maybe 26.00 if you’re lucky. End of 4 year apprenticeship over 58.00 an hour plus full benefits retirement and guaranteed raises every year. College degree a 9 to 5 where you battle driving every day and when work is over your doctors are closed. 4 year apprenticeship 7 to 3:30 time for doctors appointments no battling traffic much more of a social life. College degree, you have to work weekends to finish your bosses paper work and no social life or a very limited one. 4 year apprenticeship you’re done at 3:30 if not then, let that time and a half kick in. While you’re struggling in your 9 to 5 trying to look like you have made it in the world with all your debts. We are debt free living our best life with no debts or loans for the next 30 years like you fools. Our trucks, houses, boats etc are all paid off. You’re still paying off that Subaru you have had the last 10 years. we are on our 4th truck by then. You couldn’t take that vacation with the family because you have a project deadline. We went on our vacations. Hahahahaha college idiots sold a tale. While you’re struggling to make 65k a year salary. My first year after my apprenticeship I cleared 157k before taxes in a trade that I love with awesome and real people. You made 65k before tax and you hate everyone you work with. You cant even look at someone with out fear of hr breathing down your neck. We out here talking about what pig we fucked the night before. That music is offensive to people in your office. Our people tell us to turn that shit up. Hows that 4 year or 8 year degree working for ya hahahahaha. While you’re working till you’re 65 I’ll be retiring well before then with a nice fat kiss in the mail every month. You out here begging people to pay off your loans some of us about to buy a second vacation home in cash. Hahahaha
Wow! Sounds like utopia! What about all those layoffs and kissing the union bosses ass everyday? What about looking at your fat ass in the mirror and looking at your ugly ass wife everyday? What about your loser kids? What about that dirt under your fingernails that just never goes away? What about having three pair of jeans and those are your dress pants?
Way to put the hoi polloi back in its proper place, old sport.
Pardon ME, Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?
welcome to the real world. you get what you worked for. work hard=get more.
Charles you seem like a dick. Did your wife leave you for a blue collar guy? Just because a person works a trade for a living it doesn’t make him less a person. Grow up. No shame in dirty hands. Ps I’ve done both blue and white collar. Absolutely prefer workin with my hands, much more satisfying and fun.
Oh how quaint, a commoner speaks. Guess we will not be seeing you at the cheese shop this evening.
Sorry you’re so butthurt, Chuckles.
FYI, we’re given a $450/yr work clothing allowance, once a year $200 boot allowance, almost unlimited volunteer OT and a Chinese car load of other little benefits. I’ve worked on both sides of the desk and at age 35 I jumped on a union gig at a utility and never looked back. It’s a great job with great people and absolute job security. I can’t address the ugly wife and 3 pairs of pants foolishness, except to guess you’re a frustrated, unhappy loser who projects onto other, more successful people. I bet you look at your tradesman friends (if you have any friends) lifestyles and how all around happy they seem to be, compared to you, and go back to your crappy apartment, look at your roommates and your empty fridge, then cry yourself to sleep on your bare mattress floor bed. I bet you’re saving up for new tires and seat covers for your shitbox, too.
Amirite, you angry little winner, you ?
Excuse me, should you be working right now cleaning out the sewers?
Wow what assumptions you have made. Gos to show no matter how much you pay for a peice of worthless paper. you still cant buy common sense or cognitive thinking. I had quite the rebuttal but it’s not worth it. I’ll tell you this though. You’re seeing your own pathetic reflection so dont project it onto me. Even with my union discount my work pants cost more than your entire life. Dont be mad because you shop at Burlington coat factory for a suit that’s not properly fitted and you buy your shirts that come in a box with a tie. My one pair of AMERICAN MADE work boots cost more than your entire closet of payless oxford’s that you bought bogo. The dirt under my nails is not a worry. When I leave the site at 3:30 and you’re still at the office till 8p.m. that leaves your wife plenty of time to clean my nails. If you go back in history you will notice that office jobs were created for woman. Not for men who act like woman because they drink and eat soi. Remember if it was not for men like me you wouldnt have a school that you paid astronomical amounts of money for a worthless degree. You also wouldnt have that office to work your worthless job or that luxury appartment that cost shit to build but rapes you in rent. One more thing. If society collapses you have no useful skill that you can trade for anything. long after your house has been looted and burnt to the ground. I’ll be able to build something or trade a skill for things. You will be crying in your sweater, khakis and dress shoes because you have no shelter or skills and your wife left you for a man who can provide those things if she doesn’t leave you before. Men like me build societies while men like you get comfortable turn bitch made then destroy them. You’re a weak little man who thinks because he has a comfortable office that he is better than everyone. Remember you little bitch that if it was not for men like me you wouldn’t have all the comforts and safe spaces you hide in. It’s cool though. ide probably be just as upset if I paid all that money for a peice of paper knowing one day my comfortable office job will become obsolete. I urge you to say what you said here the next time you need someone to fix something of yours. I bet you wouldnt sing that tune if your hot water heater burnt out or if there was a hole in your roof. Be any more of a fucking moron making retarded assumptions you cant. You’re a prime example of why brothers and sisters shouldn’t fuck. The end result is a deformed little retard like you! you’re as out of touch with reality than Bristol Smullieyayy is and that’s saying a lot. You little nincompoop! Your comment tell us exactly the type of nitwit you are.
