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Guy Who Raped 3 Kids Is Walking The Streets Of Weymouth, Hitting Up The Quincy Library, And Peering Over Fences, And Morons Think We Have Too Many People In Prison?

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There’s a situation going on in Weymouth right now that is kind of insane:

Quincy Police said a level-3 sex offender who recently moved back in with his parents after his release from prison violated a city ordinance by using a library computer on Saturday. Richard Gardner, 49, served 28 years for the kidnapping and rape of three boys in the 1980’s. He registered as a sex offender when he was released and moved back in with his parents on Chandler Street in Weymouth. Police said he was found using a computer at the Thomas Crane Public Library on Washington Street in Quincy around 11:23 Saturday morning after a librarian reported him to police.

He was told that he would be summonsed to court for violating a city ordinance that says sex offenders are not allowed in schools, libraries, or day care centers without express written permission from the premises. He is one of seven level-3 offenders living in the town, and residents say they are on edge because the neighborhood Gardner’s moved back into is full of children.

“There’s a child there, a child here, there’s children there, and I think nobody’s safe,” resident Kathleen Fay told WBZ NewsRadio 1030’s Lana Jones.


Kristan Wirtanen says that she saw Gardner peering over a fence and looking into her living room, on the same day she and the rest of the neighborhood learned Garder had moved in and was living on the corner.

“I think that there should have been stronger limitations on where he was going to be allowed to integrate again,” Wirtanen said. “I mean, he’s in a neighborhood full of kids.”

Weymouth Police posted a community notification about Gardner to their Facebook page last Thursday. 

Police have been called to the area several times over the last few days, but so far, according to the police log, it’s just been for area checks. The only reported incident was when someone threw a rock at the Gardners’ front window.

“I would say that he would probably repeat those offenses, and I hope it doesn’t take another child to get hurt for him to be back in jail,” Wirtanen said. “I feel that he should be back in jail.”

So far, Gardner is complying with the law, and Quincy Police said he is not currently wanted.


Wait…..what did that last sentence say? He’s complying with the law? Ummmmmm, I thought he wasn’t allowed in libraries. I thought he wasn’t supposed to be going to homeless shelters. I thought he wasn’t supposed to be browsing the Internet. Christ, this guy went to jail BEFORE the Internet. If he was a danger in 1989, think of what he could do in 2016. He’s got unlimited child porn at the tip of his fingers. Am I missing something here? How is this not a violation of his parole?

Look, I really don’t wanna politicize this story, but this quote about criminal justice reform comes directly from Hillary Clinton’s website:

“To successfully reform our criminal justice system, we must work to strengthen the bonds of trust between our communities and our police, end the era of mass incarceration, and ensure a successful transition of individuals from prison to home. As president, Hillary will focus on a few key areas.”

The idea that we are sending TOO MANY people to jail for TOO LONG is certifiably insane. This is one of just thousands of examples. How the hell do you kidnap and rape three freaking kids in 1989 and get out of prison by 2016? Here’s what he did in order to get sent to prison:

“Richard Gardner was sentenced to 190 years in a Rhode Island prison after admitting to kidnapping and sexually assaulting two boys and kidnapping another in August 1988. One child was abducted at knife-point from his bedroom. Another was taken to Norwell, tied to a tree and leftunattended for hours, according to reports in The Patriot Ledger. Gardner molested the boy the next day, drove him to Nantasket Beach and bought him gifts. He then drove the boy home to Rhode Island. Gardner was arrested by police minutes after dropping the boy off.”

190 years or 27 years. Whatever comes first. Same thing basically.

Does this guy seem reformed to you? He’s sneaking out of his house, going into libraries full of kids, using computers to do God knows what, and peering over his neighbor’s fences. Newsflash Hillary – we’re not sending ENOUGH people to prison for nearly long enough. Why is there this push to get these chesters back on the street? Like, do we want kids to get molested? Is that the goal here? Because the phrase “ensure a successful transition of individuals from prison to home” comes directly off of her website. The only successful transition is if Richard Gardener goes from his prison cell to the hole.

Look, on some level I do actually have pity for child molesters. Louie CK puts it best:

“There’s no worse life for a human than being a caught child molester. And yet they still do it. From their point of view it must be amazing in order for them to risk so much. I like Mounds Bars. But if someone told me that you need to stop eating Mounds Bars or else you’re gonna go to jail then I’d stop eating them.”

It’s politically incorrect as you can possibly get, but it’s 110% true. It’s a psychological disorder, and there’s no excuse for it, and you certainly can’t cure it. So by letting this Level 3 offender out of prison, what did the State Parole Board think was gonna happen? What’s he gonna do all day? He’s been locked away from children for 27 years, and now they’re just everywhere he looks. It’s only a matter of time until he reoffends, so I guess the only question is, whose kid is getting molested? That’s what our criminal justice system just did. They sacrificed a child’s innocence in the vain hope that this man can be reformed. He can’t.

