Social Justice Warriors

Hippie Who Harassed Mom And Kids In Grocery Store For Wearing “I Am Turtleboy” Turns Out To Be Cara Berg Powers

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We got a couple messages from Turtle riders today that we wanted to share. As you know by now the hippies are out in full force to stop Turtleboy Sports from pursuing the truth. It pains them to see that someone is standing up for decent, law-abiding people, as opposed to criminals and savages. And instead of just NOT READING Turtleboy Sports, they have elected to harass anyone associated with it. This is not just an attack on Turtleboy. It is an attack on Turtleboy Nation and the United State Constitution. In other words, typical hippie behavior – you’re allowed to voice your opinion… long as they agree with it.

We’re gonna share two messages we received today about ordinary people being harassed by hippies for choosing to read Turtleboy Sports. The first is from a mother of two:

So I was out doing errands in the Woo on Saturday afternoon with my 3 year old and 8 year old daughters, who both happened to be wearing an “I am Turtleboy” t-shirt.

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A woman stopped me in a store and asked where I got their shirts from. So of course I told her “Turtleboy Sports.” She then went on to tell me that she “works for various nonprofits and political groups in Worcester” (whatever that means…) and that she couldn’t believe that I was letting my daughters wear a shirt that represented the spreading of hate.

Of course my hippie bullshit sensors immediately went off and I suddenly realized that I was in the presence of an actual Worcester hippie!! (I’ve never seen one up close before!) She went on to tell me that Turtleboy Sports was giving the actual Turtleboy statue a bad name (What?! We ARE talking about a statue of a boy giving it to a turtle, right?! I don’t think that statue has much farther to fall.)

As politely as I could (wouldn’t want to give fellow turtle riders a bad name), I told her I agreed with the opinions of Turtleboy Sports. She didn’t even try to hide her shock and disgust with me after that and I’m sure she’s currently trying to figure out a way to track me down and report me to DCF for allowing my children to wear an I Am Turtleboy shirt. But whatevs.

I managed to escape to safety with my turtle-clad children in tow, but I thought it was important to warn others. The hippies are real and they are out there-in places you’d least expect to find them-like the grocery store in the non-organic/GMO free food aisle. Ride the turtle, but beware of the stealthy hippie posing as a regular citizen.

Update: The mother who was harassed in the grocery store by an unknown hippie has identified her attacker, from the most recent blog we published. It turns out the grocery store bully was in fact this woman:

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Cara Berg Powers. She is the leader of the human rights commission for the City of Worcester, and is a paid by your tax dollars. Here’s what she said about Saida Grundy, the BU professor who mocked a rape victim on Facebook in February because that victim happened to be white:

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Your tax dollars finance a professional hate-mongerer who harasses women and children in grocery stores, and supports radical professors who mock rape victims. Joe Petty and the City Council hired this woman. Now it’s up to you to do something about it. Email a city councilor right now!!

Is there no hole dirty enough that these hippies won’t descend into in order to try to stop us from exposing the truth? They’re harassing mothers and children at the grocery store now. And they’re doing it in the name of “non-profits and political groups.” Gee whiz, I wonder what political group that could be? Perhaps a certain Circlejerk who has accepted thousands of tax payer dollars in order to fund their criminal behavior?

And how bout the fact that this hippie has no problem lecturing a complete stranger about her innocent daughters wearing a harmless t-shirt? The kids shirts don’t even say “Don’t Be A Dooshnozzle.” It’s literally a harmless picture of a cartoon turtle with sunglasses that says, “I Am Turtleboy.” And this was grounds for a hippie lecture about proper methods of parenting. That’s what these people are all about.

If you don’t adhere to their idiotic, mindless way of thinking, they harass you. They judge what you’re reading. They judge the way you’re raising your kids. They see nothing wrong with assailing a mother and her two young children in the grocery store, simply because she doesn’t agree with our opinions. These are the people masquerading themselves as the good guys. This is why we fight.

And can I just tell you that this mother is my hero too? The Turtleboy statue part had me cracking up. I am in fact Turtleboy. But I am also undeniably violating a turtle in broad daylight. How can you possibly give THAT a bad name?

