Social Justice Warriors

Idiotic Harvard Students Protesting Professor Ronald Sullivan For Being Harvey Weinstein’s Defense Attorney Is Everything That Is Wrong With Outrage Culture Today

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As you know, I used to teach U.S. history at Shepherd Hill for many years. One of my favorite time periods to teach about was the Revolution. Our kids are lucky to grow up in a state that is entrenched with US History. This is where the Revolution began. There is no America without Massachusetts. Our state had a unique collection of intellectuals, philosophers, smugglers, and rabble rousers. John Hancock was pissed at England because they made colonists buy crappy, overpriced British tea, so he smuggled in tea from other countries. Sam Adams, although not exactly the smartest guy in the room, had a unique ability to incite a mob at a moment’s notice to tar and feather a tax collector without a trial. And that’s what made Massachusetts the most dangerous place for any British soldier or agent – the white trash mobs that made up the City of Boston.

This all came to a head on March 5, 1770, when a mob of what of Masshole ratchets began taunting and throwing snowballs at a bunch of British soldiers. There were projectiles thrown at them, confusion as to what the orders were, and in general they began to for their lives. So they started firing and the next thing you knew 5 colonists were dead.

If Sam Adams ran the state every one of those British soldiers would’ve been hung that night, because Sam Adams was a goon. Had people like him assumed control of our country it wouldn’t have lasted very long. They had no long term vision, they weren’t educated on the proper role of government in a democracy, and they certainly didn’t care about due process rights for the accused.

Luckily for the British soldiers, Sam’s cousin John Adams was a lawyer and a man of principle. Although John hated the British and was one of the first Founding Fathers to push for independence, he still believed in due process. So he did the unthinkable – he agreed to defend the British soldiers. He put himself in danger from the mob, as many expected him to basically throw the game and give a lackluster defense. Instead he gave an impassioned one and the soldiers were all acquitted. Although he was a social pariah after that he did so because principles mattered to him more than emotions.

Fast forward to 2019 and this is happening across the Charles River where John Adams once defended the most hated men in Massachusetts.

Dean Ronald S. Sullivan, Jr., who once was part of convicted murderer Aaron Herndandez’ defense team, is now representing Harvey Weinstein in his rape trial. He’s doing exactly what John Adams did nearly 250 years ago – defending the most reviled person in America.

And what are Harvard students doing about it? Proving that they are not the best and the brightest our country has to offer. They are part of the rabble rousing, emotion-fueled mob. Many of these mob members are attending Harvard Law School, where John Adams graduated from 3 centuries ago. Except in this case the mob isn’t mad about dead colonists, they’re virtue signaling about #MeToo.

What’s next? How bout if a doctor at Harvard has to perform a surgery on Harvey Weinstein that saves his life? Guess he’ll have to pass him over to a less experienced attorney or maybe just let him die.

The childish nature of this, and the lack of perspective and maturity displayed by these idiots, is a stain on Harvard University. This is sad and pathetic. These morons have chosen emotions over principles. Of course that’s basically what #MeToo is a nutshell – the surrendering of due process for the accused because we must “believe women,” rather than believe provable facts.

It’s just so stupid it hurts. People who rape children get defense attorneys in our country, often at the expense of the taxpayer. No rational thinking adult looks at the person defending a pedophile and says, “that person supports child rape.” Nor would any rational thinking adult look at Dean Sullivan and say, “that guy supports Harvey Weinstein raping half of Hollywood.” He’s doing his job, and is making sure Harvey Weinstein receives his constitutionally protected rights. If the evidence is not in Weinstein’s favor then he will lose, which is a good thing because a rapist will go to jail. But if it turns out he’s not a rapist, and Sullivan can prove that, then that’s a good thing too.

Just look at this woman’s sign:

“Do your job.”

Defending the criminally accused IS his job you simple minded buffoon.

