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This is a guy from Medfield who became an Internet meme known as Scumbag Steve:
He’s the perfect meme because he reeks of dooshnozzelry. As a matter of fact when you go to make a meme his hat is the default prop they give you to add on to your meme
so we have a tendency to use it a lot.
Anyway, the only reason we bring this up is because hippies like RBG use this hat all the time as some sort of example that Turtleboy Sports is a racist blog. LOL. Because that’s the best they can come up with. A brown fucking hat. Anyway, it happened again recently and one of our blogger’s got into it with some local boob (who management has asked to have his name redacted) about our “racist” use of this hat on Worcester Public Schools superintendent Melinda Boone:
LOL. He tries so hard doesn’t he? Rappers wear fitted hats, and lots of rappers are black. Therefore it’s racist to put this hat on Dr. Boone. That’s a perfectly logical way to look at the world. Anyway we pointed out to this social justice warrior that this hat originated from a white kid from Medfield named Blake Boston, who accidentally became internet famous. He thought he was a badass back in 2005 and put that picture on his MySpace. Someone thought it was hilarious and it went viral. He was pissed about it at first but since then he started making money off of it, so he’s happy now. We even provided the argumentative hippie with this link from Boston.com:
“People started Photoshopping the hat onto anything that was on the wrong side of public opinion,” said Brad Kim, the editor of the knowyourmeme.com, a site that catalogs memes and analyzes how they get remixed. “It became a conveyer of people’s complaints and commentary.”
One of the first to get the hat treatment was former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, after he shut down the country’s Internet for a few days. From there, hundreds of people and things have been hit with the hat. “Scumbag Obama” and “Scumbag Romney” were hot during the election.
He’s (Blake Boston) famous for borrowing lighters and not giving them back, a regular theme of the meme. And, as the meme often implies, he hasn’t been above stealing a girl. “If I see you dancing with your girlfriend, I might wait till you go to the bathroom and slide in,” he said.
He has a manager now, and has launched “Scumbag Thursdays,” where he releases a new song online each week. The music video for the “Scumbag Steve Overture” has over 2 million views on YouTube. He’s also working on an avatar for the Xbox store, and is trying to coin a hybrid of “bro” and “homie” he calls “bromie.”
So there you have it. Definitive proof that the Scumbag Steve hat has NOTHING to do with race. It’s simply a hat you put on assholes. Well when we tried to explain this to him, naturally he pointed out to us that we NEVER put this hat on “white principals”:
The problem with that statement is that we ALWAYS put it on a very famous white principal:
Boom. Roasted.
But the problem with the hippies is they don’t care about what’s right and what’s wrong. And they HATE facts more than anything. So even when presented with proof that everything he just said is a race-baiting lie, he refused to admit when he was wrong. Instead this poor oppressed man, who happens to be black and a graduate of St. John’s – a school none of our bloggers couldn afford to go to despite our collective white privilege, played the “I have more degrees than you, so you’re still a racist” card:
This is what we’re dealing with at Turtleboy Sports. This is why we fight. Because people who say dumb things like this shouldn’t be monopolizing the conversation on social issues. TBS is a no fucks given, inclusive, family feminist blog. We love everyone but we also call out bullshit. Better get used to it because we’re not going anywhere.
Note from Management: With great readership comes great responsibility. We are going to TRY to black out people’s names in blogs we publish, unless you’re just out of control, because it’s humiliating. If this was a blog that only our close friends read it would be one thing. But the fact of the matter is thousands of people see every blog we publish, and we don’t wanna completely bury you because you said a couple dumb things on the Internet one time. You can call it selling out if you want, but we’re going to focus on criticizing the message rather than criticizing the person. Unless of course you’re a frequent flyer like RBG who gets off on the attention.
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12 Comment(s)
You know what? Not 10 years ago if someone was called a racist it was serious stuff. Michael Richards…Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin…they all wound up on national TV kissing Jesse Jackson’s ass and cutting checks to the NAACP within days.
The term is so overused, that people just don’t care anymore. Didn’t vote for Obama? “RAYcist!” Disagree with Eric Holder on anything? “RAY-cist!”. Think Jeneane Garofalo is a homely hippie bitch? “Ray-cist!!”
You wanna call me a racist? Excellent. Not a single shit will be given. Bigot? Same thing. It’s so overused now, that it’s lost any power it once had to shame people into an apology . Congratulation, race baiters of America: your pissing and moaning and name calling doesn’t matter anymore!
You totally shit slammed this guy who was so quick to call TB racist with facts. Brilliant piece. However, I didn’t agree with your view on the Old Dominion piece.
He may have this great education, but he doesn’t know that You’re stands for you are.
“Your right” J I dont
You’re turning mainstream turtle boy. Giving cover to some one who is calling you out.
“Call a Spade a Spade” Did this come the rich, black man? If he calls a spade a spade, it is not racist, but if you call a spade a spade, is it racist? Does this go under the “I’m black, so I can’t be racist” line? I am confused, the haze of my “white priviledge” has me blinded to the likes of spades and college degrees. Too much white priviledge going around.
BTW.. I love the hat on Everything! Keep it up, I still smirk everytime I see it. The hat and the pizza boxes get me every time!
He must be one of those scolars! He went to St. Johns.
How can someone be on the internet and not know Scumbag Steve? That meme is older than most of my underwear.
It doesn’t sound like the guy knows what a meme is. He still didn’t understand that you use a picture to represent something other than what the picture is.
So… that commenter isn’t actually a rabbit?
Ehh…I’m not 100% on that.
What’s up, Doc?
I figured it out,black lives have mattered for a long time now, it’s the blacks that’s coming to realize this now,we can’t talk police figures all day,however blacks kill blacks at a much higher rate. The lady’s video from ferguson clearly shows this. Good for her, united we stand, divided we fall.
I do not get off on attention. I just sell out like a punk ass bitch.