The other one is from someone who is being harassed by Jonathan Hardy-Lavoie. You may remember him as one of the hippie boycotters who has been harassing our sponsors.



People like this hyphenated shining star of machismo have messaged many of you before, asking why on earth you would read the truth Turtleboy Sports preaches? Most of you just ignore them or tell them to beat it. But this was one of my favorite responses:


See that right there? That’s the most honest answer I’ve ever seen. “I read an article that amused me while I was taking a shit so I liked it. Facebook is a fucking joke.” 

Truer words have never been spoken. Studies show that 75% of you are reading this while on the dumper. You’re looking for 5-10 minutes worth of amusement and hot takes. Thus you click on our blogs and like us on Facebook. Anyone who has a problem with what other people are doing on Facebook is by definition a joke. Because Facebook isn’t real. But the truth we speak is. Ride on Turtleboy Nation. Ride on.

P.S. We just ordered a new batch of shirts after the first round sold out. If you want one, here’s the link with info on how to order them.

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18 Comment(s)
  • Rickchoo
    May 21, 2015 at 7:27 am

    Milk is good for your teeth. Know what else is? Not minding your own business. Go Turtleboy!

  • Clive McFartStain
    May 21, 2015 at 7:05 am

    That nasty face has probably been giving her nightmares since the grocery store. Couple of fat slobs right there. she’s just mad no one would ever consider raping her tuna can! Disgusting!

  • JoeMomma
    May 21, 2015 at 5:37 am

    Next time, you felt threatened and were forced to “defend” yourself.

  • SBean
    May 21, 2015 at 4:45 am

    Before Cara and her mom (also a hippie rallier) start worrying about everything outside of their home they should worry about what’s going on in they’re own home. Just a little friendly advice. 🙂

    • Clive McFartStain
      May 21, 2015 at 1:22 pm

      Who are those 2 guys? Caras retarded brothers? I can’t believe people are actually paying her nasty mothers rent on gofundme.

  • April 28, 2015 at 2:45 am

    Turtleboy t-shirt is available with pretty designs & funcky patterns which looks awesome on kids.

  • RSoxGuy
    April 13, 2015 at 4:15 pm

    That hippy is lucky he/she didnt catch a hot one right in the mouth. Wanna talk shit in front of my kids? you better be ready to pay the price. Nevermind being “polite”. Politeness went out the window when a stranger suggests how I raise my kids or tells me whats best for mine without my asking. That asshole would have left with a broken nose or tears pouring of thier faces from the brutal tongue lashing skills Ive developed from driving in the Worcester area for two decades. Fuckin try me.

  • Kathy B
    April 13, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    “works for various nonprofits and political groups in Worcester” = unemployed and FB all day and night (in between annoying people in supermarkets)

  • Fist
    April 13, 2015 at 11:36 am

    I’m literally taking a dump right now.

  • Sam Burnside
    April 13, 2015 at 10:31 am

    It’s kind of a prerequisite.

  • Maggie the Cat
    April 13, 2015 at 9:35 am

    I bet the hippie female who harassed this mom and her kids was really ugly, too. All those female hippies are ugly, almost like they look that way on purpose.

    • Fist
      April 13, 2015 at 11:38 am

      This is the kind of comment that fuels the haters, bruh. If you’re going to say this kind crap don’t ride the turtle.

  • Bite It Hippies!
    April 13, 2015 at 7:34 am

    I go to church with a mom who put her three and five year olds in Turtleboy shirts. She walked her children into the church for an Easter breakfast dressed in those beautiful green shirts and I walked over and high fived the little girl! It was too cute and knowing hippies are harrassing moms who have their children wearing these shirts, I am putting in my order! One L for my 12 year old, and one XXL for me (I like baggyness)! RIDE THE TURTLE!

    • Matthew Grigas
      April 13, 2015 at 3:19 pm

      Very nice!

  • Not-A-Hippie
    April 12, 2015 at 9:53 pm

    Dear Hippies,




  • Drylaw
    April 12, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    Ride with pride
    I once had a hippie put a note on my truck because they took offense to my atlas shrugs bump uh stick ah. Seriously, I mean who has so much free time they can harass a parent over a kids t shirt, my sticker or tie up traffic with a protest?

    You got those in 2x for fat bastards like me?

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