And of course it wouldn’t be a college protest if there weren’t “demands“:

Toting signs that read “Do Your Job” and “Remove Sullivan,” attendees laid out a set of demands for Harvard administrators. They called for Sullivan’s removal, a public apology, and a formal inquiry into faculty deans’ responsibilities to students. After several minutes of silence, a series of students spoke. Hilda M. Jordan ’19 said Sullivan’s comments on Weinstein and Fryer conflict with his role as a faculty dean. In particular, she pointed to Sullivan’s allegations that witnesses in Harvard’s investigations into Fryer were coached.

“Your role is not just in filing paperwork or smiling in our faces. Your role is to deal with the culture that you establish as a Faculty Dean. So Dean Sullivan, please reconcile how you can care about sexual assault and at the same time, have claims against a Harvard affiliate being nothing more than coaching?” she said. “You are a faculty dean, not just an attorney.”

The culture he’s establishing is that people accused of crimes in America have a right to a fair trial and access to an attorney. You can care about sexual assault AND defend someone accused of sexual assault, the same way that you can care about murder AND defend someone accused of murder. Although I find it fascinating that these nudniks have no issue with him defending an actual cold-blooded murderer (Hernandez) but they do have a problem with him defending Weinstein.

This is Hilda Jordan, the student who has a problem with a lawyer doing his job:

As you can see, she supports DACA, which is fine. But certainly illegal immigrants have been accused of rape before in our country. Is she not supporting rape by supporting illegal immigration then? Seems hypocritical, just sayin.

Then there was this basis Becky.

Here’s what she had to say:

Madeleine D. Woods ’19 also called for Sullivan to step down from his post and for administrators to reshape the faculty dean position.

“Even if he puts out an apology, the fact that he didn’t even think of the impact this would have is probably the most damning element of this,” Woods said. “The only move forward is not only to remove Dean Sullivan, but then to have a structural reconsideration of what it means to be a faculty dean so we don’t have an issue like this again.”

Ya see that right there? That’s why you never, ever apologize to these people. Because it’s never enough. She even says so in her first breath.

Let’s also address that the whole #MeToo movement, and their despicable behavior with Brett Kavanaugh, is pretty racist in and of itself. Especially considering Dean Sullivan is a black man. Read a freaking book – black men are disproportionately wrongly accused of crimes. A blanket policy of “believe women,” coming from Wonderbread Wendy’s like Madeleine Woods, hurts innocent black men more than any other group of people. Just ask Emmett Till how “believe women” worked out for him.

But these are just stupid college students, regardless of what school they’re attending. What’s an even bigger joke is the fact that the adults in their lives, who should be teaching them about the importance of due process, have joined the mob and turned on their colleague for doing his job.

Dean Diana L. Eck, who attended the rally, said she agreed with students’ calls for the College to reevaluate the faculty dean position.

“We talk a lot about what the role of a resident dean is, what the roles of our tutors are, but the faculty dean role is really important. It’s not nominal. It means a certain amount of hard decision-making on the part of those of us who assume that role,” Eck said.

Be more WASPY and elitist. You can’t.

It’s so easy to give into the mob, but it takes guts to stand against them. It’s easy to be Sam Adams. It’s hard to be John Adams. But ultimately our country’s foundation, and the reason America has become a beacon of freedom that people are literally DYING to get into, is because of men like John Adams, and the principled stands they take. If he’s fired over this then Harvard becomes an even bigger joke than it already is.



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33 Comment(s)
  • To Bang Or Not to Bang
    February 16, 2019 at 8:41 am

    “She offered her honor
    He honored her offer
    And all night long it was on her and off her.”
    William Fucking Shakespere

  • Adam Samuels
    February 15, 2019 at 5:23 am

    is this gonna be on the test?

  • Peter Niss
    Dick Fitzwell
    February 14, 2019 at 9:42 pm

    I think we can all agree we’d all still fuck the life out of the dumb blonde.

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      February 14, 2019 at 10:11 pm


  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    February 14, 2019 at 1:56 pm

    “As you know, I used to teach U.S. history at Shepherd Hill for many years.”

