The media simply cannot stop shoving this angry little boy down our throats.
“You’re excluding Americans who look like me.”
Now that’s not fair. President Trump has welcomed the support of Milo Yiannopoulos.
And this is why I found it impossible to root for this team. Because this isn’t a soccer team – it’s a political action group. If they were radical right wingers lecturing Americans about abortion I’d feel the exact same way. She uses her platform to lecture half the country about how dumb they are because they have the audacity to not hate the President in the manner she does. And the media licks her balls dry because she’s saying exactly what she wants them to say.
According to her she speaks for the group too.
So no, it’s not just her. It’s the entire team. If there are any non-virtue signaling douchebags on this team they’re too afraid to speak up, and I can’t say I really blame them either.
Anyway, I was recently awarded the Top Fan badge for CNN because I troll over there so much. It’s really fun actually, you just say the exact same things the sheep over there say in the comments, but you do it in an obviously sarcastic manner and the reactions speak for themselves.
It’s just too easy. This is the state of America right now. Humor is no longer allowed in certain quarters if some twat decides she’s offended by it. Calm your tits Mimi, it’s just a joke. Remember jokes? Back in the day we would blend satire and current events in order to make light of otherwise divisive topics. But these miserable poons just cannot stand for that because they want the Internet to be a boring, humorless cesspool of meaningless virtue signaling.
Anyway, that comment is now getting hundreds of reactions, and I expect thousands by the morning. Feel free to join the fun here. And follow Clarence Woods Emerson by clicking here because this is a typical Tuesday night for Turtleboy.
P.S. To be fair, I also have fun with libertarians too.
They’re even worse.
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52 Comment(s)
Bedazzle that vajazzle with a surgical stapler.
Then a touch of butter on the turdcutter before sending the meat piston to bottom dead center at a high rpm.
As an added bit of salt in the wound, whisper “I love you” in her ear as the whitewash splashes around in her fudge tunnel.
Giving it that professional touch…
Cunt !
How does bob kraft blow more boys than these girls? After Epstein the ovens should be pre-heated. Where’s hitler when ya need him?
Hates the US but is more than happy to financially profit from an association with the USA.
Hopefully she’ll crash land in the Andes and have to eat corpses to stay alive
I didnt watch the game but if the soccer teams plane crashed on the way home I would watch the footage over and over again
‘Alive – Part 2″
Good the US government give megsn a free helicopter ride to the rooftop of a tall building in a muslim country. Drop it off and let the religion of peace take csre of the rest.
Is the Common Man the only one with a huge crush on Kelley O’hara? An angel among Amazons.
Who cares what this stupid bitch thinks. You play soccer for a living and that’s really not a big deal. She isn’t worth paying any attention to
i had no idea anderson cooper played soccer under a pseudonym. #courageous.
And Anderson pretends that zgloria Vanderbilts estate wasnt large so they money grubbing fags wont harass him for his billion dollar estste windfall.
Here’s how lesbianism works.
Fuggly lesbos’ need big bucks.
Example: Look at Ellen Degenerate, that’s one homely woman but she get’s her snatch eaten out by smokin hot bikini models every night because she can afford to buy them Gucci bags and Land Rovers.
I’m starting to get the angle she’s coming from for wanting the same pay as the men.
In her mind she’s like, hey!
I play the same game as a man…
I dress like a man…
I look like a man…
I love good pussy like a man…
I need more money to impress the hot ladies!
I have zero clue what these zoo animals are saying. Seriously all I hear are ape sounds. Fucking porch monkeys. Worthless gutter tar baby blacks. Spear chuckers!
That Guy-Rachel Maddows little brother was on this morning saying he/she would have a meaningful discussion with anyone that agrees with him /her. He/she is not allowing teammates to make their own decision on visiting the White House with the most vile form of bullying. Wonder if he/she will get a flat brimmed bull and dagger hat ?
Careful, CNN threatened to expose shitposting trolls by publishing their IP addresses!
Oh wait that was you.
Hey congrats on being an internet troll. Talk about low hanging fruit. This is something mildy retarded people and 12 year olds girls are proud of. Not adults. Do you tell your kids this is what Daddy does? Is this the life you imagined when you “quit” teaching? Sitting in your basement being all proud of your ability to insult people?
Yeah, you broke CNN. Whatever that means. Rock on with your bad self.
In fairness, food stamps only pays for so much. UTB has gotta find other ways to entertain himself.
You know I love Uncle Turtleboy. Even though we only agree 1/2 the time, the half we do agree on is about really important shit. And when you called her a he, it was pretty goddamn clever and subtle. But you know, calling lesbians “he” (which I’m pretty sure she is, unless my gadar is way the fuck off) was kind of funny when Charles Schultz kept having Marcie refer to Peppermint Paddy in the the Peanuts cartoon in that way, but you know, kind of hackey.
I would like to know what racist anti homo stuff Trump actually did because I can’t remember any. All I know is that a team of under 15 year old boys beat these fakers in 2017.
When Bruce Jenner first became Caitlyn Jenner, Bruce asked Trump which bathroom s/he should use in Trump Tower, and Trump told him/her whichever bathroom was most comfortable for Bruce. So homophobic!!!
People are butt-hurt because Trump tells it like it is, and they’re mad we finally have a POTUS who puts American interests first.
Remember when the border crisis was “manufactured” but now it’s Trump’s fault?
Remember when no one said a word when Obama deported 3 million illegals?
F_ck all that noise…#MAGA/#KAG.
Y, the gorgeous Caitlyn Jenner uses female pronouns FYI. I know this can be confusing because she first chose to keep male gender markers after disclosing her trans. Since her beautiful awe inspiring Vanity Fair cover she definitely uses female pronouns.
