A Hampshire College student named Breann Lasone is threatening to fight anyone on campus who voted for Donald Trump, and is demanding white students pay her reparations so she can move to another country.
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Hampshire College students are a little butthurt that their fake “school” has become a national joke. I say it’s a fake “school” because they don’t give grades at Hampshire College, anyone can get in, and you don’t actually learn anything of value there. You just learn get brainwashed with victimization and buzzwords. Of course this gained headlines when some 19 year old snowflake named Danny Vogel went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson that diversity of thought is not welcomed at Hampshire College.
And he’s right. Here’s what another student recently posted about anyone on campus who voted for Donald Trump:
She seems nice. And definitely reasonable too. If you didn’t vote for the same person as her she should have the right to fight you. This is how a civilized society of democratic values operates.
The hilarious part is that Breann took part in this “No H8” campaign a couple years ago:
Classic. There is no group of people who is more consumed with hatred than the “No H8” and “love trumps hate” crowd.
But seriously, this is the culture that people are living under on college campuses all across America. People are afraid to express their opinions because these LITERAL Nazis (yes, every single one of you threatening violence on political opponents is a NAZI) will physically attack you if you do not go along with what they are saying. This is how tolerance works on college campuses.
It’s also the reason people voted for Trump in the first place. We all wanted to send a big “fuck you” to Breann Lasone. When I see this face:
I naturally wanna vote for whoever pisses her off the most. While this New Jersey trap queen spends $62,000 a year to threaten us, we’re trying to put food on the table for our families. And this non-tax paying waste of space thinks she gets to tell us who we can and can’t vote for? Yea, I’ll get right on that.
And apparently Breann was not happy that Danny Vogel was the spokesperson for the school because it was classic “whitesplaining”:
There’s nothing these idiots love more than telling people they’re living in fear. “Please keep yourselves safe.” Don’t worry sunshine, no one wants to hurt you. We just wanna laugh at and ridicule you because you are a joke. And if your life is in danger from a foreign or domestic agent, then you will be protected by the police or the army. Ya know, the folks that that flag you hate so much represents. Oh wait, I forgot, you can’t call the cops:
Oops!!! I’d say to get a gun and protect yourself, but, ya know, you probably hate those too.
Breann felt VERY scared after Donald Trump was elected President:
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Social media is “too difficult!!” Check in with your “marginalized friends” to make sure they didn’t experience any microaggressions!! Skip classes, because there’s no grades at Hampshire College anyway!! Stay woke fam!!!
It’s cool though because her ancestors survived slavery:
Yea Breann, you know why your ancestors survived slavery? Because they weren’t flaming bags of poon like you and your fantastic friends. It must’ve been hard being a slave. Rape, murder, no freedom, whippings, families ripped apart, you’re not treated like a human being, etc. But slaves didn’t have to deal with MICROAGGRESSIONS and democracy!!! In comparison it was easy for them to make it out alive. You’ll be lucky just to survive this. You just gotta stay woke!!
Oh, and all you white snowflakes who are riddled with white guilt, Breann knows how you can put your money where your mouth is:
Gotta fill up that canteen fund. The underground airline ain’t cheap.
It’s not the first time poor little Breann has demanded white folks hand something over that they didn’t earn:
Yea, give Breann all your money. It’s hard out there for a Jersey girl going to a $62,000 a year school. Sure, she obviously comes from a family with a lot of money and can afford the opportunity to go on a four year SJW safari in Amherst. But she doesn’t have the one thing money can’t buy – white privilege:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I would switch places with LeBron James or Will Smith or Barrack Obama in a heartbeat. You think any of them would switch places with me? LOL. Try again. But if white privilege was a real thing, they’d all have to switch with me. But it’s not, and they wouldn’t.
Anyway, I’m not sure if Hampshire College receives federal funding, but if so it should immeditely be rescinded. Since they don’t fly the American flag we have to assume that they are a foreign government, and thus they should lost their tax exempt status. The scary part is that eventually these idiots will graduate and we’ll all be stuck with them. But of course by then they’ll all just sell out like their parents did and get office jobs. The cycle continues.
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43 Comment(s)
I voted for Trump and I want to fight this sheboon.