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I will say this though, I feel awful for his parents and the people throwing rocks through their windows are assholes. His parents are elderly. They didn’t ask for this. They didn’t ask that their son be born a monster. Anyone taking the law into their own hands like this should be arrested. This is why we pay taxes for the police. Let them do their jobs.

But the bottom line is that the parents are asking the state to put a monitor on him so they know where he’s at at all times. If you need a monitor on you to make sure that you’re not molesting kids, then you probably shouldn’t be free. Just sayin.


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14 Comment(s)
  • XX chromosomes
    October 13, 2016 at 8:52 am

    So sexually molesting children is wrong. Got it. Check. We all know that. But when it comes to women, “grabbing them by the pussy” and just starting to kiss them is OKAY? That’s not criminal sexual assault? Okay….I think I’m beginning to understand now. What I don’t understand is why that bombshell of a story went unmentioned in your blog, as well as the newly forthcoming accusations regarding Donald Trump. My only beef with TBS is your inability to understand what constitutes sexual harassment and assault of women. Once again, it’s all laughable fun to TBS (or at least some of your writers.). I will refer to the past (TBS ) story about the frat sign which hung from the home of college boys, urging fathers to drop their young daughters off at their apartment to be taken care of. Another sexually distasteful act directed at females. You are dropping the ball regarding misogyny, TB. I read and comment on TBS all the time, but this just aggravates me.

  • XX chromosome
    October 13, 2016 at 8:48 am

    So sexually molesting children is wrong. Got it. Check. We all know that. But when it comes to women, “grabbing them by the pussy” and just starting to kiss them is OKAY? That’s not criminal sexual assault? Okay….I think I’m beginning to understand now. What I don’t understand is why that bombshell of a story went unmentioned in your blog, as well as the newly forthcoming accusations regarding Donald Trump. My only beef with TBS is your inability to understand what constitutes sexual harassment and assault of women. Once again, it’s all laughable fun to TBS (or at least some of your writers.). I will refer to the past (TBS ) story about the frat sign which hung from the home of college boys, urging fathers to drop their young daughters off at their apartment to be taken care of. Another sexually distasteful act directed at females. You are dropping the ball regarding misogyny, TB. I read and comment on TBS all the time, but this just aggravates me.

    • Chano
      October 14, 2016 at 7:21 pm

      XX: Google “Bill Clinton”.

  • Ashamed Atholian
    October 13, 2016 at 3:12 am

    I live near a level-3 offender in his 50’s who viciously assaulted 2 young girls years ago…
    now he lives in section 8 housing, I see him in the grocery store with his EBT card, and his
    girlfriend just gave birth to their SECOND baby..they also have a 2 year old daughter.
    Sickens me to think of what he may do to them when nobody’s around.

    • Chano
      October 14, 2016 at 7:18 pm

      What he MAY do? It is certain what he IS doing. Call DCF.

  • Turd Burglestein
    October 12, 2016 at 6:41 pm

    I only hope when he is out and about walking that a drunk driver flattens this piece of shit. Or someone has to swerve to avoid hitting a squirrel and just happens to run him over. Or a well placed lightning strike from God. Whatever it takes to rid this world of this fucker.

  • Ed Augustus
    October 12, 2016 at 11:12 am

    I have a plan for this. I have contacted a non-profit agency that specializes in running group homes for convicted child-sex offenders. Since our legal counsel claims that all non-profits qualify as institutions of learning, exempt under the Dover Amendment, or regardless would be protected under federal statutes protecting against invidious discrimination, I welcome a half-way house for child molesters in any of our residential neighborhoods. Just another step in ensuring the Worcester economic miracle. Together we can. And, remember- When things get really hard, Ed Augustus can be found holding his end up.

    • Sarai's pimp
      October 12, 2016 at 5:14 pm

      funny you say that, but it is already in the works at 2 houses bought in a nice neighborhood down the street from Doherty high.

    • 190@4:30
      October 14, 2016 at 7:16 pm

      That’s the Ben Dover Amendment.

  • LouP
    October 12, 2016 at 10:39 am

    Castration is a MUST.
    Extermination should also a viable option for repeat offenders.

  • Bill
    October 12, 2016 at 10:34 am

    The 190 years was to make sure this virus never saw the light of day ever again… This fucker served less than 15% of his sentence. How can that even happen!!!!

    • True Reality Speaks
      Mirror Mirror
      October 12, 2016 at 7:58 pm

      Thank a lib.

      • Hey Mambo
        October 14, 2016 at 7:13 pm

        Make sure you vote for Hilary if you want more of this nonsense. The goal is to let everyone out. Look no further than the Zimbrano saga. Jail doesn’t work for anyone, according to the libs.

  • concernedperson2016
    October 12, 2016 at 10:29 am


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