Hating blacks is not a crime!
That’s A Man Baby!!!
She looks like David Spade.
I think she looks like Martin Short’s character Ed Grimley.
More like Joe Dirt…
Bitch looks like sheriff Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) from Jaws.
divisive cunt, another reason not to buy nike chinese sweatshop junk
I’d like to see this bitch, rapeehole ,fight Holly Holm, 5 rounds mandatory on PBS with Jim Braude and Margery Eagan (topless) calling the fight
this dike’s brother is covered in Nazi/skinhead tattoos, is a heroin addict and she claims him as her hero.
she owns over 50 vibrators and dildos
my son is not a pickle smoocher
Thank you heathers crusty rag for the laughs. Very well done . Extra thumbs up for poking fun at d bag heather. Hope spacey sues the fuck outta them and wins. Cannot stand people that try to use the courts in the wrong way, then when things aren’t going their way…….. what a bunch of pretentious d bags that crew is. Where’s the phone heather?????
I would love it if the Prez came out publicly and said “any of the team who doesn’t want to visit? good, stay home”
I feel for all the young women who love the sport. This is hurting women’s soccer. People with an otherwise open mind towards the game will retain this as their first impression.
Why don’t they really protest and refuse to play for our country?
Serious question. How is Trump “excluding people of color”? I’m not joking, I’m really trying to understand this comment.
Rapinoe bad mouths the United States during her interview with Anderson Cooper. Calls the president out ( who has always been for gay marriage ). Then when asked if she would play in the Olympics in Japan ( a country where gay marriage is prohibited), she replies “ yes, I love Japanese culture” . Go figure
Love the name. Was thinking of being Beaver Cleaver as my moniker here but settled on Batman. When times were different, eh?
Because according to her and millions more, Amerikkka is a terrible place. Yet it’s the only place where people that hate it so much stay and millions more are trying to get in. All these assholes can’t see past their own ignorance.
Robert L. Johnson who cofounded B.E.T. says Trump is doing a great job. Says, the Democrats are going too far left.
“I think the economy is doing great, and it’s reaching populations that heretofore had very bad problems in terms of jobs and employments and the opportunities that come with employment,” Johnson told CNBC, commenting on the black unemployment rate reaching its lowest level earlier this year.
“I give the president a lot of credit for moving the economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large amount of Americans,” he added. “I think the tax cuts clearly helped stimulate the economy. I think business people have more confidence in the way the economy is going.”
Johnson was a Hag supporter in 2016.
Of course, because Johnson opened his mouth, he’s out of touch with the po’ foke and is nothing but an Uncle Tom. A rich Uncle Tom, but an Uncle Tom.
God forbid POCs wake-up and think for themselves.
The WORLD is waking up; yes, the world.
The looney-left is ruining the world.
We are seeing ppl from the right get elected more often (Brazil, Italy, Greece, etc.).
The left really do not have anything to say with substance….but boy oh boy can they can spell and know where to put the commas and other punctuation. I guess that degree in eating tree bark and serving in the soup kitchen at Christmas time is really paying off!!
Right Cap’t Obvious’s’ Imposter? >chuckles>
Actually, Rosie, you’re spot on, thanks! 🙂
(Although I _AM_ a fan of ratchet sentagraphs.)
The comments from the woke zombie left just proves that they all bow down and worship and pray to the same god of liberalism. Look, we really don’t care who you f*ck, who you vote for, what woke virtue bumper sticker is on your Prius or Subaru, just leave us the hell alone to live our lives.
Stop shoving your twisted beliefs through trannie readings of guys with beards dressed as women to our kids in public libraries. Sorry, but there really isn’t 53 genders, only two, you know science and all. The climate always has been changing, not just when Trump got elected. The fact I didn’t vote for Obama doesn’t make me a racist, and I didn’t vote for Clinton and that doesn’t make me a hater of all women.
As for Mr. Rapinoe, the brain dead ultra woke lesbian feminazi spokesman,, why do lesbians that hate men so much, get man style haircuts, dress like men, screw their lesbian girl friends with latex penises…hmmmm….
Drag Queen Story Hour is a beautiful, inclusive event that is not going away and will soon be in every school in the country. You misgendered the beautiful Megan Rapinoe in your last thought. Use the gender neutral Mx Rapinoe when you any have doubts.
Clarence’s mistake was he misgendered the brave and beautiful Megan Rapinoe in his comments.. Next time when you are not sure, try using the non-binary pronouns: ze/hir or “they” as a non-binary singular pronoun. Just remember gender is fluid and a person’s pronouns may change over time.
He made $200,000 kicking a ball and he’s complaining??
It clearly identifies as a man.
Commies hate facts…
I’m not a racist. But, I sure didn’t see any people of no color in that mob. Time to equip store employees with respirators, safe rooms, tear gas and rapid-action lock gates.
I’m sure the staff was the same color. Do crap like that enough and the saying “That’s why we can’t have nice things anymore” is heard. A business after awhile, no matter how big says “Fuck it,we’re out”. Right across the street from a hospital. The row houses are probably a half million apiece minimum and you live like feral weasels.
And after I wrote the above paragraph sentence I went directly to the Youtube page to watch it there. First comment:
Billy Hill
22 hours ago
why we can’t have nice things anymore.
Jew news Jew country sick.
Candygram for Mongo!!
Candygram for Mongo!!
Me Mongo.
Mongo only pawn in game of life.
If Mongo had let’s say an IQ of 80 based on the way the character spoke, I’d give your PHD dissertation 40 IQ points.