Looks like we’ve got another Internet lawsuit!!
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So we got an email from our hosting provider a couple days before Christmas, in which they informed us that one of the people featured in our blogs had contacted them and wants screenshots taken down of the dumb things she said on Facebook:
Sasha “Gypsyfire” Gaulin is butthurt that the dumb things she posted on Facebook made it onto this blog:
She apparently is some sort of professional gypsy:
Photo: Sasha FireGypsy Gaulin. Full gallery at some point this coming week. http://t.co/IK2QNUBn
— BabetteKD (@BabetteKD) March 25, 2012
And the pictures we used were simply screenshots from her publicly viewable Facebook page. Why did we write about her? Because last week when local buttnuts were giving one star reviews to a couple of our advertisers, she defended these online bullies by suggesting that they were in the right due to an imaginary car with a JJM bumper sticker cutting them off:
The best part was that she was upset because turtle riders were leaving negative one star reviews on her friends page. The same friend who just left a one star review on JJM’s page. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze Turtleboy.
But we know EXACTLY why her friends were doing this. Not one of them has ever done business with JJM Insurance, and thus none of them had a negative experience with them. They did it because they were being malicious children who wanted to harm a small business because they can’t get over that things are written on the Internet that they don’t agree with. End of story.
So when this chick contacted our hosting provider, we sent her an email to let her know that we weren’t gonna take her bullshit harassment lying down. Apparently she did not like this:
Another Internet lawsuit!!!
The hypocrisy knows no bounds. She can harass anyone she wants, but when people fire back she’s all of a sudden the victim. It’s the ultimate power move of the social justice warrior.
This of course opened the doors for Internet legal experts everywhere to give her unsolicited advice:
Threatening email? LOL. Hilarious. This idiot goes out of her way to defend people destroying small businesses AND contacts our hosting provider with nonsense, and it’s “threatening” when we tell her that it was unwise to poke the turtle. But if there’s anyone who knows anything about online Internet court it’s Renae DuHaime – whose face just screams, “I’m offended”:
It’s OK though, because this spectacled white woman wore a safety pin to let people know that she is “safe”:
Cuz without that safety pin, how would we know who is safe?
She would also know a lot about the law from her extensive background experience of being a hostess at Pizzeria Uno:
Then there’s these geniuses:
Uh-oh!! Donald Pearson thinks someone should pay “Turtleboy” a visit, because there’s only one of us apparently. And if there’s one thing that strikes fear in our turtle souls it’s the thought of an elderly hippie Jill Stein supporter who can’t get his shit together, throwing Granola bars at us:
This post is everything. No income. Dependent on the government. Leaving Maine because their government healthcare isn’t as good as the government healthcare in Massachusetts. This is what we attract to our state.
Just a reminder for all the Internet lawyers out there – when you post something on a publicly viewable Facebook page, you’re sharing it with the world:
“When you post content on your Facebook page, you have the ability to configure privacy options regarding who can view that content. While some content may be strictly controlled, the majority of content is simply posted as “public.” According to Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, any image posted with the Public setting carries the implicit acknowledgment that said photo is available for access and use by anyone — including entities not on Facebook. While permission for use is considered polite, it is not a prerequisite.”
Sorry gypsy, Turtleboy isn’t exactly known for being polite. Better luck with the Huffington Post.
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
34 Comment(s)
I saw Sasha and a team of homeless rich kids playing with fire at festivals in the past. I had a modicum of respect for her, until the time came for them to beg for tips. The “Tip Basket” had random pills, powders, weed, drugs and a little money in it. One can’t call themselves a professional, and accept crack and extacy as payment. Also, don’t worry Don doesn’t only mooch off your tax dollars, he created a fake charity to collect food for himself and his disgusting elderly hippie orgy attendants as well. So sick of people like this ruining the community I grew up in, taking advantage of every single person they come in contact with.
WAAAAAH!!! Someone hurt my feelings!!! I started something and now I don’t want to finish it!!! WAAAAAAAHH!!!! Someone get me to my safe space!!! WAAAAAAHH!!
TB, you’re slacking. There’s a video of her fire hooping when she was 9 months pregnant on hooping.org.
I love the stuff you write ! You call out some really assholes !! Keep the stories coming !
Oh no! Nawt a interwebz Lahw sootz!
Whateverz willz turtleboiz du??
Internet Lawyers are the best!
Back-off you Testudines!
Renae her JD (Just Delivery) from UNO pizza & grill State!
Gypsy is an offensive slur for the Romani people. It offends me.
I’d still knock the bottom out of that. I’d introduce my pork sword to her roast beef curtains
You can have my blue waffle for breakfast in the morning.
Oopsie…forgot my Turtleboy login here. Now who wants my blue waffle?
Guess who Worcester’s most esteemed mayor is handing the stage off to after his opening remarks for this year’s First Night Worcester? I think TB should pass out stickers to the crowd, to let Sasha know she’s performing among friends!
She has a really long neck. Everything about her body is long in a weird way. She looks like an anime character. I don’t know if it’s just the video but it kind of creeps me out.
This Mick Dodge wanna be better start hustling some hippie handjobs and stop scrounging off of our hard earned tax dollars
If Pearson can cook, clean, yada,yada, he can get a fucking job! SSDI my ass.
Fucked this “gypsy” gutter slut years back. Pussy smelt like bottled clam juice
That’s an insult to bottled clam juice.
When you’re served lemons..make lemonade
When you’re served clam juice…make Bloody Caesars
And I’m suing everyone who comments on this article too.
I will show my titties to Fiesty Lawyer Lady while Turd Burglestein kicks in my back door without a warrant.
If they are anything like your brains, they are probably tiny but I will look anyway. Please email dem titties!!
Would you like to see my vertical bacon strip with a side order of mutton chops? The carpet matches the drapes quite nicely
Dammit…now I have to sue myself. /awkward
I love the stuff you write ! You call out some really assholes !! Keep the stories coming !
So, saying “Don’t Poke the Turtle” is a threat in an email, but someone asking for an address so they can “pay a visit for a little face time” is completely benign.
Do they really not see the hypocrisy?
I still would hit it.
So according to what some of her genius friends are suggesting, she may actually be using these photos of herself in violation of the photographer that took them. How can liberal pussies be so stupid in every walk of life?
Stupid is what they do best and the only thing SJW are good at. Total waste of oxygen if you ask me.
Shacks you are correct. I’d love to see the contracts sasha signed with her professional photographer that grants her the rights to the pictures of herself.
I think she needs to be helped by Dick N Vulva.
How cute… the hippies want to play “war”… Everything goes. Except hurting feelings. You can’t put a band-aid on that kind of owie.
Hmmm so they are under the impression that their photos are owned by a photographer but yet they posted them on a public media site. Most likely they just had a friend take photos with a cell phone. I can only hope they don’t reproduce!