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NBC Miami: The principal of North Miami Senior High School has lost his job over his Facebook comment defending the Texas police officer caught on video pushing a teen girl to the ground in an incident at a community pool.
Alberto Iber’s comment had defended the officer seen in a video pushing a 15-year-old girl to the ground and drawing his gun on other black teens following a pool party in McKinney, a Dallas suburb.
“He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life,” Iber posted on a Miami Heraldstory. “I commend him for his actions.”
“That’s a bad thing for being a principal at North Miami Senior High School,” said a student. “How can you defend a man who pulled a gun on teenagers?”
And the school district agreed. Iber was removed from the position and a replacement will be named soon, Miami-Dade Schools officials said in a statement Wednesday.
“Miami-Dade County Public Schools employees are held to a higher standard, and by School Board policy, are required to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the school district’s core values,” the statement said.
“Judgment is the currency of honesty,” Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said in a statement. “Insensitivity – intentional or perceived – is both unacceptable and inconsistent with our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children.”
School is out for the summer but what happened to the principal was the topic of discussion at a basketball camp Wednesday.
“I don’t think he meant it in a harmful way,” student Cole Crawford said.
“If you’re running a majority black school and you say a remark such as that people will not respect you,” student Price Testinobles said.
“Of course teachers and parents and students they’re gonna see it (the post) it’s not his job to go comment on with the police were doing,” added another student.
Finally!! Finally a high school principal somewhere in America shows that he isn’t a gutless PC dooshnozzle, and he’s immediately fired for exercising his first amendment rights. This is America in 2015.
Our thoughts on the McKinney cop are well documented. We think the cop took a situation that was seemingly under control and then fucked it all up because he took it personally that kids were trying to run away. This isn’t some hippie point of view either. Bill O-freakin-Reilly even agrees with us. Anyway, that’s just our opinion. And in America everyone is entitled to their opinion.
At least they’re supposed to be.
But apparently now we are officially living in communist Sweden. This principal can’t say that he thinks that a police officer acted appropriately now, because it didn’t pass the PC feelings test. This was the most hilarious response from the poopsmooch superintendent:
“Insensitivity – intentional or perceived – is unacceptable.”
LOL. Perceived. This is the policy of this particular school district and many others like it. It’s not enough to be INTENTIONALLY insensitive. Instead all it takes is someone to PERCEIVE what you’re saying to be insensitive. Which basically means you can’t say anything, since there are so many dingleberry McGees out there who will find a way to take a harmless statement or question and turn it into a “microaggression.”
Then this little McMuffin chimed in: “Of course teachers and parents and students they’re gonna see it (the post) it’s not his job to go comment on with the police were doing.”
You’re right, it’s not his job to comment on the job the police are doing. That’s why he did it during his own time when he wasn’t working. Newslflash – just because you work in a school, doesn’t mean your tongue has be neutered on your own time, so as to not upset the sensitivity patrol.
Oh well, I hope this guy sues the school districts face off. I’m sick and tired of seeing school districts across the country try to decide what speech is and isn’t allowed. There’s gotta be some first amendment lawyer out there who realizes they can make a killing suing school districts. Someone get on that for the sake of society please.
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15 Comment(s)
Sue them until they bleed from their anuses. Personal opinions on personal time is speech protected by the 1st Amendment.
Hey Turtle boy. Talking about Tharpes video – look at your shitty website lol. And your Gmail account. The buzz I’d the sponsor naadir accomplished more in 5 minutes than u have with this dumb little site I emailed the nba league office you can post nba news without permission – idiot
Wrong blog entry, no?
Wrong language, wrong facts…just wrong on all accounts.
You’re running on of Scandinavian nations to label commie.
Dyer could have easily gotten away with this. Came here looking for a comparison. Leaving disappointed.
If you’re in education, keep you Facebook page tame.
Seems easy enough to create a second one with a nickname or such that your friends and family would only be privy to.
Public school page and private page.
Finnish Goalie being in education doesn’t strip a person of US Liberties. Firing somebody just for posting an opinion that doesn’t parrot PC dogma violates that person’s rights.
Is it worth the loss of employment? No.
Education is a whole other world.
Pick your battles and use common sense.
As you always say Facebook is public record you use people’s Facebook post against them all the time what’s the difference
Even more credit to the theory of more than one blogger with differing views on social media.
Gees E just how stupid are you?
It seems like public sector management is a catch 22. You have to do your best to get results but you can’t forget that like it or not you are a politician.