    Really? You never mention that.

  • Independent Thinker
    February 14, 2019 at 1:35 pm

    First of all, you are innocent until proven guilty. It doesn’t matter if one million people watched you commit the crime while being filmed. That’s how our constitution works.

    Secondly, everyone is entitled to representation, no matter how unsavory the crime or the person accused may be. That’s how our country works. We don’t haul people out in the middle of the night and shoot them like they do in other countries. You would think that Harvard students and staff would be bright enough to realize this.

  • Old Salt
    February 14, 2019 at 10:27 am

    If you don’t know what it is already, google yourself “critical race theory.”

    Know this has been coming down the pike for quite some time. A former President was steeped in it. Consider then some former attorney generals, and chief advisors, and everything should come into focus for you…

    Batten down the hatches.

  • No Legacy Here
    February 14, 2019 at 9:53 am

    Don’t they realize the only reason they’re at Harvard is because their ancestors traded slaves, massacred Indians , and took their land? Not to mention the bad stuff they did.

  • Junior Grammarian
    February 14, 2019 at 9:36 am

    It’s “hanged” not hung.

  • IwillFIGHT!
    February 14, 2019 at 6:12 am

    Where is Fauxchaontas on this issue?

  • Good Shit
    February 13, 2019 at 10:56 pm

    Great article. Thoughtful analogy and really drives the point home— these fucking idiots suck. On the heels of the bitchboy Rian article, I’m fiendishly awaiting more.

    As an aside, why no scuttlebut on the Holy Cross “issues” in the news. Anything to read into on TBS’s silence?

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    Crispus Attucks
    February 13, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    Uh, yeah. Thanks for nothing Mr. Adams.

  • Jim
    February 13, 2019 at 10:09 pm

    “The plain English is gentlemen, most probably a motley rabble of saucy boys, negroes and molattoes, Irish teagues and out landish jack tarrs.-And why we should scruple to call such a set of people a mob, I can’t conceive, unless the name is too respectable for them: The sun is not about to stand still or go out, nor the rivers to dry up because there was a mob in Boston on the 5th of March that attacked a party of soldiers.-Such things are not new in the world, nor in the British dominions, though they are comparatively, rareties and novelties in this town. Carr a native of Ireland had often been concerned in such attacks, and indeed, from the nature of things, soldiers quartered in a populous town, will always occasion two mobs, where they prevent one.-They are wretched conservators of the peace!”

    John Adams

  • Henry Hill
    February 13, 2019 at 9:05 pm

    Ya. Great article man. Really well done. I’ve gotten to the point where I really struggle to read tb before bed. Sucks to fall asleep pissed off at shit going on in the world. Kinda like a junkie with a crack pipe, I just can’t stop reading until its gone. Then I tell myself I’ll read it earlier tomorrow.

  • Big Wick
    February 13, 2019 at 8:45 pm

    Another… wow. What a bunch of entitled little snowflakes.

    It’s interesting that most of the well-known targets of #Metoo in 2017 on, are known lefties… not that some were known to be pretty despicable: Matt Lauer, Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Les Moonves; but even Tavis Smiley and Garrison Keillor. Smiley and Keillor had no opportunity to defend themselves, and NPR dropped them and Rose like they were stand-ins for Donald Trump. Due process my ass.

    Sadly, I can see the sheep running Harvard acquiescing to these adolescent-minded c*cks and c*nts.

  • frank
    February 13, 2019 at 8:38 pm

    Represent boston bomber, good all day according to them. Liberals are a constant contradiction. They don’t mind killing babies but you cant execute murdering rapists. They are champions of LGBTQI rights while also supporting Louis Farrakhan. The “tolerant” left makes unfounded accusations and bullies anyone that does not agree with their delusional views. They claim to have the moral high ground, but how can that be when your for murdering babies?

  • Kevins 9 Iron
    February 13, 2019 at 7:44 pm

    I can’t remember a more enjoyable story TB. Well done bringing history to modern events. I’ll bet I would’ve loved your class.

