If CBS Still Isn’t Working At 4:25 Then Someone Needs To Be Publicly Executed As A Sign Of Good Will

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Tried watching yesterday’s Alabama-Texas A&M game on CBS and it wasn’t working. No big deal. It’s college football. Alabama is gonna run train on everyone and win the National Championship because college football is boring and predictable like that. But what is unacceptable is when Turtleboy and millions of other people in the Boston metropolitan area went to put on CBS today and still found this:


Ya know, because it’s a Sunday during football season and the Patriots are on this channel at 4:25. Kind of a big deal. It’s only gonna cost the station millions and millions of dollars. Here’s what WBZ, the local CBS affiliate has to say about this:


Liars. I love how these assholes try to pawn it off on someone else. It’s not working on Charter. Ask anyone in Worcester or nearby.

What pisses me off about this is the vagueness of their reply. Just be honest with us. It’s 11:00 right now. I still have time to make plans. I will drive to Foxwoods if I have to watch this game. I just need to know so I can have time to prepare. Don’t give me this “we’ll restore it as soon as possible” bullshit though. What’s that supposed to mean? An hour? Tomorrow? Next week? Just let me know and stop being assholes.


Look, I don’t know what most of this shit means. Nor do I wanna learn. It’s my job to pay money for cable, and in return it should be on each and every time I hit the power button. I don’t give a shit about your excuses or fancy technical talk. Have a Goddamn backup plan in place. Something. Under no circumstances can you allow this to happen and expect people not to riot.

So….what do we do? There’s only three games on at 4:25 so you can always put on Red Zone if you get that. At least with the minimal amount of games at that time you know they’ll have the Patriots on a lot. Word is Fios and Comcast people are getting it, but not the Charter and satellite folks. I don’t know what to do. Scared. Please help.


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21 Comment(s)
  • BobnMic
    October 24, 2016 at 5:00 am

    I still do a bent coat hanger thing as an antenna and that works just fine with my small 7″ TV. Fuck innovation.

  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    October 24, 2016 at 12:06 am

    Al Pacino’s character from Glengarry Glen-Ross: “Your excuses are your own!”

  • Hummus and Pita bread with Sweet Oinions
    October 23, 2016 at 11:11 pm

    Never lost anything here on the Worcester/Holden line. Lost my fucking cat though. Can cats swim?

  • Mike
    October 23, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    Working in Worcester on Charter now

  • Hugh Jassol
    October 23, 2016 at 2:12 pm

    Back on CBS HD on charter (in dudley anyway…)

    • Mediocrity
      October 23, 2016 at 2:15 pm

      Have Charter and able to see HD only.

      I feel bad for the poor dudes under pressure the last 24 hours.

    • Wabbitt
      October 23, 2016 at 2:23 pm

      Yep. Back up and running in Webster.

  • Mediocrity
    October 23, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    I am currently watching Buffalo Bills/Miami Dolphin game on my phone with Verizon Wireless service. Not sure if I can chromecast to TV, but will try a few things….

    • Chuck
      October 23, 2016 at 1:54 pm

      I tried mirroring to Apple TV and it wouldn’t let you watch it on the tv. The stream from the app stops.

      • FiestyLawyerLady
        October 23, 2016 at 5:23 pm

        Mirroring works for me.

    • Wabbitt
      October 23, 2016 at 2:10 pm

      Pisses me off that only Verizon customers can stream games to their phones. I understand the business of it, but it doesn’t make it suck less for the rest of us.

  • Pissedoffpatsfan
    October 23, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    Blame it on Godell let’s hang him, fucking with Pats nation is not a wise move!

  • Phil12
    October 23, 2016 at 11:22 am

    Jailbroken Firestick. Get one

    • Chuck
      October 23, 2016 at 1:55 pm

      Got one. Trying to find out which stream is the smoothest with the least amount of buffering. Any recommendations maing?

    • Wabbitt
      October 23, 2016 at 2:08 pm

      Root. Jailbreak is an iOS term.

      Still, any thoughts on streaming options? I have a regular Fire TV.

  • widowed
    October 23, 2016 at 11:12 am

    I keep an antenna that I bought at Walmart for about 24dollars. When problems arise I unhook my cable and plug in my antenna I bought a 50 foot cable and can channel in all games no matter the cable companies issues .

    Hope this helps

    • heylough
      October 23, 2016 at 12:17 pm

      Over the air is out also.

    • Alexander Knight
      October 23, 2016 at 12:28 pm

      Did you miss the entire post? The antenna is down. Charter gets their signal off that antenna, as does Directv and Dish. Comcast and Verizon have direct links to the signal from Allston.

    • Stu Pidazzo
      October 23, 2016 at 12:49 pm

      I don’t think that would work in this case if the over-the-air signal is also hosed. Makes me wonder how Charter is receiving the signal- it almost sounds they receive the over-the-air signal and re-distribute to their customers. You’re paying for something that is free.

      • BHL
        October 24, 2016 at 5:58 am

        Just FYI, cable service was INVENTED on the premise of re-distributing OTA signals to people who were originally out of range of the antenna. Paying for cable delivery for something that is otherwise “free” is essential when you’re not able to get it OTA at all. However, if the transmitter is down, then it’s down. There’s not a helluva lot that can be done about it until it’s restored. Frustrating, yes… I’m an affected user and I’ve been missing WBZ since Saturday. But I cant make them erect a tower nor restore the service anymore quickly. My service provider has switched to a CBS affiliate in Baltimore, which has the audio severely out of synch with the video. I’m not sure which is worse. Having nothing, or dealing with this. I cant wait for WBZ to be restored.

    • NG Charter
      October 25, 2016 at 7:47 am

      How was it on Fios and Comcast if it was a WBZ antenna issue? Sounds like it was a
      Charter Issue, like the Charter issue that was causing 100% pixilation Monday till after 9:00 PM.

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