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Must watch commentary from a camerawoman in Georgia who witnessed a Rite Aid loss prevention employee beating the shit out of some assbag who just stole something from the store:
“You got to learn how to fight before you steal stuff!!”
“Po-lice out here fresh. Shaved and everything!!”
“Don’t mess them polo boots up now!!”
Those are some of the only sentences I actually understood from this glorious Georgian woman. But we need her to narrate everything that happens everywhere for the rest of time. She’s still a million times more useful than Erin Andrews.
Anyway, this dude punching the thief is the ultimate meathead and obviously deserves to be fired. Newsflash – you ain’t a cop. You don’t get a commission every time you keep someone from taking money from whatever corporation is profiting off of your minimum wage job. You’re frustrated that junkies keep stealing shit from the store that employs you? Why? How does it at all affect you? You are not being paid to care. No matter how much is stolen, you still get paid the same. Except for now. Now you’ll get paid nothing because you had to prove to this crackhead that you’re the ultimate loss prevention hardo. Hopefully Rite Aid just hires the camerawoman and lets her comment on every ragamuffin that tries taking a bottle of Nyquil without paying for it.
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11 Comment(s)
Only if a translator was available.
If people knew they were going to get the crap kicked out of them when they commit a crime, there would be less crime.
Ehhh. LP kid is just fed up watching shit bags steal. Bet that dude won’t steal from that store again…
Problem with America right now, is that we’ll place more blame on the kid throwing punches, than the shitbag thief.
I have to agree with you on this one…the kid who is an upstanding person sick of all the crime (that TB makes a profit off of) is called names by the guy the DEPENDS on for HIS namesake. Definitely getting to be old hat!
Agree but he probably lost his job over it. Not easy finding work in LP again if he was fired for this.
Play stupid games,win stupid prizes.( the thief )
Turtle boy wants to public shame every person he can who has a drug problem or that uses the government systems which we as citizens put into place through the officials we elected yet now is shaming someone who acted out and stopped a turtle boy proclaimed junkie from stealing… Do you stand for something or are you just degrading yourself to the level of barstool? Seriously, you’re going down hill.
Ever watch the show cops or the news? Same thing.
^ Downhill like G-hill?
Ragamuffin? Wtf? Lmao…
This woman is great… I bet she’s fun to be around after a few drinks. That LP guy is completely stupid. I think he was playing hero for the camera. Now he’s going to end up unemployed living with his mother like Ke…. he who shall not be named.
F…ck you