Pardon, would you be kind enough to pass the Catsup please? Thank You
I’d like I’d like to tell you a story about working at one of those companies that makes the parts inside of your cell phone and computers. A dozen of us were working late in the lab on a Friday night, trying to get a project out. We’re taking phone calls from our wives who were pissed off that we’re working late. But the project was behind schedule. we all have advanced degrees, and computers, semiconductors, chemistry, and management. Eventually the conversation turned to, what are you going to do this weekend? One of the guys said he was going to go visit his cousin up at the vacation house on Lake Winnipesaukee, or he was going to visit his cousin at the vacation house in Cape Cod. And we were envious, that he had cousins with a vacatian houses in nice places. He then explained,, that it was not two cousins, it was one man. And so we thought this must be a Titan of Industry, or some Bond Trader downtown in Boston. So we asked, what does this guy do for a living? The answer was septic systems.
I’m a college grad but never looked down on a tradesman. Everyone had different skills and every career has plusses and minuses.
Somebody might want to tell this half-ass wedding singer that there’s Laborers making close to 6 figures for basically walking around job sites in hard hats, drinking coffee and picking up a shovel now and then. You don’t exactly need a 150 I.Q. to hack it in that line of work. If you’re a Minority, you’re in like Flynn.
And the reason I am such an authority on these laborers is because they are always hanging around my mama’s house. As for me, I live her in basement and don’t have to work, so I’m cool with it.
The other night they wanted to do a Village People theme, but they wouldn’t let me be the cop, they wanted to me to be the leatherman – bunch of assholes!
It’s fun to stay at your mama’s house!
I think Dick Rasch may be a distant cousin of mine.
Wow. This guy had no reason to be called out. Read the whole thing expecting he was doing something shady or just a terrible human. I read Turtle every day, but this is just a sorry attempt at a blog.
Fuck off.
Hello? It’s your money I’m looking for….broke ass Lionel Ritchie wannabe
They need to end federally guaranteed student loans. These trap students into a lifetime of debt, that they can never get out of. And that is the Democrat plan. and as it allows colleges to become Democrat brainwashing centers, because the professors are now insulated from Market forces. And that is the Democrat plan.
Message to all parents stop wasting your money sending your kids to 4 years of foolish leftist liberal colleges and universities. The virus has closed down these clown colleges and getting a degree online is cheaper and will save you tons of hard earned cash.
What happened to Kaz is because of socialism. If he votes for Bernie, he is voting to continue the destruction or the other young men’s lives. Socialism destroys people and it destroys countries. The Insiders, you know the Liberals in the College academic community, and their friends in the democratic party, voted to guaranteed student loans with Federal protections. That means the federal government will come after them for the money. If you got snookered on a house deal, you can walk away from the mortgage. You don’t have that freedom with a student loan. Kaz got screwed by the Democrats, and their plan, and now he’s doing exactly what they want, by your voting for more Democrats.