Set it up.
It’s obvious that her statements were taken out of context and twisted around here. All Hampshire students are different and unique. Regardless it’s Thanksgiving and I encourage all of you to say a prayer for all of the children in Haiti who won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving this year with their families because they can’t afford a turkey. Open your hearts a little and help those in need. God Bless.
well, I guess they should work to improve their country, instead of coming here and turning the US into the 3rd world shithole they left behind ! P.S. they hang out at the Worcester Walmart off Rte 146
Anyone want to go walk around Hampshire College’s campus with a Trump t-shirt? I’d PRAY these little betas would start something they absolutely don’t have a prayer of finishing.
I just messaged her. Asked her if she wanted my address to come ATTEMPT to kick my ass since i voted for Trump. Dumb skank.
Clearly, some black lives don’t matter !
Some ALL lives don’t matter
She should be expelled for threatening other students. She also needs to keep in mind that some people are armed and that she just might hit the wrong person.
Reparations. What a joke! Yet another reason for voting for Trump.
How many of these protesters actually bothered to vote? Perhaps if they had all gotten up off their asses and voted for their beloved Hillary, Trump would not have won. I think THAT is the reason they are all so upset. Deep inside they know it’s their fault, but coming from a privileged generation they can’t bear to accept the blame.
I do think it’s a great idea to remove all Federal funding from Hampshire College, though. If this is the kind of “education” the students get, I’m sure there are better uses for the Federal funding.
Right on Maggs! Hey we’re running a promotion for Turtle boy it’s called ‘Tits for Turtleboy’ where the female turtle riders post a pic flashing their breasts. Are you interested in participating?
Social Justice Warriors are modern day Nazis and Fascists. Hampshire College is in very weak financial comdition. Few will miss it if it goes.
yessss, social justice = oppression and genocide
You have to love the ” got privilege ” shirt on someone going to a school that’s 60,000 a year.
She and most pay very little to nothing. We do. Federal aid. You’re welcome.
I seriously have to stop reading these articles, watching the news in general or looking at my Facebook feed. I mean, What The Fuck is wrong with these people? What the fuck will happen when these people age, mature, and occupy positions of power, if they can in fact do so?
How do these people even take themselves seriously? Do they really feel like at any moment something bad is going to REALLY happen to them?
Whatever happened to getting a decent education, getting a job on the bottom floor and working your way up the ladder and solely focusing on oneself and family?
With all the privilege she has, affirmative action, loans, grants and many other perks she receives just because of her skin color. Threatening, get the cops involved pronto !
Holy fucking shit my eyes bled just scrolling through that. Please no more…
You can read it all by yourself? I always thought you had a resident caregiver.
Kinda how the rest of us feel when we read ANYTHING you have ever posted here.
Three kinds of trolls, IMO.
Trolls that get their sick jollies trolling others. These are actually scary people as they tend to be only one dose away from acting out their sociopathic/serial killer fantasies. Columbine shooters probably good examples. Some of the more unhinged BLM and SJW leaders/supporters, also.
Trolls with fake self-esteem and delusions of grandeur that anyone GAF what they think or say. Many times these trolls can claim to be well educated (not the same as intelligent), which just makes them even more pathetic. Think Old Balls or Clive. Many of the college age SJW and BLM lemmings.
Trolls without the capability to understand how ignorant or stupid they are. Think Steve Quist (Q) or BobnMic. Many of the older BLM & SJW sheep. Oh – and people who vote Democrat.
Hey, c’mon. Don’t stick pins into the college because of a few “interesting” individuals.
Let’s see what the list looks like on the WIKI:
Joseph Amon, epidemiologist, human rights activist
Autre Ne Veut, musician
Vincent Baker, role-playing game designer, Dogs in the Vineyard, Apocalypse World
Math Bass, artist
Joshua Beckman, poet
Xander Berkeley, actor
Eula Biss, author [28]
George Bonanno, psychologist, Columbia University
Heather Boushey, economist
Dennis Boutsikaris, screen and stage actor, “*batteries not included, W., Sight Unseen
Ken Burns, documentary filmmaker, The Civil War, Baseball, Jazz, The War, etc.
Nicholas Callaway, founder of Callaway Arts & Entertainment
Hasok Chang, historian and philosopher of science[29]
Charlie Clouser, musician, former member of Nine Inch Nails
Barry Marc Cohen, art therapist, Diagnostic Drawing Series
Leah Hager Cohen, writer
Peter Cole, poet
Chuck Collins, political activist, co-founder of United For a Fair Economy
E.V. DAY, artist
Toby Driver, musician and artist, Kayo Dot and Maudlin of the Well
Ed Droste, singer/songwriter from the Brooklyn-based indie group Grizzly Bear (band) (transferred from Hampshire after one academic year)
John Falsey, Emmy Award-winning creator of St. Elsewhere, I’ll Fly Away, and Northern Exposure
Noah Falstein, video game designer, Sinistar, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Victor Fresco, television writer and producer, My Name Is Earl and Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Tooker Gomberg, municipal politician and environmentalist, 1980 graduate
Neil Gust, musician and artist
Tom Hanway, bluegrass and Celtic banjoist
Peter Harkawik, artist
Benjamin Mako Hill, technologist, free software developer, free culture advocate, assistant professor in Communication at the University of Washington[30]
Lee Hirsch, filmmaker, Bully (2011 film)
Gary Hirshberg, Chairman, President, and “CE-Yo” of Stonyfield Farm
Jeffrey Hollender, President and CEO of Seventh Generation Inc.
Daniel Horowitz, noted criminal-defense attorney.
Edward Humes, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Jeph Jacques, artist, Questionable Content
Patricia Klindienst, writer and former professor at Yale
Jon Krakauer, mountain climber and author, Into Thin Air, Into the Wild, and Under the Banner of Heaven
Mike Ladd, Hip Hop MC and member of the Antipop Consortium
Aaron Lansky, founder of the National Yiddish Book Center
Ken Leavitt-Lawrence, rap artist a.k.a. “MC Hawking”
Lê Thi Diem Thúy, writer and solo performance artist.
Dawn Liberi, U.S. Ambassador to Burundi
Daniel Lopatin, musician known as Oneohtrix Point Never
Nancy Lord, former Alaskan Writer Laureate
Jeff Maguire, screenwriter, In the Line of Fire
Daniel Marcus, science fiction author
Gary Marcus, cognitive scientist
Lucy-Ann McFadden, astronomer
Fred Melamed, actor, A Serious Man (2009), writer
Nicholas Merrill, founder of The Calyx Institute and plaintiff in the legal case Doe v. Ashcroft
Eugene Mirman, comedian
Matt Mondanile of Ducktails & Real Estate
David Moscow, actor, Big
Fariba Nawa, freelance journalist
Lupita Nyong’o, Academy Award-winning actress
Stephen Petronio, choreographer
Raghavendra Rathore, Indian fashion designer
John Reed, novelist, Snowball’s Chance
Will Reiser, screenwriter and producer
Rod Roddenberry, television producer
Liev Schreiber, stage and screen actor, The Manchurian Candidate (2004), director, Everything is Illuminated
Joshua Seth, noted hypnotist and voice over actor, Akira (1988), Tetsuo, Digimon Anime meta-series, Tai
Jeff Sharlet, journalist, Harper’s
Timothy Shary, film scholar
Aamina Sheikh, actress and supermodel
David Shulkin, internist
Elliott Smith, musician and artist
Zachary Cole Smith, frontman of DIIV (withdrawn from Hampshire during his second year)
Lee Smolin, theoretical physicist at the Perimeter Institute
Sonya Sones, author of What My Mother Doesn’t Know and other young adult novels in verse
Barry Sonnenfeld, director, Men in Black
Doug Stanton, author, In Harm’s Way
Thomas H. Stoner, Jr., author
Supreme Dicks, lo-fi and experimental band
Wes Takahashi, visual effects supervisor and animator
Danny Tamberelli, actor, The Mighty Ducks and television series All That and The Adventures of Pete and Pete
Sander Thoenes, journalist. Murdered on September 21, 1999 by Indonesian Battalion 745 in Dili East Timor.
Naomi Wallace, playwright and MacArthur Fellowship recipient, One Flea Spare, Slaughter City
Jessamyn West, well-known librarian and blogger
Erica Wheeler, singer-songwriter
Christopher Young, film composer, Spider-Man 3
Timothy Wilson, Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia
So, it looks like there are a bunch of creatives that came outta there…and will continue to go there. I personally know just one person that is a graduate, and they are on the top of my list for admiration.
Seriously, just because you blog on a platform that is 90% shitty advertising, advertising shitty Worcester area dregs, with shitty editorial content, don’t throw your slime too far. Remember it all flows downhill, right where you’re standing right now.
Other than that, love your blog. Sometimes. Well, once. A long time ago. Still trying to rekindle that love, without your reciprocation.
Please post the years they graduated. These liberal colleges weren’ t always hot beds of facism and fairy tales. I knew quite a few “hippies” that went to these schools in the early ’70s but they didn’t cry racist! when questioned about their ultra liberal beliefs. They actually tried to make points using actual facts even though what they wanted would never happen as long as humans were on the earth.
Only ever heard of 3 of them, and those three are kind of weenies. I think my loser Worcester County high school alma mater has more illustrious alumni………
99% freaks on that list. Swing and a miss. (That’s a SPORTS reference).
Only a few of those names rang a faint bell.
And if you are pointing to the ambassador to Burundi and the composer of the score of Spider Man 3 as examples of how Hampshire churns out all of these “creatives”, just check out the notable alumni list of every other college or university on Wikipedia…
We get it. Your Hampshire College buddy moved to Williamsburg and plays drums in some second rate indie rock band. Wow.
Please aim higher. For your own sake.
Not close to the first person to say this, but Hampshire “College” encapsulates why Trump won. Do these dickbags know that if the election was held again in two weeks he would win again? The whining, broad-brushing anyone who didn’t vote for Hildo as a racist, conspiracy theorizing and just plain displays of pussiness have fortified the people who just can no longer take this fucking shit. Some of those people are those who would be considered lefties/democrats. Even they’re starting to say, “What the fuck…” You can email the dean, post on its FB page, whatever, but I would urge all who are or someday find themselves in a position to do so to never – EVER – hire anyone who slides you a resume that references this school. Give me a kid who busted his balls or her eggs working their way through s state school all fucking day over Snowflakey McTrustfund. Do not hire these gashes. That is a way we can tell them to fuck off.
I’m going to write a children’s book (If Cher did it how hard can it be), called…
“Everyone I don’t like is Hitler! The emotional child’s guide to Political Discussion”
Oh, and WTF is “whitesplaining” anyway, ebonics for white people? (for you sorry ass people that cant figure it out, that was sarcasm)
One has to wonder after four years at an institution of “higher learning” such as Hampshire College, what type of jobs will these little snowflakes end up at?
Managing a McDonalds in Webster, MA. Hahahahahahaha
Even that seems improbable.
Probably become paid protesters.
More than likely…
I’m a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and…I like to kiss my own butt.
Or Democrat politicians like Sarai Rivera, Granny Warren or the yet-to-be-elected Moses Dixon.
Please be aware that poster ‘BobnMic’ is mentally unstable and/or a substance abuser. Do not engage this individual or, if you must, please do so at your own risk. He will respond with repetitive vulgarity, racism, asinine statements, and general trolling. In short, he is a dooshnozzle.
Note: we do not block users as we believe in free speech, even if what you say is immaterial, inappropriate, or outright pointless.
Thank you,
Custodial services……but they won’t be any good at it.
Watch out, Chris. Graduation speaker/snowflake Xavier is working at a law firm in Atlanta, now!
Yes he’s in charge of their plumbing and electrical. He flushes the toilets and shuts off the lights.
LOL I bet prescription meds are prevalent at Hampshire!
ROFL, same thing crossed my mind as soon as I read that line.
There is no prescription that can cure willful ignorance, posing, or racism. We’ll all be paying for this down the road, one way or another, for these liberal-created useful idiots.
Riiiiiiiiight, because, tolerance and all.
Actually, they WONT work. They’ll go SSDI and join the 47%.
This school is completely anti-American, pro-Communist.