  • Affirmative Acton
    February 13, 2019 at 7:31 pm

    Looks like Harvard has a diversity problem. Don’t see one white male in any of those pictures.

  • Jackie Chiles
    February 13, 2019 at 7:29 pm

    This is outrageous, egregious preposterous. Harvard students being this stupid.

  • Popo up Jonnie
    February 13, 2019 at 7:06 pm

    I didn’t read any of this blog cuz I just come here for the great pop ups!!

    More hot chics please

  • Nanette Shelter is D Eck
    February 13, 2019 at 6:47 pm

    I kept going back and looking at Diana L. Eck. Saying to myself, I have seen this chick before. Where did I see her? Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. Don’t know when she changed her name to Diana L. Eck, but that is Nanette Shelter, the infamous 70s all natural boobs lesbo porn star. She never took a dick on film, but man, she did some of the first major scissoring, circle fisting, and head gape action in the new burgeoning industry. Diana, or Nanette is a fucking legend! Glad to see she used those good looks to get into Harvard. Wonder if she can still fist a reeker snake mouth like the pro she used to be?

    • Hugh-Bo Mont
      February 14, 2019 at 1:07 pm

      The ta-tas on Nanette!!

  • General Burkhalter
    February 13, 2019 at 6:36 pm

    Ever notice how 90% + of the angry social justice warriors are women?…..just sayin

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    February 13, 2019 at 6:23 pm

    jamie foxx in the blue dress frightens me but the becky looks like a younger version of reggie dunlop’s wife in slapshot. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh hi leigha! still down for that seminar?

  • The Angry Elf
    February 13, 2019 at 6:09 pm

    Christ on a crutch, these idjits attend Harvard Law and can’t even grasp the concepts of due process and fair trials? There needs to be a major overhaul at that school, but not of the faculty.

    • F Lee Ballbag Esq
      February 13, 2019 at 6:15 pm

      Don’t kid yourself. The faculty has its share of assholes too. Ever hear of Lizzie Warren?

    • Anthony Grossi
      February 14, 2019 at 1:40 pm

      it’s not just Harvard students. Plenty of Democrats with Ivy League law school degrees on the Senate Judiciary Committee wanted to deny Brett Kavanaugh his constitutional rights to due process as well. For now there are enough sane people to keep them from running amok, but that won’t last forever.

  • Sir Wilfred Death
    February 13, 2019 at 5:23 pm

    This is the intellectual level of Harvard Law students these days? Some real Daniel Websters over there. For fuck’s sake. In our closed elitist system it is likely that one of these ass wipes ends up on the SCOTUS. I’ll be long dead by then. I wish you well.

    Social Media is Cancer.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    February 13, 2019 at 5:20 pm

    Harvard students are either:
    A) Rich Kids who never held a job and therefore could study to get good grades


    B) Affirmative Action Slobs

    The correct answer is C: No real world experience to teach them common sense and / or wisdom (which cannot be taught in a classroom)

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    February 13, 2019 at 5:15 pm

    Imagine being smart enough to get the proper grades to be admitted to an Ivy League school and yet have no common sense or street smarts whatsoever?

    Signed, Captain Trips

    Princeton Alumni. With Common Sense. A Rarity

  • Descendents of Adams
    February 13, 2019 at 4:46 pm

    I can tell toibreally miss teaching. What happened to the daily history lesson? Keep up the great work!

  • Y
    February 13, 2019 at 4:44 pm

    Great article/blog, and an even better opening/comparison. Kudos.
    Hopefully, people copy/paste this article all over the Harvard websites, social media outlets, etc.
    This outrage culture needs to end!!

  • Bill Clinton’s Coldsore
    February 13, 2019 at 4:29 pm

    What a bunch of cunts
    Why don’t they protest against Ben Affleck and Matt Damon too
    They were right up Weinstein’s ass for some of their films. When people don’t have to work for a livythey are worried about what everyone else is doing. Go get a job you bunch of pukes

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