Oh…my…god….first, I sucked at college but knew I needed at least some sort of degree so you know what I did? Paid for MYSELF to go to Mass Bay Community College. I then busted my ass to find a job that would open doors for me in the financial world…but until then I worked restaurant jobs. Now I make almost 100K at 32, own a home, a car, go on vacations, am married and have a child. Second, wtf restaurant does he work at that on top of everything else he does for ‘work’ he only makes 40k? I know a sports pub down the street where bartenders make more than managers and walk out with almost 300$/night during the week let alone what they take home on weekends. Third, my little sister is putting herself through school for social work, getting her Master’s Degree and makes about $16/hr. She has 1 loan, a car, an apartment…but this guy can’t pay his bills or have a ‘real life’? Are you serious? I had zero financial help from my parents and neither did she. We chose to sacrifice some areas of our lives in order to get degrees and then busted our butts to get where we are. This dude needs to stop working the breakfast shift at IHOP or wherever he’s barely making money, man up and start trying to do some real work. I refuse to pay for free school for anyone. Sorry not sorry.
Yeah, I was in the same boat. You know what I did instead of begging? I went over to NETTTS and got my class A CDL. Took a year of OTR struggle, but after that I landed a local gig for 60k a year and paid off my loans in 4 years. Funny part is, unlike this kid, I had a life while doing so.
I saw this guy play a couple times at Wally’s cafe in the South End on Mass Ave. He was actually pretty good and the whole bar loved him. But regardless time to get a job pal!!! Maybe you should humble yourself and apply at McDonald’s or Burger King and stop being a deadbeat!!!
If we’re paying off other people’s debt, let’s start with the single dads that have to work two jobs so their ex gets to stay in the house and keep the new SUV.
I saw this kid perform at a bar last summer on the Cape. Honestly, a very good performance of some jazzy funk type music. It was probably more a reflection of the band or my intoxication. The bar was a grade A shithole and was full of cape cod drunks.
I had a pretty good beer buzz, banged a couple of shitty cape cod coke lines and did a double dose of my favorite, adderall.
you sound like a Kennedy
Hate his enablers as much as this pathetic freeloading beta. Fuck you Sarah Higgins you cunt. Your parents failed as well. They deserve you and hope you ruin their credit.
Losing losers lose.
Then whine about it and votes for Comrade Bernie. World needs more bartenders Kaz.
As of now, he’s got a whopping 891 bucks, won’t even be able to pay the rent with that. Oh wait, he doesn’t pay rent, about the best he can do is donate it to Bernie’s failed campaign..
“I want, I want , I want, I want, I want, I want…..”
-30 year old toddler.
Bernie Sanders, and everything he preaches is cancer. It appeals to stupid, lazy people who don’t wanna grow up and be responsible adults. It leads to people like Chris Kazarian starting GoFundMe’s like this with zero shame, and it needs to be called out more often.
Please consider supporting local journalism by donating to the Turtle fund:
I’m sorry, disregard my last comment. I’m too stupid to tell the difference between some whiny shit stain who wants everything for free and someone who provides a product. Hard to concentrate with balls on my chin.
Maybe because it’s stupid, cliche, and ridiculous for a grown man to think he can still make it as a professional blogger at the age of 30 (actually pushing 40). Face the facts dude, you’re just not very good. You might be able to make up a few dumb words, but at the end of the day no one is willing to pay you for it which makes it a hobby. You’re not a journalist, you’re just a grown man who refuses to face reality.
Yeah cuz it’s impossible to hit it big in life from a blog. Fuckin moron.
Way to get the point.
….you signing a home loan for 300K, then whine, cry and beg for someone else to pay it?? Cuz,”me no wikey paying bills.”
The problem here is a lack of talent. You stink at music son, that’s why you’re having problems. Try taking responsibility for yourself instead of whining. As Big Paulie would say “Fuck You, Pay Me”.
Thinking about the guy who wrote this.
A nice old fashioned Atwells tune up might cure what ails him.
Get a second hand guitar chances are you’ll go far if you get in with the right bunch of fellows.
I love seeing Jew Rochelle in ny being quarantined those rabbis need to stop sucking baby’s dicks on the 8th day. It looks like Gaza,love it.
This guy has got some nerve, my mom has to suck dicks behind the dumpsters of the Auburn Mall just to make money, I suggest he do the same.
I love that bitch, now there is a GFM I would support.
When I borrowed 100k for school I worked an extra job and double paid my loan every month.
I had to have high test scores no minority discount for me.
Time to put on the big boy pants
You should get your money back.
Your mom pays me to slsp her around after I cum in her mouth
This is why you never co-sign someone else’s loan.