Today’s GoFundMe scam of the day comes from where else? Webster!!
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Here’s today’s GoFundMe scam of the day. It comes from a Webster resident who is trying to raise money ($900) because his son got “moved out of the state” and he needs money for the “legal process.”
Because $900 will get you really far with the legal process. Perhaps he could pay for his own legal defense is he stopped wasting his money on rims
And court fees
I dunno, maybe if he worked a few more hours instead of making Youtube videos called “ratchet” (I swear to God, that’s what this video is called), then he wouldn’t need to beg people for $900.
Seems like a real winner. Shocking that the Baby Momma would wanna leave all that behind by moving out of state. Shocking.
Anyway, the GoFundMe hasn’t really been going very well, since he’s raised all of zero dollars. We certainly hope it stays that way. It’s sad and unfortunate when any child can’t be with their father. But once again, the best way for men to avoid this is to actually marry the mother of their child instead of passing sperm around like it’s going out of business.
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17 Comment(s)
hahahaha. Went to High School in Webster with this man. Always been a wanna be thug/ gangster. LMAO
What in the fuck is in that Smirnoff bottle under the table in that oatmeal box? Is that piss in there? If he’s trying to brew up some jenkem, he’s doing it wrong.
Creme de menthe, peach schnapps, orange coconut vodka??? I think this guy may be a little on the fruity side. Even his buds sucked. No wonder his girl dumped him.
That was my first thought too! And a big bottle of sweet vermouth? lmao! I was gunna say looks like he raided Grammy’s and Grampy’s old liquor stash…
Judging by the wallpaper behind it, he didn’t even take it out of Granny’s house, just took the pic and pretended it was his stash
I grew up with him. Dont let his profile fool you he is good guy at heart. He has always had anyones back who needs help. Yea he smokes weed and lives in Indiana where all they do is shoot guns. Who the fuck cares, what does that have to do with getting his son back. Anyways i wish him the best of luck.
You dumb fucks and your over sharing on social media… I just don’t fucking get it.
Ummm, it has just about EVERYTHING to do with it.
bout to donate 100 right now
hmmmmm, high powered rifle with a banana clip, 30 rounds? Must be going squirrel hunting I bet? NRA member? Gun permit? Flat brim douchebag hat . . . No wonder the wife/girlfriend ran away with his kid, he don’t look too fucking stable to me. That’s a tragedy looking for a place to happen.
Sell those guns son… Or the rims… You’ll get more than $900 there. Or, maybe guns and rims are more important than his son…
He lives in Webster. Moving out of state is like moving from Plumley village to Canterbury street.
All off it stolen I’m sure. No way ebt paid for that stuff.
Webster cops better keep an eye on this little shitbag . . .
Those rims look tight with that rot and gold pin striping.
Why does he have an Explorer logo on what looks like either a chevy tahoe or suburban?
$6,000 rims on a $400 vehicle.