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Congressman Jim McGovern’s infamous crime family has had a stranglehold on Central Massachusetts for quite some time now. Jimmy gets to choose the Mayor, City Councilor, State Reps, U.S. Senators, and other elected officials by dictating his underlings to campaign for the people he endorses. But last night proved that the only obstacle he cannot overcome is Turtleboy. Jimmy backed Hillary Clinton in 2008 when she ran against Obama. She almost won. He does this in order to kiss her ass in the hopes that if and when they win, they start sending home pork with Uncle Jimmy, he makes everyone happy, and they keep voting for him. Not surprisingly he endorsed her again this year, since obviously she was gonna beat Bernie.
But it didn’t work out as planned.
But in local elections Uncle Jimmy can usually use his influence to get his guys and gals elected. Well this year he chose Moses “the woman beater” Dixon.
And he got destroyed.
The guy has been in Congress for so long, and he is so entrenched that no one even bothers running against him. Even hilarious left wing comedian Bill Maher thinks that’s kind of ridiculous.
But this year he got his best challenge since he got elected in 1996, as the ballot boxes were overflowing with votes for Turtleboy:
We even got a vote for Sheriff!!
Poll workers all over the area were talking about all the votes Turtleboy got against Uncle Jimmy. Is there any way to find this out? Do they keep track of this stuff? Because we demand a recount. Maybe we should run against him in two years. Are 12 year old half naked boys made out of stone allowed to run for office? In fairness, I’ve been 12 for over 100 years now. Can’t help it. But I definitely feel like Turtleboy could do a much better job than Jim McGovern. And unlike him we actually have influence and the people clearly support us.
Great day for Turtleboy. Bad day for Uncle Jimmy and the McGovern Crime Family.
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14 Comment(s)
Watch your ass, Turtlebigot. Or you’re going to end up in the bottom of Coes Pond.
To bad your not the original Realist. The one who actually used to battle with Baldino and others. You know Battled the stupidity from both the left and right. So to the people I used to debate in a civil way this is not the original Realist.
“Turtleboy”, “Turtle Boy”, and “Turtleboy Sports” are three separate write-ins, so that’s why Turtleboy didn’t win.
I always wondered, if you make a write-in vote, regardless of the name written in, aren’t you supposed to check the bubble as well? Otherwise, it would be a blank ballot as far as the scanners are concerned. I imagine if the “other” box is checked, the ballot is then kicked out for hand-counting.
Not that it matters, but it appears a couple of the photographed write-ins for TB wouldn’t have made it to the Counters.
Yes, I am obsessed with the trivial and mundane.
OK…why is anyone on this site, that has supported and run this site? Get your asses to the Trump transition krewe!
I feel a drought coming to the North East, that could hit MA and NH hard. We know that ticks and fleas hate dry weather and will go dormant.
Go Mid-West young people!
He was walking door to door in 2012 I think…and when he came to my door and asked for my vote I politely introduced him to my child and then asked him to explain how my child will pay off 20 trillion in debt at the age of 18…and he got a little flustered…and then I said “When I bought my house they pre-approved me for a ridiculous amount, far beyond what I should be spending at my income..because I have to pay my debts on time, in full, I bought a house for 1/2 that because I am fiscally responsible..I can’t keep running up debt or I will never recover…” Why don’t you run the govt the same way?
He offered me a card and told me to make an appointment with his assistant who can discuss my concerns with me…
Bread and Butter comments there TB!
Realist? LOL. Just another delusional lib needing to pretend be be someone that actually values integrity or country over party.
More butthurt from the latest newbie useful idiot. How’s that “realism” going, winner? Have you “realized” yet that your two-time loser and future BOP inmate candidate got SMOKED by a novice? Trump was rejected by the Establishment of both parties, the media – and he shattered your echo chamber. Now he’s answerable only to those patriots who supported him, and he will hopefully expose all of you that actively support a corrupt and totalitarian government.
Delusional lib? Far from it Mirror! I am a realist, which means I make my own opinions based on fact, not biased media. Both parties have missed the mark on this one, heads will roll across the board. Your assenine rhetoric is laughable but expected!
Shut up… go get your collar… and break out the gimp.
My worst night was actually with Jim McGovern. He is a selfish lover and doesn’t know the meaning of reciprocation.
The feeling is mutual. They don’t call you “fast” Eddie for nothing!
Not even the courtesy of a reach around, huh Ed?
Bill Maher is hilarious? I don’t know